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Ice Breaker Back-to-Back. Group Size: 12-Unlimited Time: 5-10 mins
Ice BreakerBack-to-Back Group Size: 12-Unlimited Time: 5-10 mins Explain the three moves: Nananana- Put your hands on your hips and shake! Boogaboogabooga- Moose ears, Awoooga- Elephant trunk. Pair off and stand back to back with your partner. Facilitator counts to three, and on three pairs turn to face each other and try to match their gestures. If they match three times in a row they sit. Play until all pairs are sitting.
Ice Breaker We Got the POWER! Group Size: Unlimited Time: 5-10 mins depending on size Create a circle and start the chant: P!...O!,W!,E!,R! we got the power cause WE are FOOD JUSTICE; My name is ____, (circle says “uh huh”) and I’m first on the list (un-huh), and i got the POWER because I do it like this....(person does a dance move and everyone in the circle also does the dance move while saying “S/he got the power cause s/he does it like this”). This goes around the circle...”My name is ___and I’m second on the list...”
Ice BreakerTwo Truths and a Lie Group Size: 5-20 Time: 10-20 mins Give the group some time to write down two things about themselves that are true, and one thing that is a “lie.” Each group member will then share these facts about themselves and the rest of the group has to figure out which “fact” is actually a “lie.”
Ice BreakerAmazonian Chant Group size: Unlimited Time: 5 minutes Facilitator tells a quick story about visiting the Amazon or somewhere, and learning this chant from the people there. The rest is a call and response. Stand in a circle. Start out quietly and bending over low/bobbing up and down, then grow louder and taller, until you are screaming and jumping up and down. The facilitators have to be MAD HYPE for this to work :D Song: Ooh ah-leh ah-leh (repeat) a tiki tiki tumba (repeat) a wasa wasa wasa (repeat) ooh, alaweh, alaweh, alawaaaah (repeat)
Ice BreakerZip Zap! Group Size: 5-30 Time: 10-15 mins The group circles up and learns the name of the person to their right (zip) as well as the name of the person on their left (zap). The group leader stands in the middle of the circle, points to someone and asks, “Zip!” or “Zap!” That person must say the name of the corresponding person. If they can’t say their name in time, or hesitate, they are flung into the middle of the circle. The middle person can also call out “Switch,” forcing everyone to switch places in the circle and learn names anew.
Ice BreakerIf You Love Me Baby, Smile Group Size: 7-25 Time: 5-10 mins Participants stand in a circle with one person in the middle. The person in the middle walks up to one person in the circle and says “If you love me baby, smile.” The goals is to make the person on the outside of the circle laugh or smile before they reply “I love you baby, but I just can’t smile.” If they laugh or smile then they get to be in the middle. If they don’t then the person in the middle moves on the say the phrase to someone else in the circle. No tickling or touching.
Ice BreakerSeed, Sprout, Plant, Fruit Group Size: 15-30 Time: 5-10 mins Start by talking through the phases of a plant and demonstrate action for both. It begins as a seed planted in earth (squatting with arms around knees), shoots up a sprout (open hand on forehead), grows into a plant (standing up with arms in air) and eventually bears a fruit (arms in circle shape in front of you). Each person will begin as a seed and play one round of rock paper scissors with another seed. If they win they grow into a sprout. They can play rock paper scissors with other sprouts and if they win grow into the next stage etc. Play until everyone has grown into fruit.
Ice BreakerHello! Hello! Hello! Group Size: 8-Unlimited Time: 10 minutes Group members form a circle, except one person who is “it”. “It” walks around the outside of the circle and taps a person. The two greet each other, shaking hands and saying, “Hello! Hello! Hello!” Then the two run around the circle in opposite directions. When they meet, they come to a complete stop and greet each other again. When they finish their handshake and greeting, they continue running around the circle each trying to be the first to return to the vacant spot. Whoever gets there second is “it” and starts the sequence again. (Instead of running, participants can skip, hop, run/walk backwards, etc.)
Ice BreakerBall Name Game Group Size: Unlimited Time: 10-15 mins Participants stand in a circle. The facilitator says someone’s name and tosses an object to that person. That person picks someone else and tosses the object to them. The facilitator adds more and more objects and the group must continue to name and toss in the same order. Can also go backwards!
Ice BreakerFruit, Milk and Veggies Group Size: 5-30 Time: 10-15 In a circle, this game has 3 directions in which the action moves. Fruit = left hand on top of head (pointed to the right). Person on right goes next. Milk= right hand under the chin (pointed to the left). Person on left is next. Veggies = Hands clap together with fingertips pointing to anyone in the circle. If someone hesitates or makes a mistake they are out of the circle. But they can heckle the circle group and shout all kinds of food names to confuse people.
