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Presentation Transcript

  1. 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 700 700 700 700 800 800 800 800 900 900 900 900 1000 1000 1000 1000

  2. m/s describes this measurement Answer

  3. What is Velocity

  4. This is the upper layer of a lake Answer

  5. What is the Epilimnion

  6. The surface of water found belowground Answer

  7. What is the Water Table

  8. N Answer

  9. What is Nitrogen

  10. This type of graph Answer

  11. What is a hydrograph

  12. These temporary wetlands are important spring habitat Answer

  13. What are Vernal/Ephemeral Pools

  14. The energy required to move a unit of water from one datum to some other place Answer

  15. What is Hydraulic Head

  16. A quick method for assessing river habitat conditions Answer

  17. What is a Rapid Bioassessment

  18. The yellow area below Answer

  19. What is a Point Bar

  20. NTUs are a unit of this Answer

  21. What is Turbidity

  22. This is the area between ground surface and the water table Answer

  23. What is the Unsaturated Zone

  24. PO4 Answer

  25. What is Phosphate

  26. The units for discharge Answer

  27. What is m3/s

  28. Status of a nutrient-poor lake Answer

  29. What is Oligotrophic

  30. This is the fraction of voids over the total volume of a soil sample Answer

  31. What is Porosity

  32. BOD stands for this Answer

  33. Biological Oxygen Demand

  34. Filamentous algae growing on rocks Answer

  35. What is Periphyton

  36. A curved lake in a floodplain Answer

  37. What is an Oxbow

  38. The K value in Darcy’s law: Q=KA Answer

  39. What is hydraulic conductivity

  40. This group controls monitoring stations in CT rivers Answer

  41. What is the USGS

  42. These numbers are used to describe this Answer

  43. What is Stream Order

  44. Microscopic lake animals Answer

  45. What are Zooplankton

  46. Groundwater makes up this % of the world’s fresh water Answer

  47. What is 30%

  48. The presence of this insect’s larvae is used as an indicator of water quality Answer

  49. What is a stonefly

  50. Sediment moving along bottom of stream Answer

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