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Business School Marjo Arola, International Coordinator Päivö Laine, Head of Degree Programme

International Cooperation and Double Degrees. Business School Marjo Arola, International Coordinator Päivö Laine, Head of Degree Programme. Interested in an International Career?. Double Degrees – An Opportunity for Students. STUDY TO GAIN AN INTERNATIONAL DOUBLE DEGREE !

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Business School Marjo Arola, International Coordinator Päivö Laine, Head of Degree Programme

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  1. International Cooperation and DoubleDegrees Business School Marjo Arola, International Coordinator Päivö Laine, Head of Degree Programme

  2. Interested in an International Career? Double Degrees – An Opportunity for Students STUDY TO GAIN AN INTERNATIONAL DOUBLE DEGREE! Learning, Networking, and Doing Business Internationally

  3. Double Degrees – An Opportunity for HEIs An Opportunity to DEVELOP MORE PROFOUND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION

  4. Terminology • Joint degree refers to a degree programme jointly developed and provided by more than one higher education institution, which confers one or more degree certificates (http://oph.fi/download/137549_Joint_and_double_degrees_november2011.pdf) • The Finnish Ministry of Education Recommendation uses the term ‘joint degree’ to cover what are known as ‘double degrees’, i.e. programmes conferring two or more degree certificates. • A ‘joint degree’ may also be used in international contexts to refer both to a double degree and to a joint degree conferring a single certificate • Other terms that may occur: dual degree, combined degree, conjoint degree

  5. What provides a good basis for the development of a double degree? • Functionalmutualcooperationbetween the partnersespecially in the field of studentmobility • A clear idea of the structure and content of the degreestructure of the partnerinstitution • Adequateoffering of coursestaught in English (in principlecoursescorresponding to oneacademicyear of study) • An overallpicture of interest in a doubledegree in the particularinstitution and country among the students

  6. How to proceed in a double degree scheme? (1/2) • Discussion to establish the willingness of bothparties to develop a doubledegree • Ensuring the sufficientcomparability/compatibility of the degrees (learningoutcomes, extent, level, content) • Comparison of the curriculumstructure (producingtables of equivalence) • Commitment to ECTS principles (credittransfer, workload, grading, etc.)

  7. How to proceed in a double degree scheme? (2/2) • Agreement of the mobilitystudyprogramme and the implementation of practicaltraining/internship and thesis • Agreement on the application and admissionprocesses • Agreement on tuitionfees (basically, feesareonlypaid to the home institution, not to the hostinstitution) • Agreement of the number of students and timetables • Agreement on qualityassurance and feedback system • Signing the contract

  8. Aspects to be considered in negotiations • Possiblelanguageskillrequirementsthatvary in differentcountries and institutions • Guaranteeing the sufficientknowledge of English of the participatingstudents • Includingteaching of the language and culture of the host country in the doubledegreeprogramme • Checkingthat the requirements of the degree and itsessentialparts (such as thesis and internship) willbemet in bothcountries • Arranging the necessaryorientation and studentcounselling for the participatingstudents

  9. Basic structure of a double degree (at SeAMK) • Doubledegreestudiesareconductedwithin the existingdegreestructure in bothinstitutions • The doubledegreeincludesstudies of oneacademicyear in the hostinstitution (thesismaybeincluded in this) and a one-semester (30 ECTS) internshipeither in an international operationalenvironment • The thesis is written in English and ithassupervisorsfromboth the home and hostinstitutions • Bothpartners design a basicdoubledegreecurriculumbut a personalcurriculumcanbeused for tailor-madesolutions • Studies at the home institutionwillbemutuallyrecognised

  10. What are the benefits of a double degree for the student? The double degree gives the student an opportunity to • complete two degree programmes in two countries • spend a well-organised study period abroad • gain valuable practical experience abroad • learn about international business from two different viewpoints • become familiar with the language and culture of the host country • develop your skills in Business English. All this leads to two Bachelor’s degree certificates from two different countries!

  11. Current Double Degree Agreements of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Business School • MendelUniversity, Brno, CzechRepublic • HochschuleAschaffenburg, Germany • Hochsschule Hannover, Germany • HochschuleRosenheim, Germany • University of West-Hungary, Hungary • VilniusCooperativeUniversity of Applied Sciences, Lithuania

  12. Double Degree Agreements being negotiated by Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Business School • St Petersburg State PolytechnicUniversity, Russia • University of Leon, Spain • Skoda Auto University, CzechRepublic • CzechUniversity of Life Sciences, Prague

  13. More information from Business School of Seinäjoki UAS Frami F, Kampusranta 11, Seinäjoki, Finland Päivö Laine Marjo Arola Head of Programme International Coordinator paivo.laine@seamk.fimarjo.arola@seamk.fi

  14. www.seamk.fi/ddbusiness

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