Ice BreakerAlive Awake Alert Enthusiastic! Group Size: Unlimited Time: 4 minutes Have the group in a circle, doing this warm-up altogether. This is basically head shoulders knees and toes in reverse. Toes= Alive; Knees= Awake; Shoulders = Alert; Head = Enthusiastic. The song goes: “I’m alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic. I’m alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic. I’m alive, awake, alert. I’m alert, awake, alive. I’m alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic.” Keep repeating, faster and faster, about six times.
Ice BreakerThe Blanket Game Group Size: 14-30 Time: 5-10 mins Two teams gather and sit on either side of a blanket. The blanket is held up so that the teams cannot see each other. One person from each team goes up to the blanket quietly. On the count of three, the blanket drops so that each of the selected members are facing each other. Whoever says the other person’s name correctly first wins. Whoever loses must go to the other team.
Ice BreakerWhere the Wind Blows Group Size: 10-50 Time: 5-15 mins One individual stands in the middle of the group, which is seated in the circle. The middle person decides that “The big wind blows for…” and completes the sentence whoever they choose, “…all those who ate vegetables today,” or “…everyone who brushed their teeth today”. Everyone who it applies to scrambles to find a new seat, while the caller jumps to a vacated seat. The newly seat-less person gets the winds blowing again.
Team BuilderHuman Knot Group Size: 8-15 Time: 15 mins This activity will literally bring people very close together. You may even want to consider if your group is ready for this type of contact. The group begins in a circle and steps in so that everyone can put one hand in the circle and shake someone else’s hand…without letting go! Next, everyone shakes and hangs onto a different person’s hand in the circle, again, without leaving grasp. Now the group must slowly untangle itself from its knotty predicament. Group leaders should encourage the participants to address each other by their first names, to increase familiarity.
Team BuilderLap Sit Group Size: 10-50 Time: 5-10 mins Everyone in the group stands in a circle with their toes touching the heels of the person in front of them. Participants also put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them. On the count of three everyone bends their knees, and gently sits down on the person’s lap behind them without falling. For an additional challenge the group can sing a song while sitting or try to raise their hands while sitting.
Team BuilderFit on the Boat Group Size: 5-8 per team Time: 10 mins Participants break into two-three teams (depending on size). Each team has to fit all of their members on “ship”. Use a piece of paper, mat, or tree stump. No one can be touching the “shark infested waters”- the ground outside of the designated square.
Team BuilderThe Counting Game Group Size: 10-20 Time: 10-15 mins Group sits silently in circle. If there are 20 people in the group then the goal is to count to the highest number. No more than one person can shout out a specific number at a time. And no one has an assigned number to shout. For example if more than one person says three, then the group has to start over. Each person can shout out more than one number while counting.
Team BuilderGet the Bottle The facilitator stands behind the bottle facing the participants from 20 feet away. The participants must get the object back to their starting line without the facilitator guessing who has it. The facilitator turns around with the participants behind the facilitator and loudly says, “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish”. The participants may only move while the facilitator is turned the other way and is speaking the phrase. When the facilitator finishes “blue fish”, s/he turns around and all the participants must freeze. If any of the participants are moving after “blue fish,” the whole group goes back to the starting line. If no one is caught moving, the facilitator turns around again and loudly says, “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” and the participants get to move from their current spot. Once participants get close enough to take the object from behind the facilitator, the participants need to hide it behind their backs so the facilitator does not know which student has the object.Participants still may only move during the phrase, but once the object is taken, the facilitator gets to guess who has the object. If the facilitator guesses correctly, the object is returned and the participants start over at the starting line. After incorrect guesses, the participants continue moving from where they are during the phrase.
Team BuilderHula Wiggle Group Size: 15-30 Time: 5-20 minutes Group members hold hands in a circle. At one point on the circle, stack two hula hoops around two people clasped hands. Keeping their hands clasped, the group members use any body parts/motions to move the hoops around the circle in opposite directions and back to the start. (Hula hoops must travel over people and through each other.)
Team BuilderOrange Pass Group Size: 10-20 Time: 10-15 mins Teams form a straight line. They race to pass the orange from the beginning of the line to the end of the line. Orange must be passed by grabbing it between chin and chest. No hands allowed! If the orange drops it must start again at the beginning of the line.
