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This guide outlines the responsibilities and functions of Port Meteorological Officers (PMOs) in maintaining the international VOS network and ensuring accurate weather reporting from ships. The guide also covers ship visits, record-keeping, and the PMO's role in supporting national and international marine programs.
Role of the PMO • The PMO is a representative of the National Meteorological Service (NMS), and is the primary contact with local marine authorities and the maritime community at large. • The international PMO network is vital to the success of the JCOMM VOS Scheme, to; • Maintain the strength of the international VOS. • Maintain the quality and frequency of ships’ weather reports.
Responsibilities of the PMO • Broadly defined by the WMO; • WMO Technical Regulations (WMO No. 49). • Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (471). • Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (558). • Specifically defined by the NMS having considered the port being serviced, and the type and volume of marine traffic. • The range of functions will include:
Functions of the PMO • Recruit ships of any nationality into, and maintain a national VOS fleet.
Functions of the PMO • Regularly visit ships recruited into the national VOS fleet to; • Maintain contact with the Observers. • Provide ongoing training to the Observers. • Maintain and inspect the meteorological and selected oceanographic instruments. • Check the presence and condition of supplied handbooks, meteorological tables and charts. • Maintain the ship's supply of logbooks, autographic charts, muslin, wicks and other consumables. • Recover and inspect completed logbooks and autographic charts.
Functions of the PMO • Maintain accurate records of ships recruited into the national VOS fleet, including; • Full ship details, as required for WMO Pub 47. (fill VOSClim Ship Recruitment Form) • All instrumentation supplied and recovered. • All instrument checks and calibrations, including dates.
Functions of the PMO • Upon the request of the Master of any ship and regardless of its country of recruitment; • Check the meteorological and selected oceanographic instruments. • Provide advice or assistance on meteorological matters.
Functions of the PMO • provide the following services to ships, regardless of their nationality and country of recruitment; • Perform a barometer check. • Check meteorological code tables. • Check instructions for Observers. • Install TURBOWIN and Meteoclass software in sat-c terminal • Provide advice on bulletins, including a list of areas for which forecasts are issued and to update the relevant facsimile broadcast schedules.
Functions of the PMO • Promote and maintain liaison with; • The NMS. (O/o DDGM(WF) Pune) • Neighbouring PMOs. • Harbour authorities and shipping companies. • Merchant marine schools.
Functions of the PMO • Inquire from ship's officers of any problems that may be experienced, such as • The transmission of observations (meteorological or oceanographic) to a Land Earth Stations (LES) or other facility. • Explain code 41 (For the transmission of meteorological observations, free of cost) • The reception and adequacy of forecasts, bulletins and facsimile broadcasts, and to bring pertinent comments to the attention of the NMS.
Functions of the PMO • Support complementary national, regional and international marine programmes, such as; • Drifting Buoy Programme. • Argo Float Programme. • Ship of Opportunity Programme. • Automated Shipboard Aerological Programme.
Keep in your mind • Number of ships in VOS is not important It is the number of ships which reports that count • Coded Observations are worthless if they are not received at the Forecasting Office • Doesn’t matter which country a ship reports for, so long as it reports.
Ship Visits • Visits to IVOF Ships • Visits to Foreign VOS What makes an effective visit?
IVOF - Before Visit Preparation is the key Prioritise ships to visit • Read notes on last visit • Check Observation’s quality Be informed ready to target any problem areas
During Visit Purpose of visit - to thank for Observations, to encourage, to train, to check instruments, to issue supplies Visit Master - discuss Observations programme, forecasts, voyage, marine industry • On Bridge - check instruments, stationery • Ask to see Log book - discuss coding with duty officer & discuss any coding errors • View transmission format on hard copy of telex messages • Collect information required in VOSCLIM form
After Visit • Record details of visit in VOS database • Follow up on any issues • Advise by Email, or mail supplies
Important Factors • Real Time access to GTS SHIP Observations • Benefits of preparedness • Constant monitoring of Observations and follow up visits to ships are crucial • Providing ships with clear instructions
Some Pointers • Remember Ships are doing us a favour - thank and encourage them to ensure continued Observations. • Credibility - PMO is the interface between Met Service & Maritime industry • Visits provide intelligence on changes in Maritime industry • Discretion required with info learned
On Board • Same as national VOS • Support, thank, encourage, discuss value of their Observations • If ship unknown - ask if doing Observations? • Look at logbook and transmission format Discuss any coding problems
Ship Recruitment • Which ships to target? Try to recruit newly constructed ship • Seek permission from Shipping Company Satisfy local requirements - charter length, route, interest, communications
Barometer Comparisons on Foreign VOS Ships Find out the Barometer Type and Setting before making the comparison • Is it a PAB with MSL Correction Table? • Is it an Aneroid set to MSL? • Is it an Aneroid set to station level and used with a MSL correction table?
Comparison Must compare like with like • After comparison, calibration label issued must not be ambiguous • Ship’s Officer must understand how any correction is to be applied
Summary of Key Factors which make PMO Effective • Visiting • Preparedness, Access to real time GTS OBs • Recruitment • Follow up • Barometer comparisons • Determining barometer setting, unambiguous labels • Performance Monitoring • Constant checking