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Module : Visualisation and cartography Lesson 6: Surface visualisation

Module : Visualisation and cartography Lesson 6: Surface visualisation. Alfiya Zhaparkulova alif55@mail.ru Geodesy and Geoinformatics Department, KSUCTA. Learning objectives. 1. Types of continuous surfaces 2. Surface generation

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Module : Visualisation and cartography Lesson 6: Surface visualisation

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  1. Module : Visualisation and cartography Lesson 6: Surface visualisation AlfiyaZhaparkulova alif55@mail.ru GeodesyandGeoinformatics Department, KSUCTA

  2. Learning objectives 1. Types of continuous surfaces 2. Surface generation 3. Representing of the differing elevations of surface -Hypsometric Maps 4. Surface Analysis in ArcGIS 5. Summary 6. Assignment 2

  3. Continuous surfaces • Contain values • everywhere, eg. • Elevation • Population density • Temperature • Precipitation • Etc… 3 Teacher Training Workshop, University of West Hungary, 12-19, 2012

  4. Polygon (TIN) • Points (DEM) • Lines (countours) Types of surfaces 4 Teacher Training Workshop, University of West Hungary, 12-19, 2012

  5. Generating surfaces Surface interpolation functions create a continuous (or prediction) surface from sampled point values. IDW - inversedistanceweightedinterpolation KrigingInterpolates a gridfromaset of pointsusingkriging. NaturalNeighborInterpolates a surfacefrompointsusinganaturalneighbortechnique. SplinePerforms a two-dimensional minimum curvaturesplineinterpolationon a pointdatasetresultinginasmoothsurfacethatpassesexactlythroughthe input points. Topo to Raster Interpolates a hydrologically correct surface from point, line, and polygon data. 5 Teacher Training Workshop, University of West Hungary, 12-19, 2012

  6. Hypsometric Maps Hypsometric Mapsgiveelevations by contours, or sometimes by means of shading, tinting, or batching. 6

  7. Surface Analysis in ArcGIS 7 Teacher Training Workshop, University of West Hungary, 12-19, 2012

  8. Hillshading Slope shading Obliquelightshading Combined shading 8

  9. Slope 9

  10. Aspect 10 Teacher Training Workshop, University of West Hungary, 12-19, 2012

  11. Viewshed 11 Teacher Training Workshop, University of West Hungary, 12-19, 2012

  12. Examples of viewshed analysis Where we can use the viewshed? • Fire tower • Panorama • Military border tower • Visibility or view from high building 12 Teacher Training Workshop, University of West Hungary, 12-19, 2012

  13. Summary • Continuous surfaces - Elevation, Populationdensity, Temperature , Precipitation, Etc… • Types of continuous surfaces – TIN, DEM, Contours • Surface generation – interpolation methods • Hypsometric Maps - represent the differing elevations of the earth's terrain • 4. Surface Analysis in ArcGIS – Hillshading, Slope, Aspect, Viewshed, etc. 13 Teacher Training Workshop, University of West Hungary, 12-19, 2012

  14. Assignment Group of 5 student should collect min 20 GPS points around the Alarcha area with elevation data. Use the elevation data and GPS points to create the Digital Elevation Model for 1X1 km. Use 3 different interpolation methods of ArcGIS and describe which was perform better Assignment should be submitted before next lecture to my eamil.

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