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Promoting Student Engagement with 19th Century Linguistic Purism

Improve student engagement with textual resources in linguistic purism through digital access and analysis. Overcome limitations of historical linguistic study with practical online tools. Enhance learning outcomes and employability prospects.

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Promoting Student Engagement with 19th Century Linguistic Purism

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Promoting Student Engagementwith 19th Century Linguistic Purism Filippo Nereo Manchester

  2. Context • Undergraduate students typically unfamiliar with historical linguistics • Trips to historical ‘landmark’ texts impractical / financially unfeasible • Contribution to employability is questioned • Student engagement and motivation can be tricky

  3. Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der hochdeutschen Mundart, mit beständiger Vergleichung der übrigen Mundarten, besonders aber der Oberdeutschen von Johann Christoph Adelung, […]

  4. Impact • “excellent...enhanced learning significantly, we had the resources at our fingertips” • “the most useful resource on Blackboard has been the e-books. The books are rarely available in the library; having access to them via blackboard has been extremely useful.” • “Scans of historical resources have been a great help as these would not be accessible as easily as other resources for the course.” • “Great to be able to look at such old works without worrying about damaging them etc!!!”

  5. Sources • Embed into VLE • Download as pdf / print • Conduct comparative analyses of different editions • Navigate

  6. Links • http://books.google.com ‘Adelung Wörterbuch’ • http://tinyurl.com/adelungBSB • http://tinyurl.com/adelung-bielefeld • http://tinyurl.com/adelungIA • Fil.Nereo@manchester.ac.uk

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