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CHAPTER CHAIR & VICE CHAIR TRAINING MODULE. GENERAL GUIDELINES. Feel free to ask questions during a presentation. Follow agenda : Please stay on topic and to the point. Speak one at a time and so everyone can hear you. Please return from breaks promptly (or quietly).
GENERAL GUIDELINES • Feel free to ask questions during a presentation. • Follow agenda : Please stay on topic and to the point. • Speak one at a time and so everyone can hear you. • Please return from breaks promptly (or quietly).
VIRTUAL ADMINISTRATIVE REMARKS • Please ensure your phone is kept MUTED. • NEVER put your phone on hold. • Review participant logon screen features. • Slides and reference materials are posted on-line.
DEFINING LEADERSHIP • “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.” -- Dwight Eisenhower, U.S. President • “The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision.” -- Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, President Emeritus Notre Dame • “Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out.” -- Stephen Covey, America’s Management Guru
LEADERSHIP ESSENTIALS • COMMITMENT • Personal: Are you willing to do what it takes in your role? • Organizational : Is your agency/company willing to support you in this role? Do they value your participation? • COMMUNICATION • Conduct frequent mutual expectation exchanges. • Let others know what is going on and why. • Ask questions: Deal directly with individuals and issues. • PLAN, ORGANIZE & DELEGATE • Craft a plan with measurable achievable goals. • Share the burdens and responsibilities for its fulfillment. • Hold others accountable for their performance.
ASIS LEADERSHIP EXPECTATIONS • Adhere to your oath as an elected chapter officer : • “Do nothing to bring discredit upon ASIS and your chapter.” • “Further the aims and purposes of ASIS and your chapter.” • “Provide guidance, counsel and leadership to your chapter.” • “Uphold and abide by the Bylaws of ASIS International.” • Be knowledgeable of and comply with ASIS policies/procedures for your leadership function. • Provide continual value to your chapter members. • Promote adherence to the ASIS Code of Ethics.
ASIS CODE OF ETHICS ARTICLE I A member shall perform professional duties in accordance with the law and the highest moral principles. Ethical Considerations • 1-1 A member shall abide by the law of the land in which the services are rendered and perform all duties in an honorable manner. • 1-2 A member shall not knowingly become associated in responsibility for work with colleagues who do not conform to the law and these ethical standards. • 1-3 A member shall be just and respect the rights of others in performing professional responsibilities.
ASIS CODE OF ETHICS ARTICLE II A member shall observe the precepts of truthfulness, honesty, and integrity. Ethical Considerations • 2-1 A member shall disclose all relevant information to those having a right to know. • 2-2 A “right to know” is a legally enforceable claim or demand by a person for disclosure of information by a member. This right does not depend upon prior knowledge by the person of the existence of the information to be disclosed. • 2-3 A member shall not knowingly release misleading information, nor encourage or otherwise participate in the release of such information.
ASIS CODE OF ETHICS ARTICLE III A member shall be faithful and diligent in discharging professional responsibilities. Ethical Considerations • 3-1 A member is faithful when fair and steadfast in adherence to promises and commitments. • 3-2 A member is diligent when employing best efforts in an assignment. • 3-3 A member shall not act in matters involving conflicts of interest without appropriate disclosure and approval. • 3-4 A member shall represent services or products fairly and truthfully.
ASIS CODE OF ETHICS ARTICLE IV A member shall be competent in discharging professional responsibilities. Ethical Considerations • 4-1 A member is competent who possesses and applies the skills and knowledge required for the task. • 4-2 A member shall not accept a task beyond the member's competence nor shall competence be claimed when not possessed.
ASIS CODE OF ETHICS ARTICLE V A member shall safeguard confidential information and exercise due care to prevent its improper disclosure. Ethical Considerations • 5-1 Confidential information is nonpublic information, the disclosure of which is restricted. • 5-2 Due care requires that the professional must not knowingly reveal confidential information or use a confidence to the disadvantage of the principal or to the advantage of the member or a third person unless the principal consents after full disclosure of all the facts. This confidentiality continues after the business relationship between the member and his principal has terminated.
ASIS CODE OF ETHICS ARTICLE V (Cont.) A member shall safeguard confidential information and exercise due care to prevent its improper disclosure. Ethical Considerations • 5-3 A member who receives information and has not agreed to be bound by confidentiality is not bound from disclosing it. A member is not bound by confidential disclosures of acts or omissions that constitute a violation of the law. • 5-4 Confidential disclosures made by a principal to a member are not recognized by law as privileged in a legal proceeding. In a legal proceeding, the member may be required to testify to information received in confidence from his principal over the objection of his principal's counsel. • 5-5 A member shall not disclose confidential information for personal gain without appropriate authorization.
