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In celebration of Lifespan’s 35th anniversary, a free class called “Where is the Joy? Putting Joy Back in your Life as you Age†will be presented on Thursday, June 28th.
Lifespan Launches a New Service: Well Being Program In celebration of Lifespan’s 35th anniversary, a free class called “Where is the Joy? Putting Joy Back in your Life as you Age” will be presented on Thursday, June28th. Santa Cruz, CA, May 16, 2018 - Lifespan, a specialized aging care agency founded in Santa Cruz County 35 years ago, announces a new service. The Well Being Program recognizes that as people age many become socially isolated, losing the ability to pursue past or new activities that might bring them joy. Often they become disconnected from theircommunity, family, and friends. Too often social isolation, reduced mobility, or relocation to a new community can diminish access to activities which have brought enjoyment and fulfillment to a person’s life. Lifespan hopes tohelp local elders reengage and find joy again through itsnew Well Being Program. The intent of this program is to increase engagement, sense of fulfillment, connection, and joy in life regardless of age or perceived changes in ability. At the outset a Lifespanprofessional meets with the eldertoexploreheror hisdesireswhichmayincluderenewingorexploringacreativeoutlet,connecting with family members or old friends, pursuing a spiritual path, or participating in outings into the community. Once personal goals are identified, a specialized Personal Assistant from Lifespan is matchedwiththeindividualand thetwocanembarkonplanningactivities. In celebration of Lifespan’s 35th anniversary, a free class called “Where is the Joy? Putting Joy Back in your Life as you Age” will be presented on Thursday, June 28th from 5 pm– 6:30 pm atLa Posada Senior Residence, 609 Frederick St., Santa Cruz. Attendees will learn how to create a richer life as they age through reengaging with old passions, exploring new interests, and reconnecting with old friends, family, or new experiences. To attend the class, RSVP toMarci@Chatterboxpublicrelations.com. The featured speaker will be Cathy Cress, MSW, who is a leading national expert in aging life and geriatric care management. Cress is a well-known authority on the baby boomer generation andthe aging family. Her book, Handbook in Geriatric Care Management is in its 4th edition. She earned her MSW from UC Berkeley and now consultants on aging issues, including lifeenrichment. AboutLifespan Lifespan is a comprehensive aging care management agency dedicated to providing the highestquality of careinthehomeorsettingofone’schoice. Lifespan’s goal is to maximize the health, safety, comfort, and independence of its clients through compassionate person-centered care. Since 1983 Lifespan has provided all-inclusive home care and professionalgeriatriccare managementservices toadultsinneedofassistance.Aleaderin agingcare
services, Lifespanisone oftheveryfirstorganizationstoprovidethiscombinationofcareontheWest Coast, andstilltheonlyagencyofitskindinSantaCruzCounty. Lifespan’s professional care management is provided by registered nurses and master’s level social workers who conduct assessments of client strengths and unmet needs then help the client and family decideonaplanofcare. Inaddition,care managerscancoordinateavarietyofresourcesandworkwith health care providers, fiduciary agents, and other professionals to make sure that all needs are met as conditions change. Lifespan also offers medication set-up and managements byRNs. Home care aides provide the important support with activities ofdaily living such as light housekeeping, shopping, laundry, meal preparation and clean up, personal hygiene, mobility, and medication reminders. They also provide protective supervision for persons with cognitive impairment. Care up to 24/hours per day is offered based on staffing availability. All home care aide services are supervised by the professional care manager RNs and social workers to ensure optimalcare. Lifespan is in full compliance with the 2015 California Home Care Services Consumer Protection Act, under the auspices of the California Department of Social Services, which specifies that all employees meet criteria as registered home care aides. This includes thorough screening, criminal background clearance (fingerprinting) by both the Department of Justice and FBI in addition to verifying initial and ongoing professional training. Employees of all levels are covered by Lifespan’s general liabilitybond and worker’s compensationpolicies. There aremorethan2millionprofessionalhomecareworkersintheU.S.providingcare andsupportto aging adults and persons with disabilities in home and community-based settings. The home care workforce has doubled in the past 10 years and the population of those 65 and older is expected to double to 88 million by 2050, making the role of professional aging care professionals that much more critical. Lifespan 600 Frederick St. Santa Cruz, CA 95062 lifespancare.com (831)469-4900 info@lifespancare.com State of California Home Care Organization License #444700001. Contact: Marci BraccoCain Chatterbox PR Salinas, CA93901 (831)747-7455