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$100. $100. $100. $100. $200. $200. $200. $200. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300. $400. $400. $500. $500. $500. $500. $500. $100. $200. $400. $400. $400. Derivatives. Integrals. Tangent Lines. PVA. Potpourri. Tangent Lines. Derivatives. Integrals. PVA. Potpourri.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $100 $200 $400 $400 $400

  2. Derivatives

  3. Integrals

  4. Tangent Lines

  5. PVA

  6. Potpourri

  7. Tangent Lines Derivatives Integrals PVA Potpourri $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

  8. Derivatives- $100

  9. Derivatives - $200

  10. Derivatives - $300

  11. Derivatives - $400

  12. Derivatives- $500

  13. Integrals - $100

  14. Integrals - $200

  15. Integrals - $300

  16. Integrals - $400

  17. Integrals - $500

  18. Tangent Lines - $100 If f (2) = 5 and f '(2) = 3, write the equation of the line tangent to f (x) at x = 2

  19. Tangent Lines - $200 If the line tangent to f (x) at the point (3, -4) passes through (11, -8), find f '(3)

  20. Tangent Lines - $300

  21. Tangent Lines - $400 If f (2) = 3 and f '(2) = -5, And if g(x)=x·f(x), write the equation of the line tangent to g(x) at x = 2.

  22. Tangent lines - $500 If f (1) = 4 and f '(1) = 3, use the tangent line to approximate f (1.1). If f ''(1) = 5, determine if your approximation is greater or less than the actual value and state why.

  23. PVA - $100 If a particle's position is given by x(t) = 2t3 – 21t2 + 72t – 53, t ≥ 0, at what time(s) is the particle at rest? State why.

  24. PVA - $200 If a particle's position is given by x(t) = 2t3 – 21t2 + 72t – 53, t ≥ 0, where x is in feet and t is in seconds, what is the particle's acceleration at t = 4? Include units with your answer.

  25. PVA - $300 If a particle's position is given by x(t) = 2t3 – 21t2 + 72t – 53, t ≥ 0, for what values of t is the velocity increasing? State why.

  26. PVA - $400 If a particle's position is given by x(t) = 2t3 – 21t2 + 72t – 53, t ≥ 0, where x is in feet and t is in seconds, what is the particle's average velocity from t = 0 to t = 2? Include units with your answer.

  27. PVA - $500 Calculator question: A particle's acceleration is given by a(t) = ln(1 + 2t). If v(1) = 2, find v(2).

  28. Potpourri - $100 The radius of a circle is increasing at a constant rate of 5 m/sec. What is the rate of increase in the area of the circle at the moment its circumference is 20π meters?

  29. Potpourri - $200 ("DNE" will not be accepted)

  30. Potpourri - $300 find a and b so that f (x) is differentiable at x = 3.

  31. Potpourri - $400 Calculator question: The base of a solid is the region in the first quadrant bounded by the y-axis, y = tan-1x, y = 3 and x = 1. If each cross section perpendicular to the x-axis is a rectangle with a height of 4, what is the volume of this solid?

  32. Potpourri - $500 A population changes at a rate inversely proportional to the square of the population at any given time. If the initial population is 30 and after 10 years it is 300, what is the population after 17 years? (round to the nearest whole number)

  33. Derivatives- $100 2(x3 + 1)(3x2) or6x2(x3 + 1) or 6x5 + 6x2

  34. Derivatives - $200

  35. Derivatives - $300 -2/5

  36. Derivatives - $400 sin(x6)·2x

  37. Derivatives - $500 1/4

  38. Integrals - $100

  39. Integrals - $200

  40. Integrals - $300 10

  41. Integrals - $400

  42. Integrals - $500

  43. Tangent Lines - $100 y – 5 = 3(x – 2) or y = 3x – 1

  44. Tangent Lines - $200 -1/2

  45. Tangent Lines - $300 4/9

  46. Tangent Lines - $400 y – 6 = -7(x – 2) or y = -7x + 20

  47. Tangent Lines - $500 f (1.1) ≈ 4.3 This is less than the actual value because f (x) is concave up

  48. PVA - $100 At t = 3, t = 4 because the velocity is zero

  49. PVA - $200 6 ft/sec2

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