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Écoutez la description de la maison. 1) Listen to the recording by clicking on the image. 2) Then click on this box to see and improve the transcript after you have heard the recording to make it a higher level.
Écoutez la description de la maison 1) Listen to the recording by clicking on the image. 2) Then click on this box to see and improve the transcript after you have heard the recording to make it a higher level. 3) When you have improved it to raise its level, one member of the team should record it again through Powerpoint and label it on this screen for the next team. 4) Then move to the next laptop and listen to the previous team’s work As-tu un garage? Oui, c’est un grand garage pour deuxvoitures. J’adoremon garage parcequec’est beau et le murest rose. Je voudraisun garage plus grand pour uneautrevoiture. J’aieuun petit garage mais je préfèrece garage. Click on the image below for the sound C’est de quelniveau? Qu’est-cequ’onpourrait faire pour améliorer le niveau?
Écoutez la description de la maison 1) Listen to the recording by clicking on the image. 2) Then click on this box to see and improve the transcript after you have heard the recording to make it a higher level. 3) When you have improved it to raise its level, one member of the team should record it again through Powerpoint and label it on this screen for the next team. 4) Then move to the next laptop and listen to the previous team’s work Oùest le salon? Le salon est au rez de chaussée. J’aimeraisun grand salon avec unetélévisionet un feuteuil. J’aiune petite télévisionmaisje n’aime pas mon salon. Je voudraisunetélévisionplus grande. J’airegardéles Simpsons à la television. Click on the image below for the sound C’est de quelniveau? Qu’est-cequ’onpourrait faire pour améliorer le niveau?
Écoutez la description de la maison 1) Listen to the recording by clicking on the image. 2) Then click on this box to see and improve the transcript after you have heard the recording to make it a higher level. 3) When you have improved it to raise its level, one member of the team should record it again through Powerpoint and label it on this screen for the next team. 4) Then move to the next laptop and listen to the previous team’s work Oùest la salle de bains’ilvousplaît? Au première étage. J’aime la salle de bainparcequec’estdans ma chambre. Il y a aussi la salle de bainsur la cuisine, Mais la salle de bainsur la cuisine est horrible parcequec’est sale. Jevoudraisunesalle de baindans le salon parcequeelleserait utile Click on the image below for the sound C’est de quelniveau? Qu’est-cequ’onpourrait faire pour améliorer le niveau?
Écoutez la description de la maison 1) Listen to the recording by clicking on the image. 2) Then click on this box to see and improve the transcript after you have heard the recording to make it a higher level. 3) When you have improved it to raise its level, one member of the team should record it again through Powerpoint and label it on this screen for the next team. 4) Then move to the next laptop and listen to the previous team’s work Oùest le jardin? La jardinest derrière la maison. J’adore le jardinparcequec’esttres beau . Je voudraisunechambre dans monjardin. Çaseraitchouette! Click on the image below for the sound C’est de quelniveau? Qu’est-cequ’onpourrait faire pour améliorer le niveau?
Écoutez la description de la maison Elle est comment tachambre? Ma chambreesttrès petite. Je détestema chambreparcequec’estennuyeux et doncstupide. J’aimerais un grandechambre. J’aieuunegrandechambremais nous avonsdéplacé. Click on the image below for the sound 1) Listen to the recording by clicking on the image. 2) Then click on this box to see and improve the transcript after you have heard the recording to make it a higher level. 3) When you have improved it to raise its level, one member of the team should record it again through Powerpoint and label it on this screen for the next team. 4) Then move to the next laptop and listen to the previous team’s work C’est de quelniveau? Qu’est-cequ’onpourrait faire pour améliorer le niveau?
Écoutez la description de la maison 1) Listen to the recording by clicking on the image. 2) Then click on this box to see and improve the transcript after you have heard the recording to make it a higher level. 3) When you have improved it to raise its level, one member of the team should record it again through Powerpoint and label it on this screen for the next team. 4) Then move to the next laptop and listen to the previous team’s work4 Ta maison a une cave? Oui, nous avonsune cave. J’ADORE LA CAVE PARCE QUE C’EST COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Je voudraisun grenierparcequec’est cool! Ta maison a une cave?? Non Voudrais-tudeuxcaves. Non Click on the image below for the sound C’est de quelniveau? Qu’est-cequ’onpourrait faire pour améliorer le niveau?