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Navy/Marine Corps Intranet. NMCI affecting many Navy/Marine Corps librariesMost ILS products deemed legacy'Attempted to create approved list of ILSAccess to license resources difficult. Consortium Procurements. SciTech Publishers and databasesMoving more purchases through FEDLINKHoping to do
1. Navy/Marine Corps Report James King, NRL
Nellie Moffitt, NGLP
2. Navy/Marine Corps Intranet NMCI affecting many Navy/Marine Corps libraries
Most ILS products deemed legacy
Attempted to create approved list of ILS
Access to license resources difficult
3. Consortium Procurements SciTech Publishers and databases
Moving more purchases through FEDLINK
Hoping to do more cross-service, cross-government deals
4. SecNav Instruction Creates Librarian of the Navy (LoN) as additional duty
Formally establishes Consortium of Naval Libraries & LoN Advisory Board
LoN Advisory Board one standing member for each community and 4 at large members
Creates five communities of libraries:
Academic, Historical, Medical, SciTech Libraries, Research Lab and General
5. Academic Libraries
6. Naval Academy 25% less staff but more library instruction than ever
Installing and configuring link resolver (SFX)
Installing a coffee bar
ILLiad installed
7. Naval Postgraduate School FLICC Federal Library of the Year
Maxine Reneker retired, replacement selected
SIPRnet access added
ILLiad installed
Lead for NPS-wide CMS deployment
Homeland Security Digital Library IP access
8. Library of the Marine Corps Marine Corps University Library incorporated Library & Archives from Navy Yard History and Museums Division
The Library of the Marine Corps has 4 branches
Breckinridge University Library (academic library)
USMC Archives and Special Collections Branch (incorporating the University Archives on site and the Navy Yard Marine Corps Archives
Quantico Library (base library)
Virtual Library (support for the other three libraries)
New wing to building planned for 2007 with renovation to rest
The Tropical Storm Tammy Entire Massacre
9. Medical Libraries
10. Medical Libraries Naval Operational Medical Institute, Pensacola
Hurricane Ivan destroyed library last year
Naval Health Research Center
BUMED reorganizing R&D portion
Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory
Partnering with Mystic Aquarium & with Electric Boat
11. Naval Medical Center, San Diego Reporting moved from Admin to Education
Jan Dempsey, Medical Reference Librarian, retired with the Meritorious Civilian Service Award
Added UpToDate point-of-care database
New compact shelving and electronic security system (3M) installed
Joint ILS being deployed to replace 9 systems
Parternership to create a learning resource center at the Maina Soko Military Hospital in Lusaka, Zambia (Africa) (Kathy Parker NMC-SD, and Marilyn Schwartz from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professionals will provide training)
12. Naval Medical Center, Bethesda Reporting moved from Admin to Research
Reducing the General Collection
NNMC purchased Voyager (vendor hosted) with understanding that NMIMC (BUMED) is soon to purchase same system for all NAVMED libraries.
Participating with WRAMC and Ft. Belvoir (maybe soon joined by AAFB) in planning for BRAC. Determination is to have full integration of clinics and GMEin 18 months.
Serving on Steering Committee of Joint Medical e-Library (JMeL).
13. Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth FLICC Federal Library of the Year
Library now housed in the oldest hospital in US
Rebuilt a general library in addition to the medical library
14. SciTech Libraries
15. SciTech Libraries SPAWAR, San Diego
Staffing down by nearly 50%
SPAWAR will be reorganized from BRAC
Library will most likely increase user base
Naval Oceanographic Office
Over half of staff lost homes, living in offices
16. NAVAIR Technical Library NAVAIR Library created from merger of:
NAWC, Aircraft Division, Patuxent River MD
General collection being moved to a base library
NAWC, Weapons Division, China Lake CA
Sandy Bradley moved out of the library
Staffing down 2+ people
Storytelling project At the start of FY06, the Central Library team at Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division, Patuxent River MD was aligned with the Technical Library team at Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division, China Lake CA. This is a new library organization across two commands. With the combination of information resources, services, and expertise, the teams are creating a centralized NAVAIR Technical Library to collect, organize, and disseminate information applicable to the needs of Naval Aviation. BRAC will also add approximately 2,500 customers at China Lake.
By incorporating Lean Six Sigma principles, the alignment seeks better efficiencies, prioritization of work, and focus on the right work. Efforts are underway to streamline the access and maintenance of archival documents, broaden access to research information across multiple sites, and strengthen delivery of technical information to the Fleet. The NAVAIR Technical Library has a staff of approximately 22 personnel (5 librarians with MLS degrees, technical information specialists, library technicians, assistant editors, and contractors).
As the new library organization comes together, changes always leave some regrets. The general collection at Patuxent River will be moved to another base library. Information services for military family members and retired military personnel will be decreased. Finally, Sandy Bradley, who has been a very active and dedicated member of the Navy library community through the years, has moved into another position at China Lake. We are all very grateful to Sandy and the China Lake Technical Library team for their professionalism and outstanding contributions to the success of 2005 Military Librarians Workshop. At the start of FY06, the Central Library team at Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division, Patuxent River MD was aligned with the Technical Library team at Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division, China Lake CA. This is a new library organization across two commands. With the combination of information resources, services, and expertise, the teams are creating a centralized NAVAIR Technical Library to collect, organize, and disseminate information applicable to the needs of Naval Aviation. BRAC will also add approximately 2,500 customers at China Lake.
By incorporating Lean Six Sigma principles, the alignment seeks better efficiencies, prioritization of work, and focus on the right work. Efforts are underway to streamline the access and maintenance of archival documents, broaden access to research information across multiple sites, and strengthen delivery of technical information to the Fleet. The NAVAIR Technical Library has a staff of approximately 22 personnel (5 librarians with MLS degrees, technical information specialists, library technicians, assistant editors, and contractors).
As the new library organization comes together, changes always leave some regrets. The general collection at Patuxent River will be moved to another base library. Information services for military family members and retired military personnel will be decreased. Finally, Sandy Bradley, who has been a very active and dedicated member of the Navy library community through the years, has moved into another position at China Lake. We are all very grateful to Sandy and the China Lake Technical Library team for their professionalism and outstanding contributions to the success of 2005 Military Librarians Workshop.
17. NSWC Library Indian Head New Librarian (Pamela Wheelock) and technician recently hired
Found facilities destroyed by water and mold
Collection in trailers while library being repaired
Good support to re-establish
18. Research Lab Libraries
19. Naval Research Laboratory Staff shrunk 25% in 3 years
Scopus, WoS & INSPEC archive, and SciFinder
60% of journal archive now online
Online Bibliography
Deploying link resolver
Redesigning database-driven web site
Creating Classified DL, massive inventory underway
Reestablishing branch library in Monterey
20. General Libraries
21. Marine Corps General Libraries Centralization
Support for Deployment
Bricks & Clicks
Wireless Access
Website Development
Automated Reporting & Assessments