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PhD Course. TOPICS IN (NANO) BIOTECHNOLOGY Human Genome Project Lecture 12. 27th November , 200 6. Public Consortium. Celera Genomics. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/genome/program.html. Nuclear. Human Genome. Mitochondrial. Remember what the genome is?.
PhD Course TOPICS IN (NANO) BIOTECHNOLOGY Human Genome Project Lecture 12 27th November, 2006
Public Consortium Celera Genomics
Nuclear Human Genome Mitochondrial Remember what the genome is? • Human Genome organisation • Human genome contains ~ 40,000 genes • Nuclear genome 3000 Mb • 30,000 to 40,000 structural genes • 24 different types of DNA duplex • 22 autosomes, 2 sex chromosomes
Let’s define it. • DEFINITION: The entire genetic makeup of the human cell nucleus. Includes non-coding sequences located between genes, which makes up the vast majority of the DNA in the genome (~95%)
What is the Human Genome Project? • DEFINITION: The Human Genome Project is a multi-year effort to find all of the genes on every chromosome in the human body and to determine their biochemical nature. • SPECIFIC GOALS: • Identify all the genes in human DNA • Determine the sequences of the 3 billion bps • Save the information in databases • Improve tools for data analysis • Transfer related technologies to the private sector • Address the ethical, legal and social issues that may arise from the project
Sequence Genomes Genetic Mapping, Mutation Detection Find Genes Establish Function and Disease Mechanism Diagnostics/ Prognostics Drug Candidates Cure Gene Therapy
“Sequence the 3 billion (+) base pairs of human DNA and identify all genes contained in the human genome” DNA Sequence ‘Reads’ - Need 60,000,000 of them!!
Importance and Impact Why are genome projects important? • The key to continued development of molecular biology, genetics and molecular life sciences • a catalogue containing a description of the sequence of every gene in a genome is seen as immensely valuable, even if the function is not known • aid in isolation and utilisation of new genes • stretch technology to its limits What is the potential impact? • Improved diagnosis/therapy of disease • prokaryotic genomes: vaccine design, exploration of new microbial energy sources • plant and animal genomes: enhance agriculture
The primary HGP sequencing sites • The Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research (Eric Lander, Massachusetts, USA) • The Sanger Centre (Cambridge, GB) • Baylor College of Medicine (Richard Gibbs, Houston, USA) • Washington University (Robert Wayerston, St. Louis, USA) • DoEs Joint Genome Institute, JGI (Trevor Hawkins, Walnut Creek, California, USA) • …and other genome centres worldwide...
The Human Genome Project- Timelines - President announcesgenome working draft completed Celera Genomics Formed High Resolution Maps ofSpecific Chromosomes Announced Conferenceon HGPFeasibility HGPOfficially Begins 1st HumanChromosome Sequenced E.coliGenome Completed 1985 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 1987 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 FlyGenome Completed LowResolution LinkageMap of HG Published Congress Recommends 15 year HGP Project S. cerevisiae Genome Completed C. elegans Genome Completed Human Genome Published Science (Feb. 16, 2001) - Celera Nature (Feb. 15, 2001) - HGP
History of Human Genome Project • 1983 Los Alamos Labs and Lawrence Livermore National Labs, both under the DOE, begin production of DNA cosmid libraries for single chromosomes • 1986 DOE announces HUMAN GENOME PROJECT • 1987 DOE advisory committee recommends a 15-year multi-disciplinary undertaking to map and sequence the human genome. NIH begins funding of genome projects • 1988 Recognition of need for concerted effort. HUGO founded (Human Genome Organisation) to coordinate international efforts DOE and NIH sign the Memorandum of Understanding outlining plans for co-operation
History of Human Genome Project • 1990 DOE and NIH present joint 5-year Human Genome Project to Congress. The 15 year project formally begins • 1991 Genome Database (GDB) established • 1992 Low resolution genetic linkage map of entire human genome published, High resolution map of Y and chromosome 21 published • 1993 DOE and NIH revise 5-year goals • IMAGE consortium established to co-ordinate efficient mapping and sequencing of gene-representing cDNAs (Integrated Molecular Analysis of Genomes and their Expression)
History of Human Genome Project • 1994 Genetic-mapping 5-year goal achieved 1 year ahead of schedule • Genetic Privacy Act proposed to regulate collection, analysis, sorage and use of DNA samples (endorsed by ELSI) • 1994-98 Tons of stuff happens that continues to advance the project • 1998 Celera Genomics formed • New 5-year plan by DOE and NIH • 1999 First chromosome completely sequenced (Chromosome 22) • 2000 June 6, HGP and Celera announce they had completed ~ 97% of the human genome. • 2003 April 25, HGP finally completed
People of Human Genome Project • James Watson Original Head of HGP • Francis Collins • Craig Venter
