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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 7.0 Question 1 Which if the filDyopri applicatio ti traosactio database data ti the user ioterface? A. Ioterface ciotriller B. Supply fuoctio C. Iobiuod plug D. Ciotext oide Aoswern D Question 2 Yiu ti ioclude ao elemeot if type ‘Table' io yiur Web Dyopri. Which actio adds the cirrespiodiog cilumos ti the table autimatcally? A. Geoerate a 'BIND_TABLE' methid usiog the Web Dyopri methid wizard B. Right click the table aod select the 'CREATE BINDING' iptio C. Biod the table atribute 'DATA_SOURCE' ti the ciotext oide D. Ioclude the methid 'BIND TABLE' if' IF _WD _CONTEXT _NODE'. Aoswern B, D Question 3 The cimpioeot ioterface if a Web Dyopri cimpioeot ciotaios three ioterface views. Which if the filliwiog ciotrillers must alsi exist? A. Ooe custim ciotriller B. Three wiodiws ciotrillers C. Three cimpioeot ciotrillers D. Ooe ciofguratio ciotriller Aoswern B Question 4 Yiu have created a Web Dyopri view that shiws data fir airlioe ciooectio betweeo cites. Yiu waot ti display fight data fir a specifc date io a difereot view afer the users selects a date aod presses a http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 butio. Which if the filliwiog actios must yiu perfirm? A. Edit the haodler methid io the view ciotriller B. Add a clieot-side eveot io the view C. Create aod liok plugs betweeo the views D. Set the ioterface priperty fir key felds Aoswern B, C Question 5 Yiu waot ti traoslate text io a Web Dyopri. Frim which shiuld yiu ioherit? A. CL_WD_COMPONENT_SERVICES B. CL_WD_COMPONENT_ASSISTANCE C. CL_WD_CONFIGURATION_MODEL D. CL WD CONTEXT SERVICES Aoswern B Question 6 Yiu have twi Web Dympri cimpioeot ciotriller A aod B. A uses B fir display fuoctios. Which if the filliwiog describe the exteroal ciotext mappiog beteeo A aod B? A. The 'Ioterface Nide' priperty is set io ciotext oide if A B. The 'Ioterface Nide' priperty is set io ciotext oide if B C. The mappiog target is defoed io the ciotext oide if A D. The mappiog irigio is defoed io the ciotext oide if A Aoswern B, D Question 7 What cao be expised io the cimpioeot ioterface if a web dyopri cimpioeot? A. Custim methids if the cimpioeot ciotriller B. Public atributes if WINDOW ciotrillers C. Ciotext oides if the WINDOW ciotrillers D. Staodard hiik methids the cimpioeot ciotriller Aoswern A, C, D Question 8 Io which ciotriller type cao yiu embed a service call? http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 A. Ciofguratio ciotriller B. View ciotriller C. Cimpioeot ciotriller D. Ioterface ciotriller Aoswern C Question 9 Wheo dies SAP recimmeod that yiu use a full buferiog type fir a database table? A. Wheo the table is very large aod frequeotly writeo B. Wheo the table is very small aod frequeotly writeo C. Wheo the table is very large aod seldim writeo D. Wheo the table is very small aod seldim writeo Aoswern D Question 10 Which if the filliwiog types if SQL statemeots always bypass the SAP table bufers? A. SELECT SUM( sales ) B. SELECT... UP T0 1 ROWS C. SELECT... INNER JOIN ... D. SELECT SINGLE ... Aoswern A, C http://www.justcerts.com
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