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P5 Outdoor Camp Briefing For Parents

P5 Outdoor Camp Briefing For Parents. 2014. Programme. High elements . Rock wall. High elements. High Rope course. Low elements…. Low wall. Tarzan swing. Low elements. Balance platform. Parallel rope crossing. Accommodation. Pupils’ room. Sick Bay….

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P5 Outdoor Camp Briefing For Parents

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Presentation Transcript

  1. P5 Outdoor Camp Briefing For Parents 2014

  2. Programme

  3. Highelements.. Rock wall

  4. High elements.. High Rope course

  5. Low elements… Low wall Tarzan swing

  6. Low elements.. Balance platform Parallel rope crossing

  7. Accommodation.. Pupils’ room

  8. Sick Bay….. Note: All female pupils sent to paramedic for treatment must be accompanied by Ms Nurul or Ms Aishah.

  9. Dragon Boating Date : 30 May 2014 2 sessions ( before and after lunch) Venue: Kallang River Dragon boat Association Centre Participants: Only for pupils who are certified swimmers and granted permission from their parent/guardian.

  10. Single hull dragon boat 20 pupils and max 3 adults per boat

  11. Each pupil will be given a life vest and a wooden paddle

  12. Launching platform

  13. Back paddling to prepare boat for launching

  14. Disembarking

  15. Safety Issues 01 Safety boat will be Launch while pupils are dragon boating

  16. Mini Shelter

  17. Thank you

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