DNA sequencing • The Sanger dideoxy termination method (remember?) • Nucleotide analogs (ddNTP) are incorporated into DNA during its synthesis together with normal nucleotides (dNTP) - when a ddNTP is inserted, the reaction stops = chain termination • Radioactively labeled ddNTPs • four different reactions are performed, each reaction contains ddA, ddG, ddC, ddT • Autoradiography enable analysis of different fragment lengths which correspond to different termination points • Fluorescently labeled ddNTPS • one reaction carried out, all four ddNTPs are incorporated but each ddNTP is labelled with a different fluourescent dye • automated DNA sequencers interfaced with computers determine the order of the dyes and hence the DNA sequence
Mapping the Human Genome: Low Resolution Mapping • The Gene Linkage Map • Identifies position of genes by locating marker base sequences associated with RFLPs • Based on how close together two genes are • the closer together two genes are, the less likely they are to separate during meiotic recombination in germ cells • the frequency of recombination between two genes can help to decipher the distance between them on a gene linkage map • genes separated by more than 50cM (50 million bps) are not considered linked • Studies of families affected by genetic disease have proven useful for genetic linkage analysis http://library.thinkquest.org/20465/g_linkagemap.html
Mapping the Human Genome: High Resolution Mapping • The Physical Map • Provides the actual distances in bps between genes on a given chromosome • Prepared by aligning the sequences of adjacent DNA fragments from small overlapping clones to form a contiguous map (a contig map) • Sequence tag sites (STS) mark sites on chromosomes and help to locate adjacent segments of DNA • if two DNA fragments share an STS they overlap and are contiguous
Mapping the Human Genome: High Resolution Mapping • Sequence Tagged Sites (STS) • Sequences occurring only once in the human genome • Help to map locations • 52,000 STS in Humans • ~ 1 every 62,000 bases
Hierarchical (Clone-based) Approach • Know location of 30,000 – 100,000 bp region • Break into 500-700 bp fragments • Sequence Fragments • Assemble based on similarity • ~8-10x coverage • Current Price: $0.09 / base
Hierarchical (clone-based) approach • generate overlapping set of clones • select a minimum tiling path • shotgun sequence each clone
Hierarchical (clone-based) approach • DISADVs • map generation requires resources, time and money • Some regions not cloned • ADVs • easier to assemble smaller pieces • less chance for assembly error
Determining genome sequences • The aim, obviously, is to determine the entire genome sequence • A sequence has to be constructed from a series of shorter fragments • Shotgun technique • break molecule into smaller fragments • determine sequence of each one • use a computer to search for overlaps and build a master sequence
Shotgun Sequencing Approach • Developed 1991 TIGR • Craig Venter, Hamilton Smith • Break genome into millions of pieces • Sequence each piece • Reassemble into full genomes
Whole Genome Shotgun Approach • reads generated directly from a whole-genome library • assemble the genome all at once
Whole Genome Shotgun Approach • DISADVs • more prone to assembly error • computationally intensive • cannot effectively handle repeats • ADVs • Less overhead time up front http://www.teachersdomain.org/resources/tdc02/sci/life/gen/sequencingrace/index.html
Chromosome walking • Analysis of DNA sequences of chromosomes by extending the sequenced region a little bit further each time until the tips of the chromosome are reached • The next round of sequencing is based on the results of the previous round by synthesising appropriate DNA primers to extend further
Base calling and Assembly Software • PHRED and PHRAP Developed (1988) • PHRED: Base calling software • PHRAP: Assists in assembly of sequenced data
Available Assemblers • SEQAID (Peltola et al., 1984) • CAP (Huang, 1992) • PHRAP (Green, 1994) • TIGR Assembler (Sutton et al., 1995) • AMASS (Kim et al., 1999) • CAP3 (Huang and Madan, 1999) • Celera Assembler (Myers et al., 2000) • EULER (Pevzner et al., 2001) • ARACHNE (Batzoglou et al., 2002)
Growth of GenBank • 1982: 600,000 Bases • 2002: 28.5 Billion Bases Image source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Results of Human Genome Project • The International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium published their results in Nature, 409(6822):860-921, 2001 • Initial Sequencing and Analysis of the Human Genome • Celera Genomics published their results in Science, 291(5507), 1304-1351, 2001 • The Sequence of the Human Genome
Results of Human Genome Project • The Human genome contains 3146.7 million bases • The average gene size is 3,000 bases • Total number of genes is between 30-40,000 • The order of 99.9% of the nucleotides is the same in all people • Of the discovered genes, the function for more than half is unknown • > 30 genes have already been associated with human disease (e.g. Cancer, blindness)
