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Introduction to Inferential Statistics

Introduction to Inferential Statistics. Based on findings, Reject the Null or Fail to Reject the Null. Comparing the Obtained & Critical Values If Obtained > Critical, then Reject the Ho Can be sure to a certain level (based on α ) that the findings cannot be explained by chance

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Introduction to Inferential Statistics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Inferential Statistics

  2. Based on findings, Reject the Null or Fail to Reject the Null • Comparing the Obtained & Critical Values • If Obtained > Critical, then Reject the Ho • Can be sure to a certain level (based on α) that the findings cannot be explained by chance • The difference is due to something other than chance • If Obtained < Critical, then Fail to Reject the Ho • Cannot be sure that the findings cannot be explained by chance • The Ho is the best explanation given the data

  3. Hypothesis Testing - Regression • Compare the obtained value and the critical value • Obtained rxy = .393 • Critical rxy = .349 • Make Decision and State Conclusion • .393 > .349, therefore reject the null hypothesis • The rxy is not equal to 0. • The relationship between the two variables (quality of marriage and quality of parent/child relationship)did occur by something other than chance.

  4. Hypothesis Testing - Regression • Compute r2 • r2 = .154 • 15.4% of the quality of the parent/child relationship is explained by the quality of the marriage

  5. Hypothesis Testing - Regression • Interpretation • r(27) = .393, p < .05, r2 = .154 • r = the test statistic used • 27 = number of degrees of freedom • .393 = the obtained value of r • p < .05 = the probability is less than 5% that the relationship between the two variables is due to chance • There is a significant relationship between the two variables.

  6. State the Conclusion • The researcher will report the findings of the testing by supplying a statement in addition to reporting the obtained value and the p-value. • Ex: “A study was conducted examining the relationships of 378 Chinese married couples over a 2-year period. The study revealed a significant direct relationship between the quality of marriage and the quality of the parent-child relationship, r(27) = .393, p < .05, r2 = .154.” The quality of a marriage explains 15.4% of quality of the parent-child relationship within that marriage.”

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