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National Apprenticeship Service (NAS). How Apprenticeships & Skills can support Councils’ Priorities and Economic Prosperity. Presented by Cathryn Henry, Employer Accounts Manager . Contents . What is an Apprenticeship The National Apprenticeship Service
NationalApprenticeship Service (NAS) How Apprenticeships & Skills can support Councils’ Priorities and Economic Prosperity Presented by Cathryn Henry, Employer Accounts Manager
Contents • What is an Apprenticeship • The National Apprenticeship Service • Local Authorities and Apprenticeships • Apprenticeship Reform • Next steps National Apprenticeship Service
What is an Apprenticeship? Centre piece of the Government’s skills policy A work-based training programme designed for employers by employers, For new recruits or existing staff as a pathway to progression. Allows the apprentice to gain real and relevant experience in a paid, productive job whilst gaining theoretical and underpinning knowledge and nationally recognised qualifications. On completion apprentices must be able to undertake the full range of duties, appropriate to the job, confidently and competently to a high standard expected by the employer. Over 100,000 employers in over 160,000 workplaces in England offer Apprenticeships.
What is an Apprenticeship? The Apprenticeship framework comprises: • Competency • (NVQ/Diploma) Technical Knowledge (Certificate/ Diploma) Functional Skills Maths/English/ICT Additional: Entry Conditions, Equality & Diversity, Progression (Non Statutory) • Employee Rights & Responsibilities Personal Learning & Thinking skills Specified Guided Learning Hours 4
Apprenticeships - Funding Investment from Government: 100% age 16-18 50% age 19-24 40% age 25+ *reduced subsidies for employers with 1000+ employees Each apprentice must have a registered training provider (which can also be their employer) There are 1,100 providers in England Each apprentice must be employed and their wages paid by their employer. Over 100,000 employers in over 160,000 workplaces in England offer Apprenticeships. 250 Apprenticeship ‘qualification framework’ areas. Programmes last from 1 to 4 years Frameworks are at levels: 2 (Intermediate), 3 (Advanced), 4 - 8(Higher) 5
Evidence of value and impact Apprenticeships deliver economic and social benefits National Apprenticeship Service For individuals… Higher Wages: individuals with an Intermediate Level Apprenticeship earn £73,000 more over their lifetime than individuals with similar or lower–level qualifications; and those with an Advanced Level Apprenticeship earn on average around £105,000 more* Satisfaction rates with Apprenticeships are high: 87% of Apprentices are more confident about their own abilities as a result of undertaking an Apprenticeship** For employers… Competitive advantage: 80% of workplaces employing apprentices agree that they make the workplace more productive. 81% of consumers favour companies who employ apprentices. 83% of employers who employ apprentices rely on the programme to provide skilled workers of the future*** For the wider economy… Apprenticeships create a diverse pool of labour from which others can recruit and promote; with additional benefits to other individuals and employers through the transfer of knowledge Value for money… The National Audit Office concluded that spending on Apprenticeships produces a good return on investment (Advanced Level £21 and Intermediate Level £16 for every £1 of public funding invested) * Source – London Economics **Source – Apprentice Learner Survey 2012 ***Source – Evaluation of Apprentices, Employer Survey - 2012
About the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) • Created by the government in 2009 and has responsibility for: • Increasing the number of employers offering apprenticeships • Improving the quality and diversity of applicants • Hosting the online apprenticeship recruitment system (AVonline) • 1.5billion annual budget • Engaging with a wide range of partners to help design the frameworks for apprentices. • Implementing all Government polices aimed at improving the quality and quantity of Apprenticeships. • WorldSkills UK National Competitions • The UK’s membership to WorldSkills International • Traineeships National Apprenticeship Service
Rising Number of Apprenticeship Starts Apprenticeship starts - nationally
Recent Successes National Apprenticeship Success rates In 2001/02 – 76% of starters did not complete their Apprenticeship programme In 2010/11 – 76% of starters successfully completed their programme National Apprenticeship Service
Apprenticeship Performance Apprenticeship starts by Sector There are nearly 250 frameworks offering 1,200 roles. There is a very varied picture across sectors, though all main sectors grew. Business, Admin / Law Retail Health, Public Services and Care Engineering andManufacturing Construction National Apprenticeship Service
Our priorities for 2013-14 Drive up quality and standards and increase employer ownership and engagement through supporting the successful implementation of the Richard Review and Holt Review. 1 Identify and tackle poor quality provision, deliver the Large Employer Outcome Pilot and Apprenticeship Grant for Employers and further simplify systems and processes for employers. 2 Improve access and drive up demand from individuals and employers in order to support growth for 16- to 24-year olds, at Advanced and Higher levels, and in priority sectors. 3 National Apprenticeship Service
Our priorities for 2013–14 4 Improve information and communication about Apprenticeships particularly to individuals, schools and parents, and through the successful operation of Apprenticeship vacancies. Traineeships: Ensure that providers and employers understand traineeships, using links with major employers to promote traineeships and secure their support to provide high quality work experience and progression into jobs and Apprenticeships. 5 National Apprenticeship Service
Local Authorities & Apprenticeships • Local Authorities can link with Apprenticeships in three ways: • As an EMPLOYER • As a partner in the drive to reduce WORKLESSNESS • As a key driver of ECONOMIC PROSPERITY in their locality • Local Authorities do utilise their role as an employer and influencer to support the worklessness agenda but often don’t take advantage of Advanced and Higher Apprenticeships to support their own workforce development plans and those of local businesses National Apprenticeship Service
Apprenticeship Reform • “The future of Apprenticeships in England: Implementation Plan” • October 2013 • radically simplify the system • put employers in the driving seat of apprenticeships • be based on standards designed by employers, to meet the specific needs of their industry • 60+ companies have already signed up to be ‘Trailblazers’ • will commence as early as the end of 2014 • will in the future last for a minimum of 1 year National Apprenticeship Service
Apprenticeship reform • “The future of Apprenticeships in England: Implementation Plan” • October 2013 • will be short and easy to understand - they will describe the skills and knowledge that an individual needs to be fully competent in an occupation • increase the quality of apprenticeships • an apprentice will need to demonstrate their competence through rigorous independent assessment and more thorough academic assessment – including stepping up the maths and English requirements; • apprentices will be graded – pass, merit, distinction – putting them on a par with full time education • require a minimum of 20% off-the-job training - time away from their workstation to focus on training National Apprenticeship Service
Next steps • If you would like to know more then you can: • Visit: www.apprenticeships.org.uk • Read: The future of apprenticeships in England: Implementation Plan • Contact: NAS Employer Account Manager • Phone: College/Training Provider National Apprenticeship Service
Traineeships What is a Traineeship? Traineeships prepare young people for their future careers by helping them to become ‘work ready’: to be able to secure a job or an Apprenticeship within 6 months. Traineeships will last anything from six weeks to a maximum of six months with the content tailored to the needs of the individual, including three core elements: Work placement (Unpaid) (minimum 6 weeks, maximum 5 months) Work preparation training. English and maths support if required. Providers and employers will be able to add flexible additional elements to the content of Traineeships to meet labour market and personal need. National Apprenticeship Service
Thank you Cathryn Henry cathyn.henry@apprenticeships.gov.uk +44 (0)7760 990 381 National Apprenticeship Service