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Discover how our AVID and Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course prepares students for college through critical thinking, research skills, and application of knowledge. Dive into a unique curriculum that integrates ToK concepts with college prep, ACT/SAT prep, and community building. Our program fosters a growth mindset and challenges students to excel in a supportive learning environment. Explore the intersection of AVID and IB programs and how we address the challenge of making IB accessible to historically underrepresented student populations.
AVID & Theoryof Knowledge Del Mar HighSchool San Jose,Ca
OurSchool • ~1300students • Title1 • 61%Latino,20%white,smallAsian,Pacific Islander, Filipino, Black and mixed race population • 7periods;alternatingblockschedule 2
AVID & IBPrograms AVID - 9years IB -In our 4thyear -First cohortgraduated lastyear -~13 DP students in11th and 12thgrade -~275 coursecandidates -Openaccess -Goal is IB forall -Grown significantlyin the last 7years -2 sections ateach gradelevel -Entire staffAVID trained -Working toward National Demostatus 3
IB forALL Howcanwemakeallaspectsofthe IBProgram accessibletostudentswhotraditionallydonot access IBcourses? 4
BigDilemma: HowcanAVIDstudentsaccessthefullIB Diploma? Howcan IBmeettheneedsofhistorically underrepresented studentpopulations? 6
“ IB is theWHAT AVID is theHOW 6
AVID/TOKCourse ⊡ Two year AVID 11/TOK andAVID 12/TOK ⊡ Honorscreditforbothyears ⊡ StudentscannotaddSenioryear
CourseContent ToK AVID Ways ofknowing Reason Emotion SensePerception Language Ethics History Math Science Art --- Application ofToK concepts to rest of coursework CollegeResearch Tutorial ACT/SATPrep College Application College Essays CommunityBuilding A-G Completion Grade Checks BinderChecks GoalSetting Skills: Critical Reading Academic Writing Narrative Writing Speaking/Listening Allowittobethecore of theprogram ApplyKnowledge: StudentCoursework
AVID11/TOK August/Sept. PSATprep Intro toTOK unit College face off Tutorial October Emotion/Ethics College faceoff ACTprep TOK writingassessment Tutorial November/December Emotion/Ethics ACT prep College faceoff TOK mini-presentation Tutorial January Reason/Science Collegeresearch ACT prep Tutorial February/March Reason/Science College research ACTprep SAT/ACT registration Tutorial April/May Senseperception/Art TOK presentation Collegeessay College applylist Tutorial
AVID12/TOK August/Sept. Language/Math Revising CollegeEssays SAT/ACT Tutorial /CSG October Emotion/Language/ History Financial Aid FinalizingEssays CSG/Tutorial November/December Emotion/Language/ History CollegeApplications Revising Essays CSG/Tutorial January/February AVID Speaker Contest College portals andtasks CSG/Tutorial TOKEssay March - Ibelong. **Emotion/Reason - ImposterSyndrome **Exploringsupport systems on college campus CSG/Tutorial April/May -Preparing forsuccess. Transitions - Time Management,Syllabus College Prep -Orientation, Housing,etc Language/Storytelling CSG/Tutorial
CHALLENGES MINDSETOF STUDENTS BALANCE STAFFING Course is much harder than “regular”AVID. Difficult to manage all of AVID andall of TOK. Need to findthe right combo of teachers to collaborate. Grade bumphas reallyhelped. Need very clear unitsandtimelines.
FACTORS FORSUCCESS Creative thinkers Organization SUCCESS Growthmindset,stillaworkinprogress
AdditionalReading IB: Successes andChallenges Duarte(2012)andO’Conner(2011)-MixedMethodcasestudyapproachexaminingimpactofIBonschoolcultureandclimate. Mayer(2006)–Qualitativestudyontheimpactofthe IB onstudentsocialcapital Walter,JaneLo,&Jude Yeo,2013)–Explorationofthepost-secondarybenefitsofstudentsenrolledinadvancedcoursesinhigh school AVID: Successes andChallenges Huerta,Watt,andReyes’(2013)–ExplorationofwhatelementsAVIDstudentsfeltweremostbeneficialinpost-secondary (Texas) Espinosa (2012) – California case study exploration of relationship between AVID and increased social capital Kouba(2011)-QualitativecasestudyontheimpactofAVIDprogramonstudents’perceptionsofcollegereadiness McCready–ExaminedthereasonsstudentsdroppedfromAVID,andexpandedonthelimitationsofcurrentresearchonAVID. CurrentDiscussion Misra(2015)–E2:ExcellenceandEquityInitiative CasparyandWoodward(2016)–MixedmethodsstudyofperformanceofsocioeconomicallydisadvantagedstudentsintheIB Diploma(AppearsinChapter5) Royaltey(2016)-LevelUp:TheImpactofDualEnrollmentinAVIDandIBonthePost-SecondarySuccessofHistorically UnderrepresentedStudents
THANKS! JessicaOlamit IBCoordinator/AVID Teacher jolamit@cuhsd.org 408-626-3403 ext.3108 Dr. HollyRoyaltey Social Science DepartmentChair/AVID and IB HistoryTeacher hroyaltey@cuhsd.org 408-626-3403 ext.3229 16