ASIS CODE OF ETHICS ARTICLE VI A member shall not maliciously injure the professional reputation or practice of colleagues, clients, or employers. Ethical Considerations • 6-1 A member shall not comment falsely and with malice concerning a colleague's competence, performance, or professional capabilities. • 6-2 A member who knows, or has reasonable grounds to believe, that another member has failed to conform to Code of Ethics of ASIS should inform the Ethical Standards Council in accordance with Article VIII of the Bylaws.
ASIS LEADERSHIP ACCOUNTABILITY • As described in ASIS Policies 3002 (II) & 3003 (II) : “If it is deemed in the best interest of ASIS, the President may, with proper justification and Board approval, remove any Senior Regional Vice President or Regional Vice President from office.” • As described in ASIS Policy 4006 (IV) : “Any chapter officer may be removed from office for cause by joint agreement of the SRVP and RVP, the Executive Committee of ASIS or by the Board of Directors.” • If a situation arises impacting your ability to fulfill your leadership responsibilities, please communicate that fact ASAP to your Regional Vice President and fellow chapter officers.
THE BOTTOM LINE • ASIS International wants you to be successful as a future chapter leader. • SRVP and RVP are committed to helping you excel though regional training and personal mentoring. • You will get out of your chapter leadership position exactly what you are willing to put into it. • Commitment and Communication are the keys to being a successful chapter officer.
CHAPTER CHAIR RESPONSIBILITIES • As per ASIS Procedure 4006 : • Appoint Committee Chairpersons (including a Program Chairperson and an Enrollment Chairperson for membership promotion and inquiries). • Preside at all meetings. • Designate time, place & agenda (to include both local chapter and national ASIS matters) of all meetings. • Confirm a completed chapter activity report is promptly submitted online to ASIS HQ & the RVP by the Chapter Secretary at end of each meeting. • Appoint a financial review committee of at least 3 members (no current officers or nominees) to report their audit results at final chapter meeting of the year. Their report will be included in the chapter activity report.
BEING CHAPTER CHAIR MEANS … • The Chapter Chair is not: • A figurehead leadership role. • An hereditary position in your chapter. • The Chapter Chair is: • The “Chief Executive Officer” of the chapter. • The “Buck Stops Here” plaque holder. • Leading from the front and inspiring others to move forward on a shared plan for the mutual benefit of all.
VICE CHAIR RESPONSIBILITIES • As per ASIS Procedure 4006 : • Preside at all meetings when the Chapter Chair is not present.
BEING VICE CHAIR MEANS … • The Chapter Vice Chair is NOT: • An honorary office or title. • A standby officer or chapter spare part. • The Chapter Vice Chair IS: • The “Chief Operating Officer” of the chapter. • The “Right Hand Man/Woman” of the Chapter Chair. • Directly supporting the Chapter Chair and the implementation of their shared plan for the chapter.
TASK #1 : KNOW YOUR MEMBERS • Chapter Rosters provide very detailed information. • Data extracted from a member’s online profile. • Encourage members to keep profiles updated. • Available as Excel spreadsheet and mailing labels. • Chapter Chair is sent electronic copies dated December 31, April 30, and September 30. • Also sent periodic new member reports. • Only Chapter Chair may request additional rosters. • Due to privacy issues, further release should limited to chapter officers. Access must be controlled.
REVIEW CHAPTER ROSTER CONTENTS • Member full name • ASIS member number • Date joined ASIS • Current membership status/date last updated • ASIS certifications • Business position/title • Name of employing agency or company • Business address and phone number • Home address and phone number • Email address
TASK #2 : IDENTIFY 2010 OFFICERS • Complete “2010 Chapter Officials Report Form” : • Provide Chapter Chair contact information. • List elected officers and appointed committee chairs/reps. • Provide basic chapter management information. • Form due to ASIS HQ and RVP by 10 December. Fax, email or give form to RVP and Matt Mantione. • Purpose: • Update ASIS records on current chapter leadership. • Grant officers access to restricted ASIS web pages. • Identify Chair to receive chapter roster updates. • Permit officers to order chapter supplies.
TASK #3 : ORDER CHAPTER MATERIALS • “Start-up” boxes of supplies shipped to seminar site. • Will forward to chapters w/ only virtual attendees. • Additional items may be ordered free of charge: • ASIS Stationary. • ASIS Appreciation and Completion Certificates. • Various ASIS informational brochures and pamphlets. • Back issues of Security Management. • Informational videos. • Membership recruiting materials. • ASIS display banners and table covers are available.
