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Proposed Automated Toll Collection (ATC) system to alleviate traffic congestion at toll collection plazas by using license plate recognition. The system aims to improve highway capacity, reduce emissions, enhance safety, and save time for drivers and DOT. With a focus on addressing privacy concerns and potential competition, ATC is presented as a viable solution to the societal issue of traffic congestion. The impact and benefits of ATC are discussed in detail, highlighting the need for technological solutions to improve transportation efficiency.
REDUCE TRAFFIC CONGESTION Automated Toll Collection Solution Proposal Dave Larnerd Computer Science Senior September 17, 2007 Information Superiority for Transportation
Societal Woe • Toll collection plazas wreak havoc on traffic flow • Systems such as EZPass & FastTrak are limited Conventional toll collection methods require you to deposit coins, tickets, and tokens at toll plazas. This challenges highway capacity because the number of vehicles that can be processed at toll plazas is limited.
My Proposal: ATC Automated Toll Collection will streamline toll collection for every car & truck, as opposed to just those who use EZPass or similar systems
ATC - How do we get there? • Cameras capture image of passing license plates • System builds/updates database which is linked to all other participating toll collection stations • Applicable drivers receive monthly statement indicating balance due
Is it really needed? In 2005 Americans traveled 2,989,807,000,000 miles on our highways This represents a 27.4 billion mile increase over travel in 2004 and nearly 25 percent more than in 1995 There were 241.2 million vehicles registered, including 6.2 million motorcycles – the most ever recorded in both categories. US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. “Moving the American Economy.” 11 DEC 2006. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/pressroom/fhwa0614.htm
USA Today Article “Business travelers who rent autos often waste an average of 1½ hours per trip stuck in traffic, getting lost and waiting to pay tolls.” Source: Avis survey in May 2007 of 42,414 business travelers who rent from Avis; 6,303 travelers responded. Gary Stoller. “Business travelers say they lose lots of time sitting in traffic.” USA TODAY. 24 JUL 2007. http://www.usatoday.com/travel/news/2007-07-24-lost-time_N.htm
ATC Advantages • Eliminate/Reduce traffic congestion caused by toll collection • Reduce auto emissions and fuel consumption • Capable of providing DOT with valuable traffic information such as flow rate and volume • Increased safety – fewer vehicle and attendant accidents • Saved revenue – no longer require toll booth attendants • E-ZPass claims it processes 250 – 300 % more vehicles per lane (ATC should yield similar results)
Concerns • Privacy Mitigation: Data Security • Collecting tolls from drivers Mitigation: License & registration renewal denied if account past due • Weather or debris blocking license plate Mitigation: Capture front & rear license plates. Loss is not substantial or consider RFID tags on license plate
Competition • E-ZPass and other similar systems • Metro Road Systems Pvt Ldt (Research & Develop firm – India -offer license plate recog. – currently not in US) • RFID tags on license plates (Testing done in UK)
Societal Impact • In 2003, there were 3.7 billion hours of travel delay and 2.3 billion gallons of wasted fuel for a total cost of more than $63 billion. • Traffic congestion is a major quality of life issue that impacts decisions as fundamental as where to buy a home or where to work Any relief to congestion that technology can reasonably offer should demand our attention
Works Cited Bowen, Jerry. “Gridlock Driving Up Wasted Time.” CBS NEWS. 9 May 2005. <http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/05/09/national/main693952.shtml> Gary Stoller. “Business travelers say they lose lots of time sitting in traffic.” USA TODAY. 24 JUL 2007. <http://www.usatoday.com/travel/news/2007-07-24-lost- time_N.htm> E-Z Pass Information. E-Z Pass New Jersey Customer Service Center. 15 Sep 2007. <http://www.ezpass.com/static/info/howit.shtml> US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. “Moving the AmericanEconomy.” 11 DEC 2006. <http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/pressroom/fhwa0614.htm> “The Future of Transportation in Virginia.” VDOT Projects and Studies. Virginia.Gov 14 Sep 2007. <http://www.virginiadot.org/projects/> “Electronic Toll Collection Systems.” Metro Road Systems Private Limited. MetroRoad- Systems.com. 16 Sep 2007. <http://www.metroroadsystems.com/toll_collections.shtml> “RFID-Enabled License Plates To Identify UK Vehicles.” RFIDNews and RFID- Operations. 16 Sep 2007. <http://www.rfidnews.org/news/2004/06/10/rfidenabled- license-plates-to-identify-uk-vehicles/> “Not So Fast: E-Z Pass Data Used To Catch Cheaters.” CBS/AP. 11 Aug 2007. TopNews wcbstv.com. 15 Sep 2007. <http://wcbstv.com/topstories/local_story_222140553.html>