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Grade 9 Science. Unit 1: Atoms, Elements, and Compounds. Grade 9 Science. . . U nit 1. Chapter 1: Atomic theory explains the composit i on and beh a viour of m a tte r . Lab. Sa f e t y . A. R e vi e w. Safety MUST be y our top p r io r it y .
Grade9 Science Unit 1:Atoms,Elements, andCompounds
Grade9 Science...Unit 1 Chapter1:Atomic theory explainsthe compositionand behaviourof matter.
Lab Safety... A Review SafetyMUSTbeyourtop priority. Know them beforeyou dothe laband use them whiledoing the lab.
Laboratory Safety Completeactivity 1-1A pg. 9
SafetyRules for the Science Lab pages 10-11 General Glassware Chemicals Hotplates and openflames Electricalequipment
WHMIS... Page12 W H M I S workplace hazardous materials information system
HazardSymbols... Page13 Dangerous Container Dangerous Contents
Properties of Matter Matteris anything that has andvolume. mass Massis theamountof matter in a substance Volumeis substance or object. theamountof spacea or objectoccupies.
Matterismade upofelements. Elementsaresubstancesthat contain onetypeofmatter cannotbebroken down or separatedinto simpler substances. and
DescribingMatter 1.PhysicalPropertiespg.18 Characteristics Canbeeither qualitative(observed) orquantitative (measured). ofmatter areoften observed that or measured.
•Color •Malleability •Lustre •Conductivity •Boilingpoint •Meltingpoint •Texture •Magnetism •Density
2.ChemicalProperties pg. a 19 Observed whensubstancesreactwith eachother. Determines substances usefulness.
•Reactivity •Combustibility •Toxicity
Core Lab Activity 1-2Cpg. 20 PhysicalandChemicalProperties
Theory vs. Law Atheory is lesswell thana law. supported Mostlawsaresupported by different androbust experimental evidence.
Atomic Theory Thedescriptions of matter howitbehaves. Hasundergone manymodificationsas new facts becameavailable. and
Earlyideas... 2000yearsago Empedocles:matterwas composed of four“elements”; earth,air,water,and fire.
Democritus:eventuallya substancewillbecut into thatcan no longer becut. calledthis piece atomos. a piece He
Developmentof Atomic Theory JohnDalton (1766-1844) Hesuggestedthattheparticlesthat makeup matterarelikesmall,hard spheresthataredifferentfor different elements. Hedefinedan atom asthesmallest particleof an element.
Dalton’sModel... Model BilliardBall
J.J.Thomson (1856-1940) Hesuggested that allatomsmust contain electrons (negative charge). Hismodel pictureda positively chargedballwiththe negatively charged electrons embeddedin it.
Thomson’sModel... Model RaisinBun
ErnstRutherford Hediscoveredthat nucleus. (1871-1937) atoms havea Therearetwo kinds ofparticles thenucleus;protons (positive in charge)and neutrons (neutral).
Rutherford’sModel... Model Planetary
NielsBohr (1885-1962) Heproposed that electronssurroundthenucleusin specificenergy levels orshells. Eachelectron has aparticularamount ofenergy.
Bohr’sModel... Orbital Model
Rutherfordwas ableto develop Thomson’smodel due to the development ofnew technologies.(gold foilexperiment) Thedevelopment ofcyclotrons andproton accelerators have furtherdevelopedthemodel accepted today. • •
Inside the Atom Subatomic Particle Charge Mass Location Proton(p+) + Large Nucleus Neutron(n) 0 Large Nucleus Electron(e-) - verysmall Energylevels
The Atom