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Explore the major factors that led to the race for Imperial colonies, including raw materials, new markets, nationalism, outlets for population, and missionary motives. Understand the different types of foreign control and the conquest of North Africa, West Africa, East Africa, Central Africa, South Africa, India, and China.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Imperialism Chapter 11/ SOL 9 d & e

  2. Imperialism • By end of 1800’s: only a few European nations and the U.S. controlled nearly entire world

  3. 5 Major Factors 5 Major factors that led to the race for Imperial colonies 1. Raw Materials 2. New Markets 3. Nationalism 4. Outlets for Population 5. Missionary Motives

  4. Raw Materials Industrialization led to need for more raw materials

  5. New Markets Average worker could not afford products they were producing, so they needed new markets to buy surplus

  6. Nationalism European nations were competing and striving for strength and prestige

  7. Outlets for Population still allowed people to retain their citizenship & allow the mother country to receive their taxes!!!

  8. Missionary Motives “White Man’s Burden” converting them to Christianity introduced education, hygiene & medical knowledge it was their moral duty to change the natives & make them more European

  9. Berlin Conference To prevent war 1884-1885: to settle disputes over division of Africa…NO AFRICAN REPRESENTATIVE WAS PRESENT

  10. How territory was gained… • European first sent private citizens to make a claim there (merchants, traders, explorers) • As the natives resisted, Europeans sent military to protect the citizens

  11. Types of foreign control Colony: Protectorate: under total control of a foreign power the foreign country is still running the gov’t and the economy

  12. Types of foreign control cont… Condominium: Sphere of Influence: a region where two countries share a territory Trading privileges

  13. Types of foreign control cont… Direct Rule: Indirect Rule: Controlling all levels of government locals hold lower gov’t positions

  14. Paternalism Governing as a parent!

  15. North Africa

  16. North Africa • One of first targets…due to proximity to Europe • The French gained control of Tunisia by loaning them money that they knew they could not repay

  17. North Africa cont… • France got Morocco • Britain wanted to join in the conquest of North Africa

  18. North Africa cont… • French built the Suez Canal • Egypt purchased ½ of the stocks & then sold them!

  19. North Africa cont… • The Sudan was Britain’s next target b/c they needed control of the Nile River • Britain & France both wanted the Sudan = estab. A condominium over it!

  20. North Africa cont… • Italy wanted Libya • The people of Libya hated Italian rule http://www.unesco.org/water/ihp/prizes/great_man/img/libya.gif

  21. West Africa

  22. West Africa • Dutch and Portuguese were the 1st Europeans to come in contact with West Africa

  23. West Africa cont… • French colonized a large portion of West Africa. • British also moved into interior portion of West Africa; They claimed territory along the Niger River.

  24. West Africa cont… • By the early 1900’s, all of West Africa except for Liberia had been claimed by Britain, France, Portugal, Germany and Spain. • Liberia was est. by freed slaves for the U.S. http://i.cnn.net/cnn/2003/WORLD/africa/07/07/liberia/story.africa.liberia.map.gif

  25. East Africa

  26. East Africa • Slave raids had disrupted the political stability of the region and made it easier to invade. • Ethiopia only region in East Africa that did not succumb to foreign invasion • Fatal cattle disease killed 80% of the cattle, which led to widespread starvation

  27. Central Africa

  28. Central Africa • Dr. Livingstone explored the interior portion of Africa • 1st European to explore the Zaire River (Congo) • Henry Stanley (American) went to find him; Stanley “bumped into” Livingstone—famous quote “Dr. Livingstone, I presume”

  29. Central Africa cont… • Leopold II (Belgium) purchased 900,000 sq miles (Congo) • Leopold practically depleted Congo’s entire rubber supply • After criticism, Leopold turned it over to Belgium gov’t

  30. Central Africa cont… • French also gained a piece of the Congo and stretched their empire to west coast when they acquired French Equatorial Africa

  31. South Africa

  32. South Africa Boer War: Btwn African & British; British won & gained control of the Boer Republic Boer: Dutch Farmer AKA Afrikaners—language Afrikaans Paternalism/Assimilation British Used Indirect Rule because empire covered about ¼ of globe “The sun never sets on the British empire”

  33. Imperialism & India • British took control of India • British East India Company controlled India • Sepoy Mutiny: Indian revolt • British intro. Social reforms, educ, technology • “Jewel of the British Empire” • British remained until mid 1900’s when Gandhi formed the Indian Nat’l Congress

  34. Imperialism & China • Had isolated themselves/restricted foreign trade • Balance of trade—China • Europeans—trade deficit—wanted free trade Opium War: 1839-1842, Chinese tried to halt the British from importing opium = war! (British won) Treaty of Nanking: 1842 opened up 5 ports to British Spheres of Influence: outside powers claimed trading rights in China Taiping Rebellion: wanted to overthrow the Qing

  35. Imperialism & China Open Door Policy: USA 1899, John Hay; = trading rights for all nations Boxer Rebellion: Chinese uprising against foreign nations; wanted to go back to isolationism! FAILED!!

  36. Imperialism & Japan • Isolationist!!!!

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