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Making contact with underground services when carrying out any excavation work can be deadly u2013 and expensive as well. Buried services are a major hazard on a construction site, and anywhere else where a contractor needs to dig. For instance, you may be asked by a utility to dig down and replace some pipework, but there may also be other utilities running right alongside the one that you have to deal with. Equally, they could be either above or below it, and it is very easy to make a cable strike.<br>

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  1. FOLLOWBESTPRACTICEWHENCARRYING OUTANYEXCAVATIONWORK Makingcontactwithundergroundserviceswhencarryingoutany excavationworkcanbedeadly–andexpensiveaswell.Buriedservicesare amajorhazardonaconstructionsite,andanywhereelsewherea contractor needs to dig. For instance, you may be asked by a utility to dig down and replace some pipework, but there may also be other utilities running right alongside the one that you have to deal with. Equally, they couldbeeitheraboveorbelowit,anditisveryeasytomakeacable strike.

  2. Obviously, when planning the work, it is vital to check with all other utilities in the area for plans. However, one of the big issues is that a utilitymayhavebeeninplaceformanyyears,andthesimplefactisthat plans are not always accurate. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is that there is no one system for recording underground services,anddifferentutilitieswilldoitindifferentways. It is also the case that original plans may have been hand drawn, but overtheyearstheyhavebeentranscribedtoamicrofiche,and subsequently to computer records, and, to use an old phrase, things havebeenlostintranslation.Inaddition,accuraterecordsmaynothave beenkeptatall.

  3. On top of that, you might have a situation where a contractor was requiredtoinstallpipeworkorcablingatacertaindepth,butinorderto save time and money, failed to dig down as far as required. So,the utilityitselfbelievesthatapipeisat,say,fivefeetbelowgroundwhenit is actually only three feet down! These are all reasons why you can only useplansasaguide. In the words of the HSE in its’ excellent HSG47 guide, unless you know for certain, youshouldalwaysassumethat there are underground services where you are going to dig, or at least, very close by. There are some1.5millionkmofthemintheUKafterall.

  4. It is vital before digging to undertake a thorough survey of the area in order to establish as far as possible what services are present in order to avoid a cable strike. This should be done using the CAT and Genny in combination. Trial holes can also be dug to confirm the exactlocationanddepthofservices. Onceundergroundserviceshavebeendetectedandidentified, ground marking should be used. This allows the workers to easily locatethepositionofservicesandtakeprecautionswhenworking.

  5. ContactUs HindleyBusinessCentre PlattLane Hindley Wigan WN23PA Tel:8442412597

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