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Implementation of MGNREGS. Dept. of Rural Development Andhra Pradesh. Mission Statement. Enhancement of livelihoods for the Rural poor. Important Objectives:. Providing 100 days wage employment to rural poor. Creating durable. Other rights & entitlements. On time payment.
Implementation of MGNREGS Dept. of Rural Development Andhra Pradesh
Mission Statement Enhancement of livelihoods for the Rural poor Important Objectives: • Providing 100 days wage employment to rural poor • Creating durable • Other rights & entitlements • On time payment • Worksite facilities • Wage rate • Transparency
STAFFINGImplementation Principles- Personnel - Roles and responsibilities
Staffing • The Act makes it mandatory for the State Government to make available to the District Programme Coordinator and the Programme Officer, necessary staff and technical support as may be necessary for the effective implementation of the scheme.
Staffing – Categorization • To ensure proper implementation of the Scheme and to rationalise the administrative and implementation arrangements all the Districts, Blocks and GPs in the states shall be bifurcated into two categories viz., A. Potential, B. less potential based on the criteria prescribed below:
The criteria prescribed for categorization is as detailed below:
Staffing (cont) • The Districts, Blocks and GPs not covered in the above criteria shall be defined as Non MGNREGS work potential. • Limitation of administrative expenditure : In any case, the administrative expenses on the staff cost shall not exceed 5% on plain areas and in tribal subplan area 6% taking district as unit. • 0.5 % for Social Audit and concurrent social audit • 1.5 % trainings and other recurring administrative cost. • 1% Smart card expenditure and commission.
Staffing – Village Level • Gram Sabha (GS): The Act authorizes the Gram Sabha to identify, priorities and recommend works to be taken up under MGNREGS, to monitor and supervise these works, and to initiate social audits of the implementation of the Scheme. • Gram Panchayat (GP): The Gram Panchayats have a pivotal role in the planning and implementation of MGNREGS.
GP Panchayat Secretary • The Gram Panchayat Secretary is designated as Registration officer for the purpose of receiving applications for Job cards. He will receive and scrutiny the applications for Job cards and recommend to the Program officer NREGS for issuance of the Job cards. • Gram Panchayat Secretary shall also receive individual and Group applications for work and issue the receipts to the applicants. He will further recommend to Program officer for allotment of the work as per the entitlement of the Households.
Rozgar Sevak • The implementation of MGNREGS involves a considerable organizational responsibility at the level of the Gram Panchayat. Hence at the Village Level Gram Panchayat shall be assisted by a Rozgar Sevak for implementing the scheme. One Rozgar Sevak from the same GP shall be selected and positioned for 1000 labour reporting for work. One additional Rozgar Sevak may be positioned in case of the labour report over and above 1000 for work.
Block level • Intermediate Panchayat level: The Intermediate panchayat is the principal authority for planning and implementation of the Scheme at the Block level.
At the Block Level Block Development Officer (BDO) is designated as Program Officer and shall discharge all the functions specified in the Act. The staff composition at Block Computer Center is as follows: Functionaries at Block level:
Block Development Officer (BDO) / Programme Officer (PO)-EGS: • Block Development Officer as the Programme Officer shall implement and monitor the scheme at Block level. • He/she will be accountable to the Addl. DPC and District Programme Coordinator. • He / She shall also report to Intermediate Panchayat in the implementation of the scheme.
Additional Programme Officer, EGS: • One exclusive Additional Programme Officer, EGS shall be positioned in each Block on contract basis. • He/she shall report to the BDO / Programme Officer, EGS for implementation of the scheme. EGS Engineer: • Each Block shall have one exclusive EGS Engineer in the rank of AEE/AE. • They shall be recruited from open market or Public Service Commission or for time being the posts may be filled on deputation. • Till the time they are positioned the Block Engineering officer is designated as EGS Engineer.
Technical Assistants • The TAs will be from the engineering/Technical stream. • They will be hired by the DPC from the open market. • They will work under the control of the Additional Programme Officer and EGS engineer. Account Asst. cum Computer Operators • In a Block 1 or 2 Account Asst. cum Computer operators shall be placed based on the workload. • They should have data entry skills and have sufficient knowledge to trouble shoot any minor problems with the functioning of Computers. • They will work under the direct control of Addl. PO and PO.
Cluster Level • For every group of 3 to 4 Blocks in the district there will be one cluster office. • The Assistant Project Director will have an office in the cluster HQ. • One Technical Assistant and one Computer Operator will be positioned in each APDs office. • The APD will be of the rank of Asst Director in Govt. departments. • They may be recruited from open market or from Public Service Commission or on deputation basis. • The TA and CO shall be recruited from open market on outsourcing basis.
District Level • District Panchayats will finalise and approve the District Plans under Employment Guarantee Scheme in the District. • It will identify and approve works under District Panchayats quota not exceeding 10% of the value of total works in the district. • District Programme Coordinator (DPC): • The District Collector is designated as District Programme Coordinator MGNREGS. • The DPC shall be responsible for the overall coordination and implementation of the Scheme in the District in accordance with the provisions of the Act and guidelines issued by Government from time to time. • The DPC shall establish an exclusive EGS unit at District level. The EGS Unit is headed by Additional District Programme Coordinator and comprises of major functional wings such as Works, Finance and Accounts, Quality Control, Vigilance, Social Audit, MIS, Horticulture, CB &Trainings.
The sanctioned posts rationalizationbased on districts categorization
The sanctioned posts rationalizationbased on districts categorization (cont)
EGS Unit: Additional District Programme Coordinator: • Addl. DPC will work under the control of the DPC. • He/she will head the EGS unit at the district level. Additional Project Director - EGS • The post of Addl. PD shall be in the rank of Deputy Director/ Assistant Director or Asst. Director having minimum 5 years experience in AD rank. Implementation of the scheme in ITDA scheduled areas. • In the Schedule areas, there shall be an EGS unit attached to the ITDA. • PO ITDA being designated as Additional Dist Program Coordinator shall monitor and manage the scheme in the core ITDA Blocks. • The ITDA office shall be supported by EGS unit with one Special officer – EGS (Assistant Director cadre) exclusively for EGS and one Computer operator.
State Level • The Commissioner, RD • Commissioner, Rural Development shall be the State Programme Coordinator EGS. The Commissioner RD will be assisted by a EGS unit at state level. The composition of the EGS unit will be as under. • Director, MGNREGS • State Program Manager • State Finance Manager • State Programme Manager (Horticulture) • Programme Managers • Administrative Officer • Finance Manager (Internal Auditing) • Finance Manager(Accounts) • Program Manager (Capacity Building & Training) • Supporting staff - 6 Accounts assistants, 6 Civil Engineers, 6 Programme Executives (Programme Implementation-1, Admin, Social Audit-2, Horticulture-2, MIS), 6 Programme Assistants, (Admn, MIS, Logistics) 2 Personal Secretaries, 8 messengers-office assistants, 2 drivers.
Director EGS • Director EGS assists the SPC and CRD in the overall implementation of the programme. • Director EGS will report to Commissioner Rural Development in implementation of the NREGS-AP. • Director will head the EGS unit in the office of the Commissioner Rural Development. • He/She is empowered to review and monitor the implementation of the Scheme with Addl.DPCs, BDO / Programme Officers. • The Director is responsible for quality control and vigilance. • The over all software maintenance shall be under the charge of the Director EGS.
