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Synchronisation Primitives. Hardware Approach modifying a shared variable must be made an indivisible operation - atomic test-and-set test-and-set (int lock) { int temp; temp = lock; lock = 1; return temp; } mutual exclusion achieved by:
Operating Systems: Sema Synchronisation Primitives Hardware Approach • modifying a shared variable must be made an indivisible operation - atomic • test-and-set test-and-set (int lock) { int temp; temp = lock; lock = 1; return temp; } • mutual exclusion achieved by: while (TRUE) { while ( test-and-set(lock) == 1) { /* wait */ }critical section lock = 0; . . . . }
Operating Systems: Sema • swap swap (int a, b) { int temp; temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } • mutual exclusion achieved by: while (TRUE) { key = 1; while ( key == 1) { swap( lock, key ); }critical section lock = 0; . . . . } • increment-and-test with test-and-decrement • for counting how many processes waiting to enter a critical section
Operating Systems: Sema Motorola 68000
Operating Systems: Sema Intel x86
Operating Systems: Sema Intel x86
Operating Systems: Sema Intel x86
Operating Systems: Sema Sparc
Operating Systems: Sema ICL2900
Operating Systems: Sema ICL2900
Operating Systems: Sema • hardware approach • applicable to any number of processes on single or multi-processor • simple and easy to verify • can support multiple critical sections, each with their own control variable • problems • busy-waiting • deadlock • starvation
Operating Systems: Sema • Bounded-waiting solution possible (Silberschatz & Galvin): shared variable : waiting [0:n-1] = 0(n), lock = 0;process I variable key = 0; while (TRUE) { waiting [I] = 1; key = 1; while ( waiting [I]==1 && key==1) { key = test-and-set (lock); } waiting [I] = 0;critical section i j = (I+1) % n; while ( j!=i && waiting [j]==0) { j = (j+1)%n; } if (j==i) lock = 0; else waiting [j] = 0; . . . . }
Operating Systems: Sema Abstract approach : Semaphores (Dijkstra) • Definition: A semaphore is a non-negative integer which can only be acted upon by the operations P and V, both of which are atomic P : decrement the semaphore by 1 as soon as the result would be non-negative V : increment the semaphore by 1 For a semaphore s : P(s) : while (s==0) { /*wait */ } s = s-1; V(s) : s = s+1; • busy-waiting still implied for P(s)
Operating Systems: Sema • Mutual exclusion semaphore mutex = 1;process while (TRUE) { P(mutex);critical section V(mutex); . . . . } • mutex = 0 when process in its critical section = 1 when outside • binary semaphore only takes the values 0 and 1 • general or counting semaphores take any non-negative value
Operating Systems: Sema • Synchronisation • example: statement S1 of process 1 must be executed before statement S2 of process 2 : semaphore : synch = 0;process 1 process 2 S1; P(synch); V(synch); S2; . . . . . . . . • example: producer/consumer using unbounded buffer : semaphore : items = 0;producer process consumer process while (TRUE) { while (TRUE) {produce item P(items);put item in buffer take item from buffer V(items); consume item } } • items is a counting semaphore
Operating Systems: Sema For a bounded circular buffer producer/consumer : semaphore : items = 0, space = max;producer process consumer process while (TRUE) { while (TRUE) {produce item P(items); P(space); new item = buffer [get]; buffer [put] = new item; get = (get+1) % max; put = (put+1) % max; V(space); V(items); consume item } }
Operating Systems: Sema • Semaphores are used in real operating systems • to protect access to shared areas e.g. file directories, kernel tables • to synchronise process and I/O devices • input device driver producer/consumer model, user process producing output, device-driver consuming it • client/server model: server synchronised by semaphore s, user by semaphore u server process user process P(s) . . . . . . . . V(s) . . . . P(u) V(u) . . . . • system call to create semaphores when required • in practice, semaphores always implemented so as to avoid busy waiting
Operating Systems: Sema • Counting semaphores • can be implemented by a binary semaphore and a count variable • relevant when atomic machine instructions only implement binary semaphores semaphore : buff = 1, delay = 0; int items = 0;producer process consumer process while (TRUE) { while (TRUE) {produce item P(delay); P(buff); P(buff);put item in buffer take item from buffer items =items+1; items = items -1; if (items==1) V(delay); if (items>0) V(delay); V(buff); V(buff); } consume item } • buff protects use of shared variable items
Operating Systems: Sema Implementation of Semaphores • Using hardware instructions • for binary semaphores : P(s) : while ( test-and-set (s) == 1) { /* wait */ } or P(s) : ss = 1; while ( ss == 1) { swap (s, ss); } V(s) : s = 0; • for counting semaphores • test instructions set a condition code register, cc P(s) : wait: test-and-decrement (s); if ( cc <= 0 ) { increment-and-test (s); goto wait; } V(s) : increment-and-test (s)
