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Learn about the discovery of the majestic Iguazu Waterfalls by Alvar Nuñez and understand the passive voice in sentences. Explore examples and understand how to convert active sentences to passive.
Active Sentence Alvar Nuñez discovered the Iguazu waterfalls Subject Verb DirectObject Passive Sentence were discovered The Iguazú waterfalls by Alvar Nuñez Thepassivevoice PassiveSubject PassiveVerb Agent “Be” = tense active verb + Pastparticiple
FROM ACTIVE TO PASSIVE: EXAMPLES ACTIVE PASSIVE I takephotographs photographs are taken I tookphotographs photographsweretaken Aphotographwastaken I took a photograph I willtakephotographs Photographswillbetaken I am goingtotakephotographs Photographs are goingtobetaken I am goingtotake a photograph A photographisgoingtobetaken I am taking a photograph A photographisbeingtaken I am takingphotographs photographs are beingtaken I hadtaken a photograph A photographhadbeentaken I musttake a photograph A photographmustbetaken
PASSIVE OF SENTENCES WITH TWO OBJECTS ( DIRECT & INDIRECT) She gave us a plane ticket to London as a present I.O DIRECT O. I.O. as passivesubject Weweregiven a plane ticket to London as a present D.O. as passivesubject A plane ticket to London wasgiventous as a present
MORE EXAMPLES They are offering Harry a goodjob - Harry is being offered a good job SUBJECT PR……OBJECT PR. I…………………….ME YOU……………….YOU HE………………….HIM SHE………………..HER IT……………………IT WE………………….US YOU…………………YOU THEY……………….THEM - A good job is being offered to Harry My fatherlenthersomemoney - She was lent some money - Some money was lent to her John has paidthem 200 euros - They have been paid 200 euros -200 euros have been paid to them
PASSIVE VOICE SENTENCES WITH NO AGENT… Whenitisirrelevant ( Words such as “he”, “she”…) - He bought my daughter a trendy watch - My sister was bought a trendy watch ----- Whenitisunknown ( Words such as “somebody, someone”…) - Someone has stolen my bike - My bike has been stolen ------ Whenitisevident… - The teacher is going to explain lesson 5 today - Lesson 5 is going to be explained today -----
MORE PASSIVE AUXILIARIES - She was sunburnt last week - She got sunburnt last week SOMETHING UNEXPECTED - I was/ got bitten by a dog and went to hospital
VERBS FOLLOWED BY OBJECT AND BARE INFINITIVE ( Verbs such as make, hear, see, let…) Ej. 1 I heard you sing You were heard to sing Ej. 2 My parents let me stay at the party for two more hours I was let to stay at the party for two more hours
PASSIVE VOICE FOR VERBS SUCH AS “ BELIEVE”, “ EXPECT”, “ FEEL”, “HOPE”, “KNOW”, “ “REPORT”, “ SAY”, “ THINK”… They are followed by a subordinate clause + ( that ) EXAMPLE 1 They say that this house dates back to the 12th century PASSIVE 1: We turn into passive the main verb. The rest of the sentence stays the same -It is said that this house dates back to the 12 th century PASIVA 2: What was the subordinate subject becomes passive subject followed by a to infinitive structure - This house is said to date back to the 12th century