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Training. Passende Bildauswahl !. Essential nutrients for your health. What is a Food Supplement?. Contents. Key message Introduction Product information Key benefits Posology & administration Target Group Ingredients Digestion Digestive disorders Good to know
Training Passende Bildauswahl! Essential nutrients for your health
Contents Key message Introduction Product information Key benefits Posology & administration Target Group Ingredients Digestion Digestive disorders Good to know Complementary treatment References
1. Key message • The liver is the largest solid organ and one of the most important ones in the human body. 1 • Classed as part of the digestive system, the liver’s roles include detoxification, protein synthesis, energy storage and food digestion. 1 • As one might imagine, with an organ as complex as the liver, there are many problems that can occur. When the liver is not functioning properly e.g. nutrient absorption, fat break down and the ability to adequately eliminate toxins from the body are negatively affected. 1 • digest active Denk is tailored for stressed people with an unbalanced diet to support the liver’s digestive function. Support your liver and biliary metabolism with digest active Denk.
2. Introduction • Fast Facts on the liver 1, 2, 3 • The liver carries out more than 500 roles in the human bodyand plays a central role in metabolic processes: • It is the only organ that can regenerate itself. As little as 25 % of a liver can regenerate in a whole liver. • Alcohol abuse is one of the major causes of liver problems in the industrialized world.
3. Productinformation Supports liverandbiliarymetabolism
3. Productinformation Supports liverandbiliarymetabolism
4. Key Benefits • digest active Denk contains high quality artichoke and milk thistle extract. • digest active Denk supports the digestive function. • digest active Denk stimulates the hepatic and biliary systems for a normal fat digestion. • It helps to maintain a healthy bile production. • It can help to reduce symptoms of dyspepsia.
5. Posology & administration INGREDIENTS INTAKE 1-2 capsules per day to be consumed before meals and with plenty of liquid.
6. Target group People who eat a lot of fatty food and drink alcohol. Stressed people who have an unbalanced diet(high in calories, refined carbohydrates and low in fiber). People who have dyspepsia, liver and/or gallbladder problems. Elderly people with a reduced function to produce digestive juice.
7. Ingredients MILK THISTLE- the active biological part of the herb, called silymarin, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which can help to maintain a healthy liver function. 4 ARTICHOKEcontains the active ingredient cynarin. Natural ingredients such as cynarin can prevent dyspepsia and activate the bile production.5 ZINC contributes to normal metabolism of fatty acids.6 CALCIUMcontributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes.6 MILK THISTLE ARTICHOKE ZINC CALCIUM
7. Ingredients MILK THISTLE • Is a plant native to the Mediterranean region. 4 • The name comes from the milky fluid that comes out of the leaves when they are crushed. 7 • Milk thistle is a medical plant that contains a flavonoid called silymarin.8 • Silymarin is found in the entire plant but it is concentrated in the fruit and seeds.8 • Silymarin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and protects the liver from toxins. 8 • It has metabolic, cell-regulating, hepatoprotective and anticarcinogenic effects. 9, 10
7. Ingredients ARTI-CHOKE • Artichoke (cynarascolymus) is a vegetable and medicinal plant. 5 • Artichoke leafs contain the active ingredient cynarin. 5 • It can reduce symptoms like nausea, vomiting, flatulence and abdominal pain. 5 • Decreases cholesterol, especially LDL-cholesterol an can improve LDL/HDL ratio. 11 • Has antioxidative and protective properties. 12 • Has a beneficial effect on the liver.13 • Has a bile-enhancing effect. 13 • Artichoke supports digestive and bowel function. 13
7. Ingredients ZINC • Zinc plays an important role in the metabolism of lipids including cholesterol, phospholipids, triglyerides, fatty acids, lipoproteins and essential fatty acids. 14 • It takes part in lipid metabolism as it is an cofactor of many important enzymes. 15 • Zinc supplementation was shown to 16 • significantly reduce total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. • significantly increase HDL cholesterol.