TASK #4 : INFORMATIONAL AWARENESS • ASIS International & Region 6 Web Sites • 2010 Chapter Management Resource CD • ASIS Policies & Procedures Handbook • ASIS Chapter Financial Handbook • ASIS Bylaws & Code of Ethics • ASIS 2010 Staff & Volunteer Leadership Charts • ASIS 2010 Strategic Plan • ASIS Foundation 2010 Awards Calendar • Your Archived Chapter Activity Reports • Your Latest Chapter Membership Roster
POLICY 4000 : BASIC CHAPTER RULES • Chapters chartered by ASIS must conform to the Bylaws of ASIS and adhere to all provisions of the ASIS Policies and Procedures Guide. • A chapter will at all times be subject to the rules and regulations now established or as prescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors for the conduct of ASIS as a whole. • The chapter is responsible for fostering, promoting, and furthering, within the geographical locality assigned to it by the Board of Directors, the purposes and objectives of ASIS as contained in the Bylaws of ASIS, in ASIS’ strategic plan, and as disseminated by the Board of Directors.
POLICY 4000 : BASIC CHAPTER RULES • The Board of Directors may cancel, suspend, or revoke the charter of chapter for cause. Such action of the Board shall be final and conclusive. • Upon cancellation, suspension, or revocation of the charter of any chapter, the ASIS Executive Committee will have the right and power, through its designated agents, to take possession, custody, and control of all the records, property, and assets of the chapter.
POLICY 4000 : BASIC CHAPTER RULES • A chapter may make no representation, utterance, or commitment in the name of ASIS. Nor shall any representation, utterance, or commitment of the chapter obligate or purport to obligate ASIS, unless such representation, utterance, or commitment first has been approved by the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee of the Board, or the President. This includes any public statement by any member or any officer of the chapter, regional, or international level that might reasonably be construed to establish or change a position of ASIS.
POLICY 4000 : BASIC CHAPTER RULES • A chapter may take a position on a matter that affects only the geographical area of the chapter. Such a position must clearly state it is the position of only the local chapter. All such positions must be stated in writing, and a copy must be forwarded to the Senior Regional Vice President, Regional Vice President, ASIS Treasurer, ASIS President, and Executive Director. • No chapter may publicly endorse any candidate for political office at any level, whether local, state, or national.
CHAPTER OFFICER SELECTION • Any member “in good standing” is eligible for election to any office during the annual chapter business meeting. • Chapter Nominating Committee : • Membership • Minimum of three chapter members. • May not be a current chapter officer. • Should not include someone being nominated. • Functions • Ensure nominees will commit needed time to office. • Submit written list of nominees to Chapter Secretary NLT 15 days prior to annual chapter business meeting. • Announce nominations at chapter business meeting
CHAPTER OFFICER SELECTION • Elections • At the annual business meeting of the chapter, the Chapter Nominating • Committee will announce its nominations for office for the coming year, • and the election of chapter officers shall be held at the same meeting • . • However, balloting by mail is authorized if there is a lack of quorum or • another valid reason. • Either way, it is recommended the elections be held • no later than December 1. • B. Nominations of members for the elective office may be made from the floor at the annual business meeting by any chapter member or Life member provided: 1. The nomination is seconded by another chapter member at the annual business meeting. 2. The nominee consents to serve if elected. 3. The nominee specifies that he will be available to attend chapter meetings and will commit a responsible amount of time to the office for which he is nominated. 4. The nominee from the floor must be present or must have submitted a written statement to the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee agreeing to serve and stating his availability to attend meetings and devote a responsible amount of time to the elected office. 5% OF TOASL MEBERSHIP SHALL CONSTITUREA QUORUM FOR TRANSACTION OF BUISNESS AT REGULAR OR SPECIAL CHAPTER MEETING
CHAPTER OFFICER SELECTION • A chapter may, in its sole discretion, decide whether it will allow absentee • or proxy ballots. • D. If there is more than one nominee for any chapter office, the election, in • respect to such office, must be conducted by written ballot. The presiding • officer should appoint three inspectors, none of whom shall be a nominee, • for the purpose of receiving and counting the ballots. The inspectors then • should make a report to the presiding officer concerning the number of • votes cast for each candidate for the office. The nominee for each office • receiving the highest number of votes will then be declared elected by the • presiding officer. • E. In the event of a tie vote, balloting must continue until the tie is broken. • The new officers assume office at the first chapter meeting after January 1.
CHAPTER OFFICER SELECTION • Nominees for chapter offices are expressly forbidden from campaigning for themselves or for other nominees on the ballot. “Campaigning” is defined as soliciting votes or making express promises of action if elected.
CHAPTER EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE • Policy 4010: Committees • I. Each chapter will have an Executive Committee consisting of the officers of that chapter. • A. At the discretion of the Chapter Chairperson, past Chapter Chairpersons who are not current chapter officers may be invited to serve on a Chapter's Executive Committee as nonvoting members. • B. The Executive Committee is empowered to act for and on behalf of the chapter between regular meetings of the chapter. • II. Each chapter will appoint other committees as appropriate.
