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Welcome To Fourth Grade. Mrs. Schneider Mrs. Croghan Mrs. Clokes. Curriculum. Science- Science Investigation, Virginia’s natural resources, Earth-Moon-Sun System, Weather, Forces, Motion & Energy, Electricity & Magnetism, Ecosystems, Plant Anatomy and Life Processes. Curriculum.
Welcome To Fourth Grade Mrs. Schneider Mrs. Croghan Mrs. Clokes
Curriculum • Science- Science Investigation, Virginia’s natural resources, Earth-Moon-Sun System, Weather, Forces, Motion & Energy, Electricity & Magnetism, Ecosystems, Plant Anatomy and Life Processes
Curriculum • Social Science- Virginia: The Location and the Land, Life in the Virginia Colony, Birth of a New Nation/Revolutionary War, The Role of Geography in National Development/Civil War, and Virginia Develops in the 20th Century
Curriculum • Math- Place Value, Add and Subtract Whole Numbers, Functions, Equality, Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers, Probability, Graphing, Fractions, Decimals, Measurement, Geometry, Elapsed time
Learning Progressions • Learning Progressions will be used in the classroom to assess where students are in their learning. • We will be using these progressions to differentiate our instruction to meet the needs of all of our students. • Rubrics will be used to grade all summative assessments. We will be attaching rubrics to most graded assignments.
Supply List • 6 - two-pocket folders (solid colors only) • 4 - one-subject spiral notebooks • scissors • 5 - glue sticks • 2 - boxes of tissues • 2 - dozen pencils • 2 -1 ½ inch 3 ring binder • 1 -box of 24 count crayons • 2 -highlighters
School Hours, Lunch, Breakfast • School will begin at 7:50 and end at 2:40. The doors to the building will not open until 7:15. Students are to enter the building via the doors at the front of the school only. At the end of the day, students who ride the bus, CASA, and walkers will be dismissed first followed by car riders. You may pick your child up in the Kiss and Go lane. If you enter the building to pick up your child we ask that you remain in the entryway of the hallway NOT in the main entrance hallway. There is no longer parking at the front of the school to better accommodate car riders. • Breakfast will be eaten in the cafeteria this year. The cafeteria will open for breakfast at 7:30. Please make sure to have your child at school early enough to eat their breakfast before going to class at 7:50. The price of breakfast is $2.00. • Lunches will be available for purchase in the cafeteria. If you are applying for free and reduced lunch, please be aware that it takes 10 days to process the application. During that time, your child will be asked to pay for his or her lunch at the regular rate of $3.00.
Health and safety • VISITORS: Beginning this year, you will need to show a photo ID to enter Sully. All people in the building need to check in at the office and get a name badge. • Fourth grade lunches are early this year so we will not have snacks. Therefore it is essential that your child eat a healthy breakfast at home or school. If your child has a food allergy, please let his or her teacher know immediately.
Newsletters • The fourth grade team will be creating monthly newsletters. These newsletters are available online as well as hard copies. The newsletters will contain information on what is being covered during the month, the specials schedule, a calendar of school and class events, as well as any additional information. If you would like your copy of the newsletter translated into Spanish, please let your child’s teacher know.
Contact Information • Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher via phone or email. Please be aware that the teachers do not always have time to check their email during the school day. Therefore, if it is an emergency, please call the school directly. We are looking forward to meeting and talking with all of you about your child.
Parties/Birthdays • There will be three celebrations held throughout the school year. In keeping with the school district policy, healthy food choices are strongly encouraged. The three parties will be a Harvest celebration in October, a Winter celebration in December, and a Valentine’s celebration in February. You will be receiving more information on the celebrations in the monthly newsletters. • Please be aware that the county has requested that we no longer celebrate birthdays at school with food due to food allergies. If your child wishes to mark his or her special day with a treat, please make it a pencil or other small favor that is non edible.
Agendas/ Thursday Folders • Agendas • Agendas are provided to every fourth grader to be used as a line of communication between school and home. • It will be used as an organizational tool, students will write their daily home learning assignments in their agendas • Agendas should be reviewed by a parent each evening. • Parents may write messages for teachers in their child’s agenda, as we will review them daily. • Thursday Folders • Every Thursday, your child will bring home a folder that includes important information provided by the administration and classroom teachers, as well as, completed/graded assignments. • Please be sure to review the completed/graded assignments with your child. • Any important paperwork included in the Thursday folder should be returned as soon as possible when indicated. • Please sign and return your child’s Thursday the very next school day.
Exit Tickets/ • Daily Exit Tickets • At the conclusion of each school day, students will record their “ridge” (something that they did/understood well) and “valley” (something that they may need more practice with or need to improve on) of the day, so that they may share this information with you at home. • Celebration Notes • We love celebrating our learning in fourth grade! Celebration notes are given to students when their words, thoughts, or actions require special recognition. Celebrate
Home Learning • Home Learning • Home learning assignments are designed to provide an extension of what students are learning in class. • Students will be required to complete home learning assignments Monday through Thursday. • Students will record all home learning assignments into their agendas.