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Dietary Strategies To Improve Triathlon Training and Performance

Dietary Strategies To Improve Triathlon Training and Performance. Bobbi Barbarich RD MSc Candidate Professional Nutrition Services 451-5843/bobbibrd@telus.net. NUTRITION IS IMPORTANT. When athletes of equal skill & training meet in competition, nutrition can make

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Dietary Strategies To Improve Triathlon Training and Performance

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  1. Dietary StrategiesTo Improve Triathlon Training and Performance Bobbi Barbarich RD MSc Candidate Professional Nutrition Services 451-5843/bobbibrd@telus.net

  2. NUTRITION IS IMPORTANT When athletes of equal skill & training meet in competition, nutrition can make the difference between winning and losing.

  3. NUTRITIONAL FACTORS LIMITING ENDURANCE PERFORMANCE • Muscle & Liver Glycogen Depletion • Availability of Carbohydrates During Exercise • Dehydration • Gastrointestinal Problems

  4. NUTRITIONAL GOALS Meet Nutritional Needs For Long-Term Health • Vitamins • Minerals • Special Nutrients • Fibre • Types of Fat

  5. NUTRITIONAL GOALS Provide Appropriate Nutrition that Supports Consistent, Intensive Training. • Fluid & Electrolyte Replacement • Carbohydrate Replacement • Adequate Protein • Adequate Energy • Appropriate Fueling During Exercise • Timing of Intakes for Recovery Between Sessions

  6. NUTRITIONAL GOALS Develop Race-Day Nutritional Strategies • Know your targets……more is not necessarily better. • Experimentation & practice during training. • Have a plan but be flexible. • Have alternatives and expect problems.

  7. FUEL USE DURING EXERCISE • Intensity of Exercise • Duration of Exercise • Diet • Training State • Environmental Temperature

  8. Effect of Diet on Muscle Glycogen

  9. CARBOHYDRATE: THE MASTER FUEL • The Grains and Fruits & Vegetables Food Groups • Simple & Complex • Glycemic Index • Fibre: Insoluble & Soluble

  10. PROTEIN BALANCE • Meats and Alternatives Food Group • Dairy Products Essential and Non-essential Amino Acids

  11. PROTEIN TURNOVER Dietary Proteins Oxidation (Energy) Amino Acid Pool Sweat,Urine, Feces High Priority Body Proteins Muscle Tissue

  12. Endurance-Training Protein Needs Can Easily Be Met 80 Kg x 1.4 grams/Kg = 112 grams protein Grams of Protein 2 cups oatmeal 12 2 cups milk 16 1 boiled egg 7 2 slices toast with peanut butter 11 1 cheeseburger 35 2 granola bars 4 1 chicken breast 47 3 cups pasta with tomato sauce 14 1 cup vegetables 2 3 medium fruits 6 TOTAL 154 grams

  13. PROTEIN • Eat protein throughout the day. • Protein supplements can be a convenient source of high quality protein but not necessary when an adequate diet is consumed. • Most protein supplements contain a mix of egg or milk proteins: casein, whey. • Whey and soy are the highest quality proteins currently available in supplements.

  14. HIGH PROTEIN DIETS • Are fad diets and expensive to consume. • Inhibit the athlete’s ability to consume adequate carbohydrates. • Are not ergogenic. • Are dehydrating. • Result in losses of calcium in the urine. • Are unhealthy.

  15. FAT IS ENERGY DENSE • 9 Calories per gram • Added and Hidden Fats • Saturated, Trans and Unsaturated • Essential Fats: 1% of Total Energy

  16. Reduce Fat For A High Carbohydrate Diet 375 Calories,41% Fat,54% Carbohydrates 355 Calories,13% Fat, 80% Carbohydrates

  17. PRE-EXERCISE EATING GOALS • Ensure adequate hydration • Top up carbohydrate stores • Prevent hunger during the event Practice During Training

  18. PRE-EXERCISE EATING TIMING OF EATING • Full Meal 3 to 4 hours before • Snack 1 to 2 hours before • Immediately before?

