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CHAT ROOMS & INSTANT MESSAGES. By Audrey and Amanda. CHAT ROOMS. What is it? Chat: a service offered by some Internet Service Providers (ISP) and some internet sites that set aside a space in which two or more internet users can meet in real time. Chats can be public or private.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CHAT ROOMS & INSTANT MESSAGES By Audrey and Amanda

  2. CHAT ROOMS What is it? • Chat: a service offered by some Internet Service Providers (ISP) and some internet sites that set aside a space in which two or more internet users can meet in real time. • Chats can be public or private.

  3. CHAT ROOMS How do you use it? • A virtual space that is established which participants can enter • You communicate by typing a message and send it for public display in the chat room. • This allows individuals to respond to each other in real time in internet space. • All users must have the same chat software.

  4. INSTANT MESSAGING What is it? • A form of chat that is one to one that can be started whenever another user is simultaneously online.

  5. INSTANT MESSAGING How do you use it? • Typically configure the IM software to notify you when specific individuals go online. • Once notified that an individual is online, you can IM that individual, which is an open, two person, temporary message room in which to communicate.

  6. PROS & CONS Pros: • Chat software can be downloaded, but is most often a part of an ISP’s services. • Public chat rooms can have multiple participants. • Private gives you the opportunity to conduct business one on one. • You can establish national and international dialogue with colleagues across the globe. • Free internet resource. • Live interaction Cons: • Public chat rooms are difficult to control/monitor content. • Private allow only designated individuals to participate. • Chats are synchronous, all parties must be prepared to participate at a specific time. • You never know who you’re really talking to.

  7. Sources/References • http://thecoccinella.org/gallery2/d/43-4/groupchatMac.png • www.bizzia.com/files/169/2008/04/im.jpg • Teaching and Learning with Technology • Judy Lever-Duffy and Jean B. McDonald

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