Operating Systems: Sema • ICL 2900 used INCT and TDEC in reverse : -1 : semaphore free 0 : semaphore claimed but no-one waiting >0 : number of process waiting • INCT used for P operation, TDEC used for V operation • condition code tested the values: > 0 = 0 -1 < -1 • used to synchronise CPU with peripheral I/O channel and device controllers • Machines sometimes have built-in semaphore instructions • Busy-waiting potentially very wasteful of CPU time and inefficient • Semaphores most often implemented by system calls to kernel • can avoid busy-waiting by using process scheduling queues
Operating Systems: Sema Removal of Busy-waiting • Kernel process scheduling functions include : • maintaining a run queue of processes ready to run • maintaining priority queues of processes e.g. background jobs • maintaining queues of blocked processes, waiting on some event • suspending processes and preserving their context • re-activating processes - the dispatcher • Events that can block processes include : • page and segment faults • completion of I/O transfers • awaiting a signal of some sort • awaiting an inter-process message • process swapped out to disc • awaiting a semaphore
Operating Systems: Sema • Implementation of semaphores by system calls to the OS kernel • semaphore variable held by the kernel • each semaphore has its own scheduling queue • P and V operations now modified : P(s) : if ( s>0 ) s = s-1; else suspend process and enqueue it V(s) : if ( queue empty ) s = s+1; else unqueue next waiting process and enqueue on ‘run’ queue • dispatcher will re-activate released process in due course
Operating Systems: Sema Suspend process • to preserve to the complete state of the process - its context • process can be resumed later without any effect except gap in time • preserve the processes virtual memory contents : • all programs, shells, libraries, stack, heap and data areas, comms buffers etc. • option 1 : leave in situ • option 2 : swap out to disc
Operating Systems: Sema • preserve the volatile context • processor registers : • program counter, stack pointers etc. • general purpose and floating point registers • status registers, interrupt masks, condition codes etc. • preserve per process kernel data • segment and page virtual memory tables • location of process swap area on disc • scheduling status information • IDs - user, group, parent etc. • accounting data • pending signals, events • open files, sockets etc.
Operating Systems: Sema Process Context Block (PCB) • Process context is all held in a PCB (or referenced from it) process number program counter stack pointer status register, cc etc. GP + FP registers swap area on disc pointer to VM tables pointers to other kernel data scheduling queue link
Operating Systems: Sema • Some machines have replicated sets of registers for each mode • one set for normal user execution • another set for interrupt mode • example : ICL 4-75 had 4 sets registers • two full sets of 16 for user and kernel • two more reduced sets for interrupt response modes • example : the ARM processor has 6 modes: • user - normal execution • FIQ - Fast Interrupt reQuest • IRQ - normal interrupt request • Supervisor - protected and privileged for kernel execution • Abort - after a data or instruction abort • Undefined - after an undefined op. Code executed
Operating Systems: Sema • for machines without parallel register sets, the complete volatile context is often dumped automatically into memory : • on interrupt • on mode change • either into a dedicated memory area • or onto the top of the stack • example : Intel x86 TSS (Task State Segment) • sometimes, just the PC and status registers are dumped • the new mode has to preserve the GP and FP registers itself • often single instructions to do this • example : STM (store multiple registers) on the ARM (with LDM for reloading) • very careful programming usually required! • often needs to be in assembly code to avoid conflicts of register use from compiled code
Operating Systems: Sema Intel x86 Task State Segment
Operating Systems: Sema • linked PCBs often form the scheduling queues : run queue I/O blocked queue semaphore queue
Operating Systems: Sema • Changing from one process to another can be very costly : • preserving and reloading the volatile context • possibly swapping memory image out and in from disc • kernel mode change • loss of virtual memory context - TLB • loss of CPU execution pipeline contents • loss of cache context • instructions and data caches relate to execution of previous process • a significant loss of overall performance can result • rate of changing between processes must be controlled • for P and V operations between processes, context changing unavoidable • use of threads can help considerably • system calls can also consume significant amounts of CPU time • total kernel overheads can be alarmingly large! • not always as much concern as it should be!
