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Disaster Management In India. M.P. Sajnani Retired Director (DM), Ministry of Home Affairs Ex-Advisor (DM), UNDP Former National Coordinator-India, ADPC Consultant (DRR). Approach to Disaster Management.
Disaster Management In India M.P. Sajnani Retired Director (DM), Ministry of Home Affairs Ex-Advisor (DM), UNDP Former National Coordinator-India, ADPC Consultant (DRR)
Approach to Disaster Management • It proceeds from the conviction that development cannot be sustainable unless disaster mitigation is built in, in the development process. • Objective is that hazards may be prevented from turning into disasters by taking mitigation and preparedness measures
Constitution of HPC on DM • Government appointed HPC on Disaster Management which submitted one of the most comprehensive report ever produced. • Shift in orientation from the relief centric approach to a multidisciplinary, multi-sector holistic approach • Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-07) outlined a multi-pronged strategy for total risk management for sustainable development • States advised to have Plan Schemes for Disaster Management
HPC on Legislation • HPC recommended a Model National Calamity Management Act and a Model State Disaster Management Act. • Initially the view taken was that instead of Central Legislation, States may be advised to enact State Legislation. • State Governments were advised accordingly
National Roadmap • National Disaster Management Framework drawn up in 2002; further refined in 2004 • It covers institutional mechanism; legal and policy framework; disaster prevention strategy; early warning systems; disaster mitigation, preparedness and response; National Network of Emergency Operation Centers; human resource development; research and knowledge management • States advised to draw up similar Roadmaps
Central legislation-Change in approach • Initially it was felt that since disaster management is primarily the responsibility of the State Governments and the Central Government provides financial and logistic support in case of major disasters, the State Governments should enact the state legislation on the subject. • However, after the tsunami disaster, it was decided in the All Party meeting held under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister on 9th January, 2005 to enact a Central Legislation covering all aspects of disaster management – prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction – and constitute Disaster Management Authorities at National, State and District level.
LEGAL MANDATE-The Disaster Management Act, 2005 • The Disaster Management Act, 2005 was enacted on 23rd December,2005. • The proposed legislation is relatable to entry 23 (social security and social insurance) in the Concurrent List of the Constitution. • This will have the advantage that it will permit the States also to have their own legislation on disaster management.
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) • The Act provides for establishment of NDMA • Pending enactment of the law NDMA was established by an executive Order on 30-5-2005; headed by Prime Minister. • Vice-chairperson and Members notified on 28-9-2005. • NDMA presently working on development of policies, guidelines and plans; also entrusted with the responsibility to take up mitigation projects. • NDMA is assisted by National Executive Committee.
Functions of NDMA • Lay down policies on Disaster Management • Approve the National plan. • Approve plans prepared by Ministries/ Departments of GOI. • Lay down guidelines to be followed by State Authorities in drawing up state plans. • Coordinate enforcement and implementation of policies and plans. • Recommend provision of funds for mitigation.
Functions of NDMA-Contd. • Take measures for prevention, mitigation, preparedness and capacity building for dealing with threatening disaster situation or disasters. • Lay down broad policies and guidelines for NIDM. • Recommend guidelines for minimum standards of relief. • Recommend relief in the payment of loans or for grant of fresh loans in case of disasters of severe magnitude.
State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) • Each State/UT to constitute SDMA headed by Chief Minister/Lt Governor, as the case may be. • SDMA will be assisted by State Executive Committee. • Provisions of Act relating to States notified from 1st August, 07.
Functions of SDMA • Lay down state DM policies; approve the state plan as per guidelines laid down by NDMA. • Approve DM plans of State departments. • Lay down guidelines for integration of measures for prevention and mitigation in the development plans and projects. • Coordinate implementation of State plan. • Recommend provision of funds for mitigation and preparedness measures. • Lay down detailed guidelines for standards of relief.
District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) • States to establish DDMA for every district headed by District Magistrate. • DDMA to act as the district planning, coordinating and implementing body for DM and take measures in accordance with the guidelines laid down by NDMA and SDMA. • Prepare district disaster management including response plan.
DDMA-Contd. • Coordinate implementation of national policies, state policies, national plan, state plan and district plan. • Take measures for prevention of disaster and mitigation of its effects through departments at district level and local authorities. • Examine construction standards; ensure communication systems; involve NGOs and take all operational measures. • Detailed functions laid down in section 30.
