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Learn about the high unemployment rates in Macedonia and explore the concept of Voucher Communities as a possible solution. Discover how Voucher Communities can generate activities among the unemployed, motivate them to offer their skills on the labor market, and improve their quality of life.
Background information about the unemployed What triggers unemployment? According to last registration in Employment Bureau, in Macedonia there are 364.351 unemployed people. Only in Tetovo region there are approximately 30.000 unemployed people with different profession. Half of those people are so called “sleepers”, people who are just registered to get health insurance and receive social help. Most of them lost any hope that they will get job, so they accept the reality and wait something to “move” them. What is Foreign Direct Investment and how is it related to the unemployemnt? What we can do to improve the situation – possible actions and measures?
Voucher communities- one possible solution - What is “voucher communities”? How it works Discussion
Objectives Objective 1: to generate activities among unemployed people Objective 2: to motivate unemployed people to offer their knowledge and skills on labor market Objective 3: to encourage the unemployed to register with bureau for employment Objective 4: to create place where unemployed people can offer their services to other unemployed people but in same time to get goods and services Objective 5: to improve the quality of life
Who could be member of the VC Condition for membership Member of the Voucher Community - VC can be each person who has status of unemployed person. He/she presents the letter of Bureau for Unemployment and sign that accept the condition of Voucher Communities.
Activities preparation Establishing the clearing agency (legal procedure, team) Contacts with the taxation office, ministry of finance, central bank Authorization from relevant institution Contacts with Employment Bureau Contacts with other institutions like municipality, governmental institutions, private firms… Preparing the vouchers Promotion of clearing agency (media, flyers, forums…)
Activities implementation Creating data base with info about members of VC Electronically and printed version of data base is created for this program. Data base contains all information’s of VC members, like: name, profession, skills, contact details (phone and address). Data base will be on disposal for VC members. Printing the vouchers Vouchers will be printed in amounts of 100, 500 and 1000 denars. Vouchers will contain serial number, amount of the voucher, issued by, date of expire. On back page vouchers will have printed contract which will be valid as contract between two members of Voucher Community. Vouchers will be valid 3 months and will be printed at beginning of every quarter. Running the clearing agency Monitoring the work of members of VC Contacts with members of VC
Expectations and achievements Expected results Approximately (2.000) unemployed people to become members of Voucher Community. Sustainability This program is created to become sustainable after 6-9 months. It’s planed that each member of VC pays 1 EUR for ID card and 1 EUR for vouchers (cost on every 3 months). With that money VC can cover office running cost. After we reach the number of 2000 or more members program can be lead by it self.
Advantages Budgetary Psychological Networking