Operating Systems: Sema • Scheduler Run Queue • the V semaphore operation releases a process waiting for a semaphore • its PCB transferred from the semaphore queue : • to the run queue if it is still memory resident and ready to go • to a blocked queue while it is swapped back in from disc • Scheduler • organises PCB queues • which priority queue • which blocked queue - awaiting disc transfer, semaphore etc. • and in what order - probably first-come-first-served • tries to work ahead of currently running process • so that there is always another process ready to run • may need to reschedule memory usage ahead of time • may need to initiate swapping in a process from disc • may need to ensure process causing blockage is run • possibility of deadlocks occurring otherwise
Operating Systems: Sema • important to avoid CPU wastage • overall scheduling strategy to meet particular objectives • batch streams • single user systems • shared server systems • real-time systems • Dispatcher • takes next PCB off run queue • reloads its volatile context • exits the kernel to continue the re-activated process • ‘return-from-interrupt’ instruction often provided • like a ‘return-from-subroutine’ instruction buts reloads context also
Operating Systems: Sema • In more detail, semaphore ops are now : P(s) : if (s>0) { s = s-1; continue to run * } else { preserve process context in PCB goto dispatcher } V(s) : if (semaphore queue empty) { s = s+1; continue to run * } else { take PCB off semaphore list put PCB on Run queue continue to run * } • * instead of continue to run, could have instead : preserve context goto dispatcher • i.e. process issuing P or V is also rescheduled • gives the kernel more control - an extra opportunity to reschedule
Operating Systems: Sema • Example: ICL 2900 semaphores -1 : free 0 : claimed >0 : number of processes waiting P(s) : INCT (s) if (cc > 0) SVC (enqueue this process on semaphore s queue) V(s) : TDEC (s) if (cc > 0) SVC (unqueue next process on semaphore s queue) • potential problem ? • advantage : no SVC overhead if no contention for semaphore • disadvantage : kernel doesn’t know who has the semaphore
Operating Systems: Sema • Example : device-driver semaphore : dd, request, requestor user process device-driver process set up request data while (TRUE) { V(request); P(request); P(requestor); start transferuse transferred data P(dd);deal with transfer termination interruptV(requestor) • interrupt vector table consists of entry point addresses for each device : . . . . . goto serial goto parallel . . . . . • code for each device : serial: V(serial_dd); parallel: V(parallel_dd); goto dispatcher goto dispatcher
Operating Systems: Sema Intel x86
Operating Systems: Sema Intel x86
Operating Systems: Sema • Deadlocks very possible using semaphores : process 1 process 2 P(s) P(t) P(t) P(s) . . . . . . . . V(s) V(t) V(t) V(s) • depending on the exact order of statement execution, each process could claim their first semaphore and then wait forever to get the other • deadlock loops can involve any number of processes : process 1 process 2 process 3 P(s) P(t) P(u) P(t) P(u) P(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . V(s) V(t) V(u) V(t) V(u) V(s) • need to be very careful to avoid deadlocks