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Explore the evolution of English literature from Old English to Middle English periods for competitive exams. Learn about key poets, epic poems, dialects, and literary landmarks.
NTA - NET/ SET (English) CoachingHistory of English Literature(EnglishLiteratureforCompetitiveExaminatins:NET/SET/PGTRB) S. Jerald Sagaya Nathan, M.A., M.Phil., SET., NET., M.A. (M.C. & J)., Assistant Professor of English St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli- 620002 Tamil Nadu, India. E-Mail: jsnathan1981@gmail.com Website: https://sites.google.com/view/sjeraldsagayanathan/home Mobile Nos.: 9843287913/ 962928791
Recall… The Norman Conquest of England in the battle of Hastings is an important landmark in the history of English literature. It occurred in the year (a) 1066 (b) 1076 (b) 1065 (d) 1075
Recall… Out of the four chief dialects that flourished in the pre-Chaucerian period, the one that became the standard English in Chaucer's time is
Recall… Beowulf, the only important piece of literature surviving since the old English period is a/an
Authors of the old English [450AD -1066AD] Caedmon (poet)
Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English Race (731 A.D.)
Five Main Dialects of the Anglo-Saxon Period (1) the old Northumbrian dialect consisting of the Lowland Scots and Northern English; (2) East Midlands and West Midlands, corresponding to Mercian; (3) South-Western or Mercian; (4) South-Eastern or Kentish (5) South-Western or West Saxon.
Geoffrey Chaucer ( 1387 - 1400) • Morning Star of Renaissance • Introduced Iambic Pentameter (Canterbury Tales) • Introduced Heroic couplet (a pair of rhymed lines with iambic pentameter) • Proponent of Rhyme Royal S. Jerald Sagaya Nathan, SJC, Trichy. 9843287913
Questions What is blank verse?