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Transformative Mediation: A Breakthrough in Issue Resolution

Transformative Mediation: A Breakthrough in Issue Resolution. Dispute Resolution.

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Transformative Mediation: A Breakthrough in Issue Resolution

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TransformativeMediation:A Breakthrough in Issue Resolution

  2. Dispute Resolution Dispute resolution settles an argument between two individuals who are often angry with each other over an incident or situation. Through the intervention of a facilitator or mediator, these individuals come to an agreement they can both live with, and then they go their separate ways.

  3. Transformative Mediation But what if these two people cannot go their separate ways? What if they work together? The dispute may have been resolved, but the underlying conflict continues to smolder and will likely flare up again.

  4. Transformative Mediation You can try to keep them from negatively affecting the team by keeping them apart as much as is possible, but how does that square with your teambuilding initiatives?

  5. Transformative Mediation Transformative Mediation moves beyond dispute resolution. The mediator’s goal here is not settlement. Rather it is to provide a framework for mutual understanding and humanizing through a restored sense of strength and confidence in self, called the empowerment shift, and openness or responsiveness to the other, called the recognition shift.

  6. Transformative Mediation Give me 30 minutes of your time and attention. You’ll come away with the basics of transformative mediation, and a sense of empowerment in yourself. You CAN be the mediator.

  7. Transformative Mediation Presented by: Critical Training Solutions, LLC 6601 Stroud Dr. Houston, TX 77074 (713) 702 – 4334 jwilt@criticaltrainingsolutions.com

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