GameSPUD Group Size: 10-25 Time: 10 mins One person is picked to be it. All of the other participants are given numbers. The person who is it will throw the ball into the air and call a number. The person whose number was just called scrambles to retrieve the ball, while the others scatter about. As soon as the person whose number was called retrieves the ball, he/she shouts, “Stop!” Everyone must freeze in their places while the person with the ball is allowed to take three steps and throw the ball at whomever they think they can hit. The person who is hit by the ball is then it, and gets a letter (S-P-U-D). The whole cycle starts over again. If one person gets all four letters (S-P-U-D), that person is eliminated from the game.
GameScreaming Toes Group Size: 15-30 Time: 5-10 mins The group huddles, all looking down. While looking down, the players chooses a pair of toes to look at. At the count of three, all follow their chosen pair of toes up to that person’s eyes. If two people find that they are looking at each other in the eyes, then they both scream and are out of the game. This is an elimination game. The last two people remaining win.
GameSeismology Group Size: 10-15 Time: 10-15 mins One person asked to leave the room has to return and guess who is setting the circled group’s pattern, which everyone is following. The group pattern leader was selected when the guesser was out of the room. When the secret leader changes patterns (claps, snaps, tummy rubs, etc) everyone in the circle discreetly follows suit without tipping off the guesser, who stands in the middle of the circle and has three chances to find the source of the “smoke signals.”
GameSilent Auction Group Size: 15-25 Time: 5-10 mins The group makes a circle around the person who is it. The person who is IT is trying to get out of the middle and make another be IT. The players making up the circle are trying to swap places in the circle without the person who is IT taking their spot. The players cannot talk in order to swap with each other, they must attempt to communicate in another way, hand signals, the eyes, whatever works. If a player who is attempting to swap gets their place taken by the person who is IT, then they are IT.
GameSing it right or…. STARVE! Group Size: Unlimited, split into 3-4 teams Time: 5-10 mins A word is chosen by the facilitator. The two teams go back and forth singing songs with that word in it. You can just do this for fun or for points. If a team cannot think of a song, the point goes to the other team.
GameHand Tap Group Size: 5-15 Time: 5-10 mins Players sit in a circle and place their hands in the middle. They cross arms with the players next to them so that the hands on the ground are alternating. A player’s left hand should be on the other side of the player to the left’s right hand. One player starts with a tap and the tap is sent around clockwise until a player double taps and the direction is reversed. If a player taps out of sequence they are out. This is an elimination game. Play until you have a winner.
GameGiant Wizards and elves Group Size: Unlimited Time: 10-15 mins This is basically giant rock-paper-scissors. Split into two groups. There are three gestures: Giants (standing on toes with arms out) wizards (wand movement) and elves (jazz bunny ears). Giants crush wizards, wizards zap elves and elves tickle the feet of giants. Each teams gets a few moments to decide which they will be. The two groups face standing on a line facing each other. Designate a safe zone on either side of line that is equally far from the center line. On the count of three each show their choice as a group. The group that wins must chase the losing group to their side. Any person in the losing group that is tagged before they get to the safe zone becomes a part of the winning team. Repeat for a few rounds.
GameFruit Game Group Size: Unlimited Time: 5-10 mins Group sits in a circle. Every player decides on a fruit that they want to be. All must be different. One starts saying their own fruit three times then another’s fruit three time. That player must then say their fruit and another player’s fruit and it gets passed around like that. There’s a catch. No one can show their teeth of they are out. Even if it is not their turn they must not show their teeth. Even when it is so funny you can’t stand it you can’t show your teeth. If you do you are out. Last remaining wins.
GameBlob Tag Group size: 20-50 Time: 5-10 mins Everyone is IT. When you tag someone that becomes attached to you add as many to your blob as possible. If two blog tag one another they become one blob. A blob must hold hands and only the end people can tag. In the end there should be two big blobs trying to tag each other.
GameYour Hand, Your Neighbor’s Hand Group size: Unlimited Time: 10 minutes Props: Small objects to pass along Have the group stand in a tight circle. Have everyone hold their left hand out, palm up and make a fist with their right hand. Start the chant 'Your hand, your neighbor's hand; your hand, your neighbor's hand…" demonstrating the motion of placing your right hand in your left hand, then placing your right hand into the open hand of the person on to your right. A bead will be placed in someone's hand and will be passed along the circle, using the right hand to move the bead from person to person. One person will begin in the middle and will start with their eyes closed. Once the bead gets moving, have the person in the middle open their eyes. If the person in the middle points to someone, they must show if the bead is in their possession. If that person is holding the bead, he or she goes into the middle of the circle. If they do not have the bead, the bead and the chant continue until the person in the middle locates the bead. Add more beads for extra excitement. The person in the middle still only needs to find one bead.