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GNHS AP Biology ~ PowerPoint Presentation Scoring Rubric: HUMAN DISEASE PRESENTATION 4 3 2 1 Required Elements All required elements All but one required All but two required Three required
GNHS AP Biology ~ PowerPoint Presentation Scoring Rubric: HUMAN DISEASE PRESENTATION 4 3 2 1 Required ElementsAll required elements All but one required All but two required Three required are present on the slides element are present elements are present elements are missing on the slides. on the slides. from the slides. Appearance The slides are very The slides are The slides are The slides are attractive. The amount attractive. The legible. The amount illegible. The amount of text is legible in the amount of text is of text is too great for of text is too great for space provided. There legible in the space the space within the space provided are no grammatical There are which it is presented. throughout the errors. Animation and no grammatical There may be some page(s). There are effects are used errors. More than half grammatical errors. several grammatical throughout to enhance of the slides have Less than half of the errors. There is no the presentation. animation and slides have use of animation or effects that enhance animation or effects. effects in the the presentation. presentation. Information The information The information The information The information presented is at a very presented is at an presented is at an presented is advanced level. It is advanced level, average comparable to an comparable to that comparable to a very encyclopedia article elementary school found in a detailed level. text. highly-detailed high periodical article. school textbook. Creativity Creativity is highly Creativity is more A basic level of There is no evidence advanced. Information advanced. creativity is evident. of creativity. All is presented in a Information is Information is information is unique format. Unique presented in a presented in a presented as it was information and visuals unique format. Some unique format. No found in research are evident throughout. unique information unique information is material. and visuals are evident. evident. Presentation Style The presenter The presenter The presenter The presenter interacts with the makes eye contact makes minimal eye makes no eye contact audience and moves with the audience. contact with the with the audience about during the Most material is audience. Everything Everything is read presentation. All presented in a new is read directly from directly from the material is presented form and not as it is the screen or page screen or page using language that is written on the screen original; it does not or page. appear written down. Presenter___________________ Topic:____________________ Starting Time: __________ Grayslake North High School ~ 2012-13 Required Elements: Title/Cover Slide ___ Why operation? ___ Surgeon accomplish? ___ How performed? ___ Post-operation? ___ Pain/side-effects? ___ Within time limit ___ Over time limit (<1min) -1 Over time limit (>1min) -2 Instructor Comments/Grade: