1. Lipodrops Drops the Pounds! Your Personal Diet Plan
Before your body agrees to drop the weight it will need to be convinced that it does not need to keep it around. The weight has been kept on because your body has been following your directions telling it to keep it!
By eating only once, twice, or even three times a day, and because of the type of foods you have been having, you have been telling the body that there is an insufficient supply of energy (food) to be had. The body responds by lowering metabolism and trying to conserve energy, storing it for later when it is able to do so.
3. Lipodrops Drops the Pounds! The way the body knows about its available energy supply is through your blood sugar levels. By keeping these levels at a normal range consistently throughout your day, the body will then believe that it no longer needs to store up this energy for later (as fat).
Your bodys gas gauge then, what it is checking, is the blood sugar; and when it sees that the tank is full, and stays full, it will then step on the gas and raise the metabolism. Now your body is using what has been put away into storage (fat), for fuel.
4. Lipodrops Drops the Pounds! To start setting up your Diet Plan do the following:
In the left hand column of your worksheet lets first figure out your TIMES. Start at the top with when you wake up (most days) and write in the time in the space provided.
On the next line down, put in your time for breakfast, which should be NO LATER THAN ONE HOUR AFTER WAKING UP (we will get to what to eat in a bit).
5. Lipodrops Drops the Pounds! 3) Now put in the times you generally have LUNCH and DINNER. If you do not usually have lunch (or any of these meals or snacks) now is your time to come up with a time that for each will work in your daily schedule.
Once you have the three meal times (breakfast, lunch and dinner) figure the times for your morning and afternoon snacks. These times are halfway between the meals.
For example: If Lunch is at 2 and Dinner at 6, then your afternoon snack will be at 4.
6. Lipodrops Drops the Pounds! What To Eat
On your planner it is indicated what you may eat for the meals and snacks. But it is OK if, because of your daily schedule, you switch around a meal and snack. STILL , STAY WITH YOUR SET TIMES REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU EAT AT THOSE TIMES.
For example: You may change it so you have lunch type food at the morning snack TIME, and then snack type food at the lunch TIME, thats OK, just stay with the TIMES!