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Unlocking Knowledge: From Your Brain to Theirs

Discover the essence and value of knowledge - a vital asset in IT departments and beyond. Learn about knowledge acquisition and the complexity of transferring it, as well as the challenges and benefits of sharing knowledge with colleagues. Explore the evolving nature of knowledge in the digital age and the importance of centralizing information for easy access and dissemination. Embrace the wisdom, experience, and opportunities that come with sharing knowledge within your organization.

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Unlocking Knowledge: From Your Brain to Theirs

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  1. Knowledge; How to get it from YOUR brain to HIS/HER brain?

  2. Knowledge • “Someday, in the distant future, our grandchildren's grandchildren will develop a new equivalent of our classrooms. They will spend many hours in front of boxes with fires glowing within. May they have the wisdom to know the difference between light and knowledge” (Plato) • “The only source of knowledge is experience” (Albert Einstein) • “Information is not knowledge” (Albert Einstein) • “All wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price”

  3. Definition of Knowledge I • Knowledge is a familiarity with someone or something, which can include facts, information, descriptions, or skills acquired through experience or education. • It can refer to the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. • It can be implicit (as with practical skill or expertise) or explicit (as with the theoretical understanding of a subject) • It can be more or less formal or systematic

  4. Definition of Knowledge II • In philosophy, the study of knowledge is called epistemology; the philosopher Plato famously defined knowledge as "justified true belief." However, no single agreed upon definition of knowledge exists, though there are numerous theories to explain it.

  5. Knowledge Acquisition Knowledge acquisition involves complex cognitive processes: perception, communication, association and reasoning;

  6. By now, you all understand that acquiring knowledge is Complex Imagine how complex it is to transfer it…….

  7. Maybe the Vulcans figured it out?

  8. Some think it will be solved by IT (like everything else….)

  9. While others are still trying other stuff

  10. The value of knowledge

  11. What is the value of YOUR knowledge? • Probably one of the most valuable assets in the IT department (if not the company) • Nr of years required for a new employee to become 100% productive • Number of trainings required x $$$$ • The number of mistakes made by inexperienced people (and YOU…) • (downtime, outage & failures) • Time it takes to help/assist/train colleagues

  12. Value?

  13. So how about YOU?!?!?! • Years in IT • Understanding of systems, hardware, networks and applications • Years in your company • Understanding of applications, connections between applications, business implications and “who to go to” • Years…. • Wisdom & experience • But also arrogance and maybe even a bit of laziness Brain Full!!

  14. Knowledge, not just facts…….. • Imagine a performance problem • Without real knowledge, you dig your way through with trial and error • With knowledge, you almost instinctively “know”…..

  15. More “knowledge”…. • Corporate IT Knowledge is not just what’s in your heads.. • Google…….

  16. Why share? • You are no longer just the specialist you used to be…. • Doing more with less people means you have new workloads • You are now a “Jack of all trades and a Master of one” • You share more, and need others to share • More new technology is added every month • Slowly but steadily, a new generation is coming in • Last but not least; we simply cannot afford to spend days just mentoring and teaching

  17. How on earth??? • So how on earth can you share most of what is in your “system” and all the other stuff with peers and newbies? • Centralize…..

  18. Centralize?! • Centralizing documents, websites etc. is not easy, but possible • One button, one source, one search action • Centralizing what YOU know is harder because, there really IS nothing to centralize….. • And finding it may be even more difficult • Or is there…..

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