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What has been said about this b ook?. Re-cap. April 5 th , 2011. Yesterday, we read an excerpt (shortened version) of Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Half of a Yellow Sun Book Video. Today we reflect and develop our thoughts…. Historical Context
What has been said about this book? • Re-cap April 5th, 2011 Yesterday, we read an excerpt (shortened version) of Half of a Yellow Sun by ChimamandaNgoziAdichie Half of a Yellow Sun Book Video
Today we reflect and develop our thoughts… • Historical Context Following the secession of Biafra on 30 May (announced by Colonel OdumegwuOjukwu), the Nigerian government initiated a 'police action' with two columns of Federal troops heading into Biafra. The western column first headed towards Nsukka, north of Enugu, and the eastern column heading to Gakem, north east of Ogoja. The first confrontation was on 6 June 1967 when Nigerian Federal forces captured the town of Gakem, the start of three years of conflict which resulted in great human suffering – it is estimated that almost three million people died, mostly of hunger and disease.
Throughout our lesson we will attempt to pronounce terms and names correctly. • Chimamanda is pronounced “Che-ma-manda” • Name: Biafra Phonetic Pronunciation: bee-AHF-ruh
Language Shapes and Reflects Human Experience Discussion • • What is historical fiction? What does historical fiction offer that text books do not? This novel was written after the war, about experiences prior to the war. • How does the author engage us as readers? What literary elements/devices and languages does she use to share this experience with us?
Biafran Heroes Britian and USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) work with Nigeria to commit genocide on Biafra… unforgettable memory in the conscience of Britain till today. The evil men do must live with them. The great men of Biafra and the agony of Biafran war..
Many people (fans of Chimamanda) disliked the interviewer of the following interviews… • ChimamandaNgoziAdichie: Powerful words (1) What is ChimamandaNgoziAdichie’s perception of America? ChimamandaAdichie: Powerful words (2) What does ChimamandaNgoziAdichie think fiction should do? Listen. Think. Share.
Write in your Journal… …Continue thinking like a journalist… Develop an article about the author Assessment Be sure to include 10 facts and 15 opinions (opinions about the author) (opinions of the author) Opinions of the war Facts about the war Facts about Half of a Yellow Sun Facts about author Start with a list (Facts and opinions) Synthesize your list into 3 or more paragraphs Refer back to today’s notes Use text annotations Use biography Use links and sources on SchoolTown
Closure Song dedicated to Biafra The song title: Land of the Rising Sun The novel title: Half of a Yellow Sun