7. Ingredients CALCIUM • Digestive enzymes are protein molecules that catalyse the breakdown of large food molecules in smaller molecules to facilitate their absorption by the small intestine. 17 • Digestive enzymes are secreted by salivary glands, the glands in the stomach, the pancreas and the glands in the small intestine. 17 • Several digestive enzymes (e.g. lipase) require a chemical association between calcium and the enzyme for full catalytic activity to occur. 17, 18 • Therefore, calcium supports the normal function of digestive enzymes. 6
8. Digestion Digestion occurs in 6 main steps: 19, 20, 21 • Ingestion (chewing) • Propulsion (swallowing and peristalsis) • Mechanical breakdown (stomach, and intestinal peristalsis) • Chemical digestion (enzymes + the accessory digestive organs) • Absorption • Defecation Digestive enzymes are proteins that trigger chemical reactions. They break down macro-molecules in the food into building blocks that can be absorbed in the small intestine.
8. Digestion • Digestive enzymes are secreted by salivary glands, the glands in the stomach, the pancreas and the glands in the small intestine. 17 • They catalysethe breakdown of large food molecules in smaller molecules to facilitate their absorption by the small intestine.17 • Afterwards, the absorbed smaller molecules are transported throughout the bloodstream. • Chewing already breaks down food into smaller pieces so that the digestive enzymes and acids have access to more surface. • This facilitates the breakdown of large food molecules into smaller ones which can be absorbed in the small intestine. Digestive enzymes Large foodmolecules Smallerfoodmolecules
8. Digestion The digestive system consists of the gastrointestinal tract and the accessory organs of digestion (tongue, salivary glands, pancreas, liver and gallbladder). 22, 23, 24 • 1. Liver • Central organ for the metabolism • Produces bile salts • Stores important nutrients • Removes toxins from the bloodstream 1. Liver 3. Gallbladder • 2. Stomach • Fat digestion starts in the stomach • Fat is split partly by the enzyme lipase (built by the gastric mucosa) 2. Stomach 4. Duodenum
8. Digestion The digestive system consists of the gastrointestinal tract and the accessory organs of digestion (tongue, salivary glands, pancreas, liver and gallbladder). 22, 23, 24 • 3. Gallbladder • Stores bile which is important for the digestion and absorption of fats • Bile is forwarded into the duodenum • Toxins (that cannot be removed by the kidneys) are removed through the bile 1. Liver 3. Gallbladder • 4. Duodenum • Fat in the duodenum stimulates the gallbladder and the pancreas to release bile and lipase • Bile is required as an emulsifier to form fat droplets • Lipase splits those fat droplets in fatty acids and monocglycerids 2. Stomach 4. Duodenum
8. Digestion The biliary system 25 • The digestive juice called bile is produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder between meals. • During eating: • Bile is released from the gallbladder through the bile ducts which connect gallbladder and liver to the small intestine. • Bile mixes with the ingested fat. • Bile acids emulsify fat, so that intestinal and pancreatic enzymes (like lipase) can digest the fat molecules.
8. Digestion The biliary system 25, 26 • Consequences of bile deficiency • Heartburn because alkaline bile salts are needed to neutralize food that has been acidified in the stomach by hydrochloric acid • Build-up of toxins in the liver because of the fact that bile conjugates and carries out the body's burden of toxicity. • Poor digestion of fat Bile salt is the actual component which helps break down and absorb fats. Itis an emulsifier of dietary fats and essential for the utilization of the fat soluble vitamins E, D, K and A.
9. Digestive disorders • Dyspepsia 27, 28, 29 • Dyspepsia (also called upset stomach or indigestion) is a term used to describe one or more symptoms of pain or discomfort centered in the upper abdomen. • People may have one or more of these symptoms: • Early fullness during a meal • Belly pain or discomfort • Burning in the upper abdomen and heartburn • Bloating or nausea • Indigestion can be caused by a condition in the digestive tract such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcer disease or abnormality of the pancreas or bile ducts.
9. Digestive disorders • Dyspepsia Most people attribute digestive conditions to a problem with the stomach or intestines. Not many realize it could be a problem with the bile as well. 28, 29 More than 25% of adults present some kind of digestive disorder at one point in their lives. 27 Milk thistle and artichoke leaf extract contained in can support liver and biliary metabolism and hence digestive function.
