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Political Culture and Political Socialisation

Political Culture and Political Socialisation . Culture …. Remember we have mentioned …. the nature of human being …. what people believe …. how people act …. These are all about how people think, believe and act …. Political culture is a broadly shared set of ways of

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Political Culture and Political Socialisation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Political Culture and Political Socialisation

  2. Culture …. Remember we have mentioned …. the nature of human being …. what people believe …. how people act …. These are all about how people think, believe and act ….

  3. Political culture is a broadly shared set of ways of thinking about politics and government, a pattern of orientations to political objects. …. Cognitive (know / believe what) …. Affective (like / dislike)

  4. Why we are so? If not born to be so, we are socialised to be ... Political Socialisation … the developmental process from which people acquire their political orientations and patterns of behaviour

  5. Typologies • Manifested vs Latent • Planned vs Unplanned

  6. Socialisation Agents • Family / Parent • School • Peer Group (friends, colleagues, classmates, neighbours) • Mass Media socialisation and resocialisation ...

  7. What is learned when we are growing up? • Childhood: perceive few basic political objects as somehow different from their families • Early School Age: construct more abstract perception of political objects • Adolescence: increasing exposure to all faces of society (bad and good), political favour • Adulthood: firm belief and active in politics • Old Age: gradually decline in political activity

  8. Political culture of Hong Kongese • Trust to government, politics, parties, politicians • Participation • Democracy Why we are so? Who socializes us to be so?

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