  19. PRE-EXERCISE EATING NUTRIENT COMPOSITION • High in Carbohydrates and Fluid • Moderate in Protein • Low in Fat and Fibre

  20. PRE-EXERCISE EATINGPre-Race Meals and Snacks Must Be Familiar to You

  21. FLUID: THE FORGOTTEN NUTRIENT Hourly Sweat Losses During Exercise -5 degrees Celsius 0.6 - 1.4 litres +10 degrees Celsius 1.2 - 1.5 litres +20 degrees Celsius 1.6 - 2.5 litres +30 degrees Celsius 2.0 - 2.8 litres


  23. Effects of Dehydration 2% Impaired work capacity & temperature control 3% Increased pulse rate & core temperature 6% Increased respiratory rate, lower blood volume 9% Heat exhaustion, heat stroke

  24. Dehydration 175 lb. (80 kg) Athlete 2% 3.5 lbs (1.6 kg) 3% 5.3 lbs (2.4 kg) 6% 10.5 lbs (4.8 kg) 9% 15.8 lbs (7.2 kg)

  25. Symptoms of Dehydration • Rapid weight loss • Infrequent urination • Dark, small volume urine • Fatigue • Gastrointestinal Upset

  26. SWEAT LOSSES SODIUM 1 litre sweat = 0.5 to 1.1 grams sodium Average dietary sodium = +5 grams Depletion is of concern with ultra endurance events

  27. SODIUM CONTENT OFHYDRATION BEVERAGES 500 to 700 mg/litre is Recommended • Water is retained better when it is consumed with sodium. • Carbohydrate & sodium are linked with water absorption.

  28. FUELING DURING EXERCISE HOURLY TARGETS • Carbohydrates: 50 to 70 grams • Fluid: 1000 ml • Sodium: 800 to 1000 mg

  29. FUELING DURING EXERCISE GOALS • Rapid Stomach Emptying. • Provide Quickly Absorbable Nutrients. • Provide Appropriate Nutrients.

  30. STOMACH EMPTYING RATE VOLUME • The larger the volume, the faster it leaves the stomach. • Average volume emptied is 800 to1000 ml per hour.

  31. STOMACH EMPTYING RATE ENERGY DENSITY OF FLUID The more concentrated the beverage, the longer it stays in the stomach: Fastest emptying with 4 to 8% carbohydrate/electrolyte beverages.

  32. STOMACH EMPTYING RATE NUTRIENT CONTENT • Fluids Faster than Solids • Carbohydrates • Protein • Fat

  33. STOMACH EMPTYING RATE EXERCISE INTENSITY • Higher exercise intensities tend to reduce gastrointestinal motility. • Mode of exercise can also influence gastrointestinal function.

  34. STOMACH EMPYTING RATE ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS • The higher the environmental temperature, the slower the emptying rate. • The more dehydrated you are, the slower the gastrointestinal function.

  35. STOMACH EMPTYING RATE FLUID TEMPERATURE • Ideal fluid temperature is 5 to 10 degrees Celsius. • Colder beverages tend to be more palatable.

  36. Hydration Schedule 2 Hours Before Exercise: 500 ml Every 15 Minutes During Exercise: 150 - 300 ml After Exercise: 750 ml per lb. weight loss

  37. What to Drink Water 4 - 8% Carbohydrate/Electrolyte Drink Diluted Fruit Juices

  38. DIETARY CARBOHYDRATE UTILIZATION • Depends on type of carbohydrate. • Depends on the absorption rate. • Can vary when different types are combined due to different absorption sites and rates. • There is a maximum exogenous carbohydrate oxidation rate: 1.0 to 1.1 grams per minute = 60 grams per hour.

  39. CARBOHYDRATES WITH THE FASTEST UTILIZATION • Glucose (principle sugar used by the body: dextrose) • Sucrose (glucose and fructose) • Maltose (glucose and glucose) • Maltodextrins (hydrolyzed starch: mixture of different length chains of glucose) • Dextrins (5 to 10 glucose molecules) • Amylopectins (branch-chained glucose)

  40. CARBOHYDRATES UTILIZIED 25 to 50% SLOWER • Fructose (monosaccaride) • Galactose (50% slower than Glucose) • Amylose (straight chain glucose)

  41. RECOVERY NUTRITION • Hydration • Replenish glycogen stores • Provide building blocks for muscle repair and growth

  42. RECOVERY NUTRITION • Liquid absorbed most quickly • Mixture of carbs and protein (4:1) • Within 30 minutes • Within 2 hours

  43. Training Diet High Carbohydrate Limit Fat Adequate Protein Plenty of Fluids Food Variety and Quality

  44. Training Diet No. Servings Food Group 8 to 15 + Grains 8 to 15 + Vegetables & Fruits 3 to 6 Milk Products 2 to 4 Meat & Alternates Limit Other Foods Fluid, Fluid, Fluid, Fluid, Fluid, Fluid, Fluid

  45. Thank You Bobbi Barbarich RD MSc Cand Professional Nutrition Services 451-5843 bobbibrd@telus.net

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