SSAAT • A Society in the name of The Society for Social Audit, Accountability and Transparency shall be established at state level which shall function independently under the control of the Government directly. • An exclusive officer as Director, SSAAT shall be positioned as head of the Social Audit unit. • The Society for Social Audit, Accountability and Transparency will carry out Social Audit of NREGS in all the villages in the state. • The Director SSAAT shall ensure that in all the villages in districts Social Audit shall be carried out once in 6 months. • The Director, SSAAT shall also take up concurrent social audit of NREGS in the state. • The Director shall also ensure that Social Audit reports of all the Blocks shall be furnished to DPC, Addl. DPC and Addl.DPC, and the Commissioner RD and Director, MGNREGS.
SRDS • The state Government may establish a Society for RD services to identify and fillup the posts sanctioned on contract basis. • This Society for RD services shall develop and implement necessary appropriate HR policy for all the EGS functionaries.
SANCTIONING OF WORKS • After approval of the works by the Gram Panchayat, the concerned Technical Assistant/Junior Engineer of the Gram Panchayat will prepare the estimate. • The technical approvals/sanctions will be issued by the concerned technical authorities. • Capturing coordinates for each work.
MEASUREMENT FOR WORK AND SCHEDULE OF RATES • The state Government may under take comprehensive work, time and motion studies. • The Schedules of Rates (SOR) may be prepared on the basis of these studies. • The separate work time motion study shall be taken up to arrive the rates for disabled wage seekers, PLM wage seekers. • Studies shall be made to arrive with the task rates in summer season (dry season) to ensure the specified wage rate.
MEASUREMENT FOR WORK AND SCHEDULE OF RATES • The measurement/assessment of the work will be carried out group wise, week wise by the concerned Technical Assistant/Junior Engineer. • The entries of measurement of work will be entered in measurement book and in the muster roll. • Measurement book shall be check measured by the check measurement officer designated by the State Government. • 7 days muster (no 15 days muste) • Studies shall be made to arrive with the task rates in summer season (dry season) to companionate the wage rate.
PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT (PCR) Completion of the Work • Completion of the work means, all the tasks in a work taken up shall be completed till the logical end of work to deliver it full utility. (or quantity as per the actual requirement in the field). • All the works in a Project shall be completed and take up to a logical end so that project shall be converted as a durable asset. • A photograph of the completed work shall be taken. • Studies shall be made to arrive with the task rates in summer season (dry season) to companionate the wage rate.
Payment of wages through Banks/Post Offices • Individual accounts should be opened for all wage seekers. • Biometric payments should be given preference. • Banks should be selected based on the local requirements & their flexibility to adopt BC model • Accounts of same bank as GP/Block/District account should be preferred. • Inter bank transfers if any, should be simplified. • Cooperation of banks should be sought before introducing payments through banks. • Clear instructions on process of bank payments to GPs/labourers
Payment of wages through Banks/Post Offices (Cont) • Clarity of the entire process should be ensured among all the stakeholders. • Online transfer of amount should be preferred to avoid delays due to clearance of cheques. • Wage slips to be generated and provided to labourers – resembling withdrawal slip for withdrawing money. • Reconciliation of bank payments with standard norms and guidelines. • Pass books should facilitate monitoring of wage payments. • MoU with the banks.
Fixed Payment cycle Opening of Muster Disbursement of wages to Labour Wed - Sat (Day 10- 13) Mon Day 1 Conveyance of cash to BPM / CSP Wed-Fri Day 10-11 Closing of Muster Roll Sat Day 6 Handing over cheque to SPM /Online transfer Measurement & Check Measurement Tue-Wed Day 9-10 Sat-Mon Day 6-8 Mon-Tue Day 8-9 Data Entry in MCC Pay Order & Preparation of Cheques / FTO Uploading Sat-Mon Day 6-8 e Pay order 33
Category of works -Revised I. Provision of irrigation facility, horticulture plantation and land development facilities to land owned by households belonging to the Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes orto the beneficiaries under the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006. II. Water conservation and water harvesting in Govt /Common lands. III. Renovation of traditional water bodies including desilting of tanks • Studies shall be made to arrive with the task rates in summer season (dry season) to companionate the wage rate.