Results of Human Genome Project • About 2% of the genome encodes instructions for the synthesis of proteins • Repeated sequences make up 50% of the genome • There are urban centres that are gene rich: stretches of C and G bases repeats (CpG islands) occur adjacent to gene rich areas • Chromosome 1 has 2,968 genes; the Y has 231 • Humans: • only twice number of genes of the fly • 3 times as many proteins as fly or worm • share the same gene families as fly or worm
Completed genomes • Microbial genomes • Haemophilus influenzae • Escherichia coli • Bacillus subtilus • Helicobacter pylori • Streptococcus pneumonaie • Saacharomyces cerevisiae • Archaeglobus fulgidus • Methanbacterium thermoautotropicum • Methanococcus jannaschil • Mycobacterium tubercolosis • Staphylococcus aureus • and more….. • Insect genomes • Arabidopsis thaliana • Drosophilia melanogaster • Mus musculus
Results of Human Genome Project http://www.teachersdomain.org/resources/tdc02/sci/life/gen/hgp/index.html Video_1
Ethical, legal and societal issues • The DOE and the NIH spend between 3-5% of their annual HGP budgets toward studying the ELSI associated with availability of genetic information • This budget is the world’s largest bioethics program, and has become a worldwide model • Examples of ELSI are: • privacy legislation • gene testing • patenting • forensics • behavioural genetics • genetics in the courtroom
Societal Concerns • Who should have access to this information? • Employers • Insurers • Schools • Courts • Adoption agencies • Military • Philosophical Implications • Human responsibility • Free will versus genetic determinism • Who owns and controls genetic information? • How is privacy and confidentiality managed? • Psychological impact and stigmatisation • Effects on the individual • Effects on society’s perceptions and expectations of the individual
Clinical Issues • Clinical Issues • Growing demand to educate health care workers • Public needs to gain scientific literary and understand the capabilities, limitations and risks • Standards need to be established including quality controls to ensure accuracy and reliability • Regulations? • Genetic Counselling • Informed consent for complex procedures • Counseling about risks, limitations and reliability of genetic screening techniques • Reproductive decision making based on genetic information • Reproductive rights • Multifactorial diseases and environmental factors • Genetic predispositions do not mandate disease development • Caution must be exercised when correlating genetic tests with predictions
Commercialisation and patents • Who owns genes and DNA sequences? • The person (or company) who discovered it, or the person whose body it came from • Should genetic information be the property of humanity? • Is it ethical to charge someone for access to a database of genetic information? • Is it time to raise the bar concerning patents? • Will patent protection slow the advance of research and be detrimental to society as a whole in the long run
Diagnostic & therapeutic applications Gene therapy applications Agriculture & Bioremediation Industries Medicine & pharmaceutical industries Preventative measures Microarray Technology Proteomics DNA chip technology Developmental Biology Evolutionary & Comparative Biologists Pharmacogenomics Benefits of Human Genome Project Biotechnology Medicine Bioinformatics
Single nucleotide polymorphisms • These occur when a single nucleotide in the genome sequence is altered (1 bp difference) • 66% of SNPs involve a C to T change and they occur every 100-300 bases in either coding or non-coding regions • Evolutionary stable, there are between 2 and 3 million SNPs in the human genome • Many SNPs have no effect on cell function, but: • some SNPs could be responsible for variations in how many humans respond to disease, environmental factors, drugs and other therapies • SNPs may help identify multiple genes involved in complex diseases
Single nucleotide polymorphisms • SNPs are NOT the same things as alleles (or so we believe so far) • Researchers have found that most SNPs are not responsible for a disease state • They serve as markers for pinpointing a disease on the human genome map, being located near a gene found to be associated with a certain disease • Occasionally, SNPs may actually cause a disease and can to be used to search for and isolate the disease-causing gene • SNPs travel together - i.e. Variations in DNA are linked • To date, Celera & Orchid Biosciences have largest databases
Single nucleotide polymorphisms • Goals: • Develop large scale technologies • Identify common variants in the coding regions • Create a SNP of at least 100,000 markers • Develop the intellectual foundation for studies of sequence variation • Create public resources of DNA samples and cell lines • SNP Consortium: • Ten large pharmaceutical companies and the UK Wellcome Trust • Headed by Arthur Holden • Find and map 300,000 common SNPs • Generate a widely accepted, high-quality, publically available map http://www.learner.org/channel/courses/biology/units/genom/images.html