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Chapter 12: Preparing Your Future

Chapter 12: Preparing Your Future. Careers Now!. Societal Changes Economic Changes Ability to change jobs Life expectancy. The Importance of Career Exploration in College. What do you want out of your college experience? Having the skills vs. Knowing what you want Thinking positive.

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Chapter 12: Preparing Your Future

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 12: Preparing Your Future

  2. Careers Now! • Societal Changes • Economic Changes • Ability to change jobs • Life expectancy

  3. The Importance of Career Exploration in College • What do you want out of your college experience? • Having the skills vs. Knowing what you want • Thinking positive

  4. Happy in Life and Career • What are the benefits of work? • Paycheck • Structure • Interpersonal interaction • Source of status • Fulfillment • Others?

  5. Life Satisfaction • Life after adolescence has three basic components • Sleep = 1/3 our life • Play = 72 hours/wk • Work = 1/3 Take Responsibility!

  6. Career Exploration: Seven Steps • Step 1: Exploring your values • What means the most to you? • Developed through interaction with family, friends, other important people • Career must compliment their values

  7. Step 2: Pinpointing your personality type • Impossible to pinpoint • We all have characteristics and behavior patterns that remain stable • Important to choose a career that meshes well with our personality!!

  8. Step 3: Evaluating your interests and skills • How can your individual interests be transformed to a job you’ll love? • Examples? • Simply understanding your interests is not enough

  9. Step 4: Finding Careers that will “match” your characteristics • After you identify career option best suited to your personality, then match this info with actual options • Note: Occupational Information Network (O*NET) www.doleta.gov/programs/onet/

  10. Step 5: Researching interesting careers • Act on information, not feelings • Create a list of possibilities • Ask yourself the right questions

  11. Step 6: Envisioning your future • You do not have to make a final decision on a career right now!!! • Visualize having different careers • Ask yourself, “Is this something I would actually want to do?”

  12. Step 7: Declaring a major • Subject to change • Improves motivation • Decide which major will best help you achieve the goal of having that career and PURSUE!

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