Category of works -Revised IV. Drought proofing (including a forestation and tree plantation in community/Government lands). V. Irrigation canals including micro and minor irrigation works. VI. Road connectivity to un connected habitations for all weather access VII. Flood control and flood protection works VIII. Provision of irrigation facility, horticulture plantation & land development facilities to land owned by households belonging to below poverty line families
Category of works -Revised IX. Land development of Community/Government lands X. Internal roads in SC/ST colonies XI. Access to sanitation facilities. XII. Any other work which may be notified by the Central Government in consultation with the State government subject to 60:40 condition at project/Gram Panchayat level. • Permissible works can be identified under each project. The State Govt shall notify the list of permissible works under the above categories.
Fulfill the Conditions The above categories of works can be taken up subjected to : • The 60:40 ratio shall be maintained for each project at GP level. • Only after exhausting the works in the 1st project, then only the works in the next projects shall be taken up. The priorities shall be maintained in the same manner • the season based works like plantation desilting might be exempted from the priorities. • Other than category I and VII projects, no other projects shall be taken up in individual lands
Fulfill the Conditions • The individual land owner shall be a job card holder and also work in the project • Projects shall be identified and approved by the Gram Sabha. The Gram Panchayat shall aprove such projects as GP plan for MGNREGS. • No contractors or no labour displacing machinery shall be used in the execution of work • No machinery shall be purchased.
Project Definition • Group of works in each of the 12 permissible projects in a contagious block of land or in a continuous stretch is defined as a project.
Amendment to Para .8.i Amended vide GO. No. 64 of GOI, dated 15-1-2008 • The Schedule of rates of wages for unskilled labourers shall be so fixed that a person working for seven hours including one hour lunch/rest would normally earn a wage equal to the wage rate.
Shrama Shakti Sanghalu • 10 to 30 members form into SSS group. • Fixed laborers in a group. • Each SSS shall have one Mate . • All the members in a job cardshallin one group • Unique code to each SSS. • Work allotment letters sufficient for 100 days and details of work allotted are handed over to each SSS. • Sufficient musters for 100 days for an year are issued in advance so as not to depend on local functionaries in opening of works. • Self selection based on affinity, locality and same socio economic homogeneity
Mates • Each SSS shall have one mate. • Mate is one among labourers. • He/She is a working mate.(works along with group members) • Mate is a 10th class pass/fail labour. • Mate is elected by the members . • Group can remove Mate.
Job chart of Mate • Mate updates the job card. • Mate takes attendance every day at worksite. • Mate mobilize labour to work site. • Maintains the musters at work site. • Gives the marking for work every day to wage seekers to ensure the Rs121/-per day. • He/She is responsible of work site management . • Mate should help Field Assistant and T.A for taking measurement. • Mate should maintain a register called “Mate register”(Work book). • Mate should conduct a meeting with SSS members to capture the work demand. • Last but not least He/She create awareness among the members on their rights and entitlements.
Compensation for delay in wage payments- Salient Features • Compensation shall be paid to wage seekers for the delay in wage payments exceeding 14 days from the 1st day of reporting to work. • 0.3% of delayed wages per day shall be paid to wage seeker as compensation. • The compensation shall be paid with the next wage payment. • Special mention as ‘Compensation’ in the pay slip of wage seekers.
Salient Features cont.. • Functionary responsible for the delay shall be identified through computer system and amount will be recovered from the salary. • Project Director/DWMA is the authorized officer to approve the recoveries. • Salaries of functionaries shall be generated only after the recoveries are made. Maximum deduction of 1/3rd from salary per month. • 1st phase: Krishna, Kadapa, Kurnool, Anantapur & Chittoor districts.
Pre-requisites for effective implementation • E-MMS linked to payorder generation • Online Conversion of RAGAS • Biometric authenticated wage payments • Updating of HRMS Data