9. Digestive disorders • Reasons of fat malabsorption and/or digestion can be either a lipase deficiency resulting e.g. from pancreatic insufficiency, or an abnormal bile salt synthesis or excretion. • Without enough good quality bile, fat cannot be digested and absorbed properly which results in an increased fat excretion • Symptoms • Diarrhea • Abdominal bloating and gas • Steatorrhea and fatty stools (due to high fat content) • Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K can only be absorbed with fat, thus a vitamin deficiency can occur19 Difficulties in fat digestion 30, 31
10. Good to know Food that is rich in fat and alternatives: 32
11. Complementary treatment INDICATION: digestion + + + Rani-Denk Panto-Denk Immun active • Calms nervous system • Controls the production of gastric acid • Treatment of mild, moderate and severe reflux diseases
12. References 1MedicalNewsToday (2018): What does the liver do? 2 PubMed Health (2016): How does the liver work? 3Häussinger D (2011): Liverregeneration. Deutsche Nationalbibliografie. 4 National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (2016): Milk Thistle. 5 Natural Medicines Database (2018): Artichoke. 6 European Commission (2012): Commission regulation (EU) No 432/2012. 7 University of Maryland Medical Center (2017): Milk thistle. 8Abenavoli L (2010): Milk thistle in liver diseases: past, present, future. Phytother Res. 24 (10): 1423-1432. 9Saller R (2012):The use of silymarin in the Treatment of Liver Diseases. Drugs: 61 (14) 2035-2063. 10 Post-White J (2007): Advances in the use of milk thistle (Silybummarianum). Integr Cancer Ther. 6(2): 104-109. 11Englisch W (2000): Efficacy of Artichoke dry extract in patients with hyperlipoproteinemia. Arzneimittelforschung. 50 (3): 260-265. 12 Gebhardt R (1997): Antioxidative and Protective Properties of Extracts from Leaves of the Artichoke against hydroperoxide-Induces Oxidative Stress in Cultured Rat Hepatocytes. ToxicolApplPharmacol. 144 (2): 279-286. 13 Salem B (2015): Pharmacological Studies of Artichoke Leaf Extract and Their Health Benefits. Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 70 (4): 441-53. 14Cunnane SC (1988): Role of zinc in lipid and fatty acid metabolism and in membranes. Progress Food Nutr Sci. 12(2): 151-188. 15Olechnowicz J (2018): Zinc status is associated with inflammation, oxidative stress, lipid, and glucose metabolism. J Physiol Sci. 68: 19-31. 16Ranasinghe P (2015): Effects of Zinc supplementation on serum lipids. NutrMetab. 12(26). DOI 10.1186/s12986-015-0023-4.
12. References 17 EFSA (2009): Scientific Opinion an the substation of health claims related to calcium and funtion of digestive enzymes (ID 355). EFSA Journal. 7 (9): 1210. 18 FiziolZh (1988): The role of calcium in the release of digestive enzymes by acinar cells of the pancreas. 34(4):13-18. 19 Digestive System, Part 1: Crash Course. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIoTRGfcMqM 20Verdauungstrakt, Teil 2: Crash Course. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqgcEIaXGME 21 Digestive System, Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGme7BRkpuQ 22 Berufsverband Deutscher Internisten e.V.: Leber- Aufbau und Funktion. Allgemeines zur Leber. http://www.internisten-im-netz.de/de_leber-allgemeines_848.html 23 John Hopkins Medicine: Biliary System: Anatomy and Functions. http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/healthlibrary/conditions/liver_biliary_and_pancreatic_disorders/biliary_system_anatomy_and_functions_85,P00659/ 24DocCheckFlexikon (2017): Leber. http://flexikon.doccheck.com/de/Leber 25 Powell T. The Lipids: Fats, Oils, Phospholipids and Sterols. Nutrition. Lane Community College Oregon. 26Mcevoy M (2011): Bile Deficiency: Heartburn, Poor Digestion, Toxicity. Metabolic Healing. 27 International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (2016): Functional Dyspepsia. 28 Mayo Clinic (2018): Diseases and conditions: Indigestion. 29 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: Indigestion. 30 Christophe AB (2000): Fat Digestion and Absorption. Urbana: AOCS. 31 Hotz J (1984): Leitsymptom: Fettstuhl. Deutsches Ärzteblatt. 32Felcher C (2017): Fettarme Ernährung. NetDoktor.
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