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RHESSI RECEIVING REVIEW. RHESSI RECEIVING REVIEW. RHESSI RECEIVING REVIEW. RHESSI Receiving Review. Mission Overview Dr. Robert P. Lin Principal Investigator University of California at Berkeley. Imager – Side View. Imager – side view. Mechanical Cryocooler. RHESSI Receiving Review.

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  4. RHESSI Receiving Review Mission Overview Dr. Robert P. Lin Principal Investigator University of California at Berkeley

  5. Imager – Side View Imager – side view

  6. Mechanical Cryocooler

  7. RHESSI Receiving Review Mission Status Dr. Manfred Bester Project Manager University of California at Berkeley

  8. Mission Requirements

  9. Spacecraft Systems • Spacecraft Bus (Spectrum Astro) • Spin Stabilized Sun Pointed Platform • ACS Comprises Coarse and Fine Sun Sensors, Magnetometer and 3 Torquer Rods • 4 Solar Panels, 11 NiH2 15 A-hr CPVs • S-Band Transceiver, 4 Antennas • Instruments • Imager Including SAS, RAS, ADP (PSI) • Spectrometer, IDPU, PMT-RAS, PD (UCB)

  10. Ground Systems Design

  11. U.C. Berkeley Mission Operations Center BGS Antenna, Equipment Racks and FOT Workstations at the UCB Mission Operations Center

  12. IT Network Security • Revised IT Network Security Plan Submitted to GSFC • Covers Joint RHESSI and FAST Operations • Enhanced Security Features in MOC Include: • Cardkey Entry System • Access to MOC Controlled by U.C. Police Department • Alarm System Tied into U.C.P.D. • Access Restricted to Personnel Essential for Flight and Ground Station Operations • Video Surveillance Systems

  13. Launch and Ascent to Orbit Drop Time: 05-Feb-2002 20:58:10.665 UTC

  14. Mission Orbit • Target Orbit: 600.00 x 600.00 km at 38.00 deg • Orbit at Payload Separation: 600.24 x 586.85 km at 38.02 deg • Orbit at L+90: 603.51 x 578.13 km at 38.03 deg

  15. Ground Station Coverage

  16. Mission Status • Launch & Orbit Insertion Including Sun Pointing Nominal • First Acquisition at Berkeley Successful • Spacecraft Bus Nominal (Power, ACS, C&DH, Flight Software, Thermal, Telecomm) • Instrument Turn On Nominal • Cryocooler Now Running at 52 W • First Flare Observed at L+7 Days • Spacecraft Fully Autonomous at ~ L+50 Days

  17. Science and Engineering Data Recovery Total Access Time Until L+90: > 8,400 min Mission Data Recovery: > 98% Mission Requirement: 8.0 Gbits/day Mission Achievement at L+90: 1.5 Tbits (16.7 Gbits/day)

  18. Phase E Organization

  19. Sustained Engineering & Maintenance

  20. Problems & Resolutions • Anomaly Detection • Operations Personnel on Console • Paging of Operators via SERS • Anomaly Resolution • Assessment by FOT, Mission Operations Manager, Mission Operations Scientist • Quick Interaction with Subsystems Engineers, Instrument Scientists and PI • Anomaly Resolution According to Contingency Plan

  21. Budget & Physical Constraints • RHESSI Team Awaits Approval of Phase E Budget • Updated IT Network Security Plan Has Been Submitted • External Supports • PSLA for NASA GN Support at Wallops Ground Station • MOU for Pass Supports at Weilheim Ground Station • Expected Mission Life Time • At Least 3 Years • Cryocooler Performance Much Better Than Anticipated • Detectors Are Twice as Sensitive as Anticipated • Time at Which Minimum Science Will Be Reached Depends on Solar Activity

  22. RHESSI Receiving Review Mission Operations Mark Lewis Mission Operations Manager University of California at Berkeley

  23. Launch and Early Orbit Checkout • RHESSI Launched on February 5, 2002 at 20:58 UTC • Launch resulted in nominal orbit insertion • ~600 km circular orbit, 38 degree inclination • L&EO Operations conducted with Spectrum Astro support • First RHESSI contact on orbit came at 22:40 UTC • BGS locked onto telemetry without difficulty • Spacecraft was healthy, power positive, with arrays deployed • Spacecraft pointing was within 10 degrees of the sun • All temperatures were nominal • Commanding attempts were successful

  24. Launch and Early Orbit Checkout • Major Milestones Accomplished During First Week • Set spacecraft clock • Loaded Automatic Time Sequence (ATS) command load • Tested all downlink rates (125k, 1M and 4M) • Powered on the IDPU • Turned on the cryocooler; ramped power to 76W; then down to 40W • Turned on Particle Detector • Powered SSR; Partitioned SSR; Began recording data • Turned on Imager; Collected high rate imager data • Powered Germanium Detectors; ramped to full power • Spun spacecraft to 14 RPM and balanced

  25. Launch and Early Orbit • Additional Milestones Since Launch • RHESSI captured its first flare on February 12, 2002 • Spun up to 15 RPM and balanced • Tuned Particle Detector SAA detection algorithm • Exercised attenuators; initiated autonomous shutter control • Tuned thresholds for all 9 GEDs • RHESSI captures first X-class flare on April 21, 2002 • FOT recovered from CPU reset in just 2 orbits (~3 hours) • RHESSI never stopped taking data

  26. Normal Operations • Highly Autonomous Operations Planned for RHESSI • 6 BGS passes per day are currently staffed • 3-5 Wallops per day are not staffed • Weilheim passes requested during times of high solar activity • Only post-pass data available • BGS passes will eventually be unstaffed • All passes will be monitored by VMOCC/SERS • Violations of limits or configmon rules result in paging FOT • ATS loads currently cover 48 hour period • FOT analyze spacecraft trend plots • Ops Manager present during any unusual commanding

  27. Mission Planning • Scheduling of Pass Supports • SatTrack produces view periods and link margins • BGS passes scheduled directly from SatTrack products • Desired Wallops passes sent to Wallops for scheduling • Weilheim passes requested on a best effort basis • Schedule from Wallops and Weilheim merged with BGS passes • SSR Memory Management • High magnetic latitude decimation during orbital night • Particle storms can fill SSR at 1% per minute • Decimation times manually inserted into loads • Next version of SatTrack will include high magnetic latitude zones

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