POLICY 4005: MEETING REQUIREMENTS • I. Chapters should hold a minimum of 6 meetings annually and will conduct their meetings in compliance with Procedure 4005. • Procedure 4600 II E. Secretary give due, advance notice of all chapter meetings to all chapter members.
ASIS REQUIREMENTS FOR GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS • Policy 4010: C. All acts of the Executive Committee will be the first order of business during each following chapter meeting, and these acts must be adopted, amended, or rejected by the chapter's membership. • Procedure 4006 III E. Treasurer Present at each regular meeting of the chapter a detailed report of the chapter's accounts, showing the accounts received and expended since the last preceding regular meeting and the chapter balance as reflected by the books.
ASIS REQUIREMENTS FOR GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS • Procedure 4005: Meetings and Records • I. Chapter meetings should be held on a monthly basis. To remain in good standing, each chapter must hold at least six meetings per year. If the chapter wishes and can justify why six is not possible or productive, then the chapter must request an exemption in written from the Regional Vice President. If the Regional Vice President finds that less than six meetings is appropriate for that chapter and approves the request, the chapter will remain in good standing. • II. One of these six meetings must be an annual meeting of the chapter. The meeting is held either in October or November for the purpose of electing orinstalling new chapter officers for the following year.
ASIS REQUIREMENTS FOR GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS • III. Notice of all meetings will be given to the members by one of the following delivery methods: in person (phone call or face-to-face), via electronic mail, or by postal mail, at least five days before the date of the meeting. The notice sets forth the time, place, and agenda of the meeting. • IV. A special chapter meeting must be called at any time by the Chapter Chairperson if at least five percent of the chapter members in good standing request one in writing and give the reasons. Notice of special meetings must be sent to all chapter members at least five days before the date of the meeting and indicate the purpose.
ASIS REQUIREMENTS FOR GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS V. Five percent of the total membership of the chapter constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or special chapter meeting. VI. Members of ASIS in attendance, who are not members of the chapter who is hosting the chapter activity, have a right to attend any chapter meeting only as observers. They may participate in discussion when invited to do so by the Chairperson or by general consent but have no vote. VII. Whenever a chapter votes to recommend a particular matter presented before it for the consideration of another chapter of ASIS, the Chairperson must advise the Senior Regional Vice President, Regional Vice President, ASIS President, and the Executive Director of the proposal in writing.
ASIS REQUIREMENTS FOR GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS VIII. When a chapter votes to recommend a particular policy matter before it for consideration by the Board of Directors, the Chairperson of the chapter must advise the Senior Regional Vice President, Regional Vice President and the Executive Director of the proposal in writing. The Executive Director will then present the matter to the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the President for the consideration of the Board as outlined in Procedure 6050. IX. A chapter member may invite a guest to attend a chapter meeting. However, the guest is not entitled to participate in any discussions unless invited to do so by the Chairperson. Guests are not eligible to vote on any matters considered during the chapter meeting. POLICY 4005 : III G. Treasurer prepare and submit a written financial report at the chapter’s annual business meeting.
CONDUCTING VIRTUAL MEETINGS • ASIS headquarters staff is providing two resources to aid you in conducting the business of the society. • The first resource is this collaborative workspace for you using Microsoft SharePoint technology. At the bottom of this page is a list of all the workspaces for which you are a member. As part of your group’s workspace, we are providing the following capabilities that you may use on a continual basis: • 1. Post and share documents among participants; • 2. Use a general shared calendar; • 3. Create and assign tasks to participants; • 4. Create announcements to participants; • 5. Create team discussions to participants; • 6. Access relevant information links such as the ASIS Website or other sites deemed relevant to the group chairperson • A folder titled “General Information” in the Shared Documents Section that has further instructions and reference information.
CONDUCTING VIRTUAL MEETINGS • The second resource is a web or audio-only conferencing service that will allow your Volunteer Leadership group to hold a virtual meeting. Each ASIS Volunteer Leadership group may schedule virtual business meeting dates as appropriate in order to conduct the business they wish to accomplish in alignment with the goals and objectives stated in the Society’s strategic plan. Although this service is not integrated with the SharePoint workspaces, we have provided information in each of the workspaces about using these services including: • 1. Link with the Web conferencing service (Premier Global Services); and • 2. Link with the audio conferencing service (Premier Global Services). • Please contact me or our IT staff member Brian Riley at brian.riley@asisonline.org or +;1.703.518.1481 for technical support (such as login issues) on workspace issues. Contact your staff liaison for further assistance. Jim Evans