Local Authorities Subject to directions of district authority, a local authority shall- • Ensure training of its officers and employees for DM. • Ensure maintenance of resources to meet any disaster situation. • Ensure all construction projects conform to the prescribed standards and specifications • Carry out relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction activities.
Other Provisions • Act provides for constitution of Disaster Response Fund and Disaster Mitigation Fund at National, State and District level. • Each Department of Central and State Governments to make provision in annual budgets for implementation of District Plan. • Establishment of NIDM and NDRF. • Provides penalties for obstruction, false claims, misappropriation, false warnings etc.
Role of Central and State Governments • Management of disasters is the collective responsibility of the Central and State Governments. • In a disaster situation, the State Governments concerned are the first responders. • In the event of a major disaster, the Central Government supplements the efforts of the State Governments by providing requisite logistic and financial support.
National Policy on Disaster Management (NPDM) • Draft National Policy initially formulated in the Ministry. • Reviewed in NDMA. • Further considered in MHA. • Approved by Cabinet in October, 2009 • It lay down roadmap/directions for all Government endeavors. • A holistic and pro-active approach for prevention, mitigation and preparedness to be adopted. • Each Ministry/Department of the Central/State Government to ensure that disaster reduction elements are integrated with development planning.
NPDM-Approach, Principles and Objectives • Approach to Policy—multi disciplinary, multi- sectoral and holistic involving all stakeholders • Eight principles of National Policy • Protection of lives and properties • Economic growth and development • Concern for livelihood and employment • Integrating DRR with development • Preventing development becoming disaster • Protection of environment and heritage • Concerns for women, children and other vulnerable sections • Harnessing S&T for reducing disasters
NPDM-National Vision • Safer and disaster-resilient India • Holistic, multi sectoral , multi stakeholder and technology driven approach • Linkage with economic growth, development and environment • Attention to poor, women and weaker sections • Development of culture of prevention, mitigation, preparedness and prompt response • Entire process to centre stage community • Collective efforts of GOs, NGOs, Private Sector
Salient Features of Policy Objectives- • A holistic and pro-active approach for prevention, mitigation and preparedness to be adopted. • Each Ministry/Department of the Central/State Government to ensure that disaster reduction elements are integrated with development planning.
Salient Features of Policy Techno legal framework • Development and vigorous enforcement of Indian Codes/Standards relevant to multi hazard resistant designs and updating it on regular basis. • Review of development control regulations and zoning regulations. • Revision of relief codes/manuals so as to convert them into disaster management codes/manuals.
Salient Features of Policy Mitigation & Capacity Building – • Detailed evaluation & retrofitting of lifeline buildings. • Construction of multi purpose cyclone shelters. • Capacity building of all stakeholders.
Salient Features of Policy Preparedness and Response - • Development of fully trained and equipped specialist response teams. • Strengthening of civil defence set up to supplement local response and relief efforts. • Development of Standard Operating Procedures by all relevant Ministries/Departments at Central, State and District level.
Salient Features of Policy Relief & Rehabilitation - • State Governments to establish pre-contract arrangements for immediate mobilization of resources. • Central Government will also facilitate mobilization of resources when requested by State Governments.
Salient Features of Policy Awareness Generation - • People living in areas that are vulnerable to hazards will be sensitized to the hazards which they face as well as methodologies for mitigating the risk. • Wide dissemination of safe construction practices and dos’ and don’ts for various hazards will be undertaken through mass media, information, education and communication materials. • Public education on disaster risk management will be made an integral part of the school and university curricula.
Salient Features of Policy Human Resource Development - • Establishment of national centers of excellence for human resource development in areas of disaster mitigation, preparedness and response. • Promotion of research and development for early warning systems and prevention and mitigation of sudden onset disasters. • Involvement of community, civil defence volunteers, NGOs, ex-servicemen and youth organizations in all aspects of disaster management.
Financial Arrangements • Present funding mechanism for disaster relief (CRF/NCCF) to continue. • Mitigation projects to be factored into Five Year Plans/Annual Plans by Planning Commission; Guidelines to be laid down by NDMA. • Disaster Mitigation Funds to be created at national, state and district level to fill gaps in resources for financing mitigation projects. • Response Funds to be created at national, state and district level for emergency response, relief and rehabilitation. • Government to explore new financial tools such as disaster risk financing, insurance, micro finance and credit.