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Shop Safety

Shop Safety. Chapter 11 Page 122. First Aid. If you need it---It’s here. Don’t give me the Quote- “Tough Guy Act”. Eye Safety. Gloves, Respirators, and Ear Protection. Arm Heat Sleeve, Knee Pads, & Back Protection. Body Wash and Eye Wash. Lifting.

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Shop Safety

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Shop Safety Chapter 11 Page 122

  2. First Aid • If you need it---It’s here. • Don’t give me the Quote- “Tough Guy Act”

  3. Eye Safety

  4. Gloves, Respirators, and Ear Protection

  5. Arm Heat Sleeve, Knee Pads, & Back Protection

  6. Body Wash and Eye Wash

  7. Lifting • 1. Stand close to the load with your feet spread apart about shoulder width, with one foot slightly in front of the other for balance. • 2. Squat down bending at the knees (not your waist). Tuck your chin while keeping your back as vertical as possible • 3. Get a firm grasp of the object before beginning the lift. • 4. Begin slowly lifting with your LEGS by straightening them. Never twist your body during this step. • 5. Once the lift is complete, keep the object as close to the body as possible. As the load's center of gravity moves away from the body, there is a dramatic increase in stress to the lumbar region of the back.

  8. Fire Extinguishers & Blankets Don’t feed oxygen to fire. Slam hood down, close doors! Fire! • Tell someone • Fight small fires only • Get extinguisher • Pull safety pin • Point hose at base of fire • Squeeze operating handle • Don’t let up until fire is out. Gauge reads in good range

  9. Fire Class I.D.

  10. Fire Cabinet, Rag Can, & Safety Gas Cans • All flammables must be in fire proof cabinet *Greasy rags go into can with lid

  11. Drop Lights • Use florescent type lights- They are cool to the touch, shatter resistant and are not an explosion waiting to happen—You can’t say that about the bulb type drop light.

  12. Battery Safety • Remove the NEGATIVE FIRST • Replace NEGATIVE LAST This is wrong, wrong, wrong!!!!!!!!

  13. Organizations and Terms • OHSA (Occupational Health & Safety Administration) • EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) • Hazardous Waste- include: cleaning supplies, battery acid, paints, used oil, heavy metals (lead), antifreeze, & refrigerants. • MSDS- Material Safety Data Sheets Know You Signs

  14. MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets)

  15. Points to Note • Material Safety Data Sheets provide information about handling, use and storage of chemicals that may be hazardous. • They also alert you to symptoms you will experience if you are exposed to the chemical, and provide basic first aid procedures. • All suppliers produce an MSDS for the product they manufacture and it should be provided when the product is purchased.

  16. MSDS

  17. Workshop safety equipment includes items such as: • Hand Rails • Machinery Guards • Painted Lines • Soundproof Rooms • Gas Extraction Hoses • Doors and Gates • Adequate Ventilation

  18. Your Safety

  19. What if there’s an Emergency

  20. Shop Ventilation is Key (especially during winter months)

  21. Asbestos Hazard • Take care not to use blow gun on brakes or clutches- Contrary to what manufactures say, asbestos is still used in brakes and clutch disks. • You can use a HEPA vacuum or use our brake washer.

  22. Electrical Safety • Use only cords and equipment in good working order. • Always use the ground prong type (third prong) there may be water around—we all know what that means. Don’t Do It Don’t Do It Don’t Do It

  23. Vehicle Concerns • Coolant- Can be more than 280 degrees (100 can burn your skin) • Fans- Steel blades can remove fingers- Can rotate up to 10,000 rpm • Belts- Can take you or your clothes/hair into pulleys and fans

  24. Tool Concerns • Vises- don’t use cheater pipe to tighten vise jaws • Puller- can explode if you use an impact wrench to tighten • Machinery- Don’t talk to person using machines, don’t bump a person using machines or while working on cars. • Machinery- Use and adjust guards and tool rests. • Grind mushroom off punches and chisels. • Use file handles with files. • Loud tools require hearing protection • Fast running tools have high rpm’s 20,000 or more.

  25. Jump Starting Safety + + - - +

  26. Cable Position on Dead Car Positive Negative on + Post on Engine Ground

  27. Jump Starting

  28. Refrigerant Safety • Old R-12 systems will kill you if you are under a car and breath in the invisible –odorless gas. • Refrigerant is very cold when leaking from the system- minus 50 degrees. = instant frostbite. • Air Conditioning systems are very hot near compressor • Refrigerant is harmful to the ozone layer.

  29. Not Acceptable

  30. Your Job. • Complete safety test 1-46 (Page 140-141) • Write on a separate paper and write out the complete question and your answer. ( do not write the other answer options). • Complete the chapter worksheet (I will give it out). You may write on it. • File both items in your note book. • Notebooks will be graded in the future.

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