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Participation in Joint Programming Initiatives through IWT programmes

Participation in Joint Programming Initiatives through IWT programmes. Alain Deleener Coordinator European programmes. Content presentation. What is IWT ? Funding programmes general principles contribution to societal challenges – SBO Internationalisation - JPI. Role of IWT.

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Participation in Joint Programming Initiatives through IWT programmes

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  1. Participation in Joint ProgrammingInitiativesthrough IWT programmes Alain Deleener CoordinatorEuropean programmes

  2. Content presentation • What is IWT ? • Funding programmes • generalprinciples • contribution to societalchallenges – SBO • Internationalisation - JPI

  3. Role of IWT To support innovationactivitiesin Flanders, which are basedonknowledgedevelopment and diffusion of newlydevelopedknowledge and whichaim to createnewproducts, processes, methods of labourorganisationor services to meet economic and societalneeds.

  4. Some facts • Created in 1991 by the Government of Flanders • Externalagencywith independent board of directors • Minister in charge: Ingrid Lieten, Flemish minister for Innovation, Public investments, Media and Reduction of Poverty • In 2010: 253 million euro budget (support) • 120 FTE

  5. IWT: at the interface betweencompanies and universities Universities Companies Fundamental research Research infrastructure International collaboration IWT: InnovationAgency Research = tool Innovation= goal Enterpreneurship

  6. Overview IWT activities Enterprises European/international programmes Funding Services & advice Research organisations EnterpriseEuropeNetwork Core tasks of IWT Fellowships Information Intermediairies Monitoring & Analysis Co-ordination

  7. Fundingby IWT: generalprinciples • IWT: responsibleforevaluation, selection and follow-up • bottom-up, no thematic priorities • evaluationon 2 criteria: qualityproposal (scientific/technologicalvalue) and utilisation (economic benefit) • peer review: external experts( local & international) • decisionby Board of Directors

  8. Contribution to societalchallenges • Innovation: focus oneconomical output • In addition: attention to contribution to society • IWT: 2 programmes withspecificsocietal focus (SBO, TBM) • Attention to sustainabledevelopment and societalimportancethroughoutinnovation programmes at IWT

  9. Funding Programs: Strategic Research Principle Support to research organisations and universities Aim Strategic research: upstream research farfrommarket, with a long term prospect for transfer & utilisation Characteristics IPR with RO oruniversity Users' committee: supportingfunction, no IPR rights, noautomatic right onlicense Funding 100% subsidy

  10. SBO programme: keycharacteristics • Twokeyaspects: • High-qualitystrategicbasic research with a dedicated focus onhigh-risk, inventive and originalresearch. • Strategic interest and extent of the valorisationperspectives in the longer term in Flanders (economicorsocial/societal). • Strategic basic research is not a goal in itself but an essential means to allow for an important new valorisation or knowledge utilisation (take up and use by economic or social/societal actors).

  11. Some SBO cases in field of culturalheritage • 3-dimensionele digitale dragers van informatie voor de voorstelling, de conservatie en het beheer van architecturale erfgoed – K. Van Balen, K.U.Leuven + 9 partners (STWW, precursor of SBO, 1999-2001) • New perspectivesonPolyphony: Alamire’s musical legacyrevealedthroughhigh-technology research tools – D. Burn, K.U.Leuven + 5 partners (incl. univ. Oxford) (SBO 2011-2015)

  12. Internationalisation: funding and services

  13. Internationalisation: fundingthrough opening IWT programmes • Non-Flemishactorscanparticipate in IWT programmes • notfunded: member of follow-up committee • funded: subcontractor oracademic partner in industrialprogramme, direct contractor in strategic research programme • Support • in 2009: 65 projectswithtransnationalcooperationfor a total support of 46,6 M€, of which: 8,3 M€ to foreign partners

  14. Internationalisation: joint and European funding Joint fundingwithotheragencies/ministries of European countries/regions Networks of fundingcountries/regions Funding of ownorganisations, nocross-border support Intergovernmentalcollaboration: Eureka Linking programmes through joint calls: ERA-Net, INNO-Net, Joint Programming (calls) Joint initiatives (co-funding) Art 185: EUROSTARS JTIs (Art 187): ARTEMIS, ENIAC Funding by European Commission (FP7, CIP) Facilitate access and participation; no funding by IWT; NCP

  15. Internationalisation:proportion of total support

  16. agency for Innovationby Science and Technology Koning Albert II-laan 35, b 16 B-1030 Brussel Tel.: +32 (0)2 432 42 00 Fax.: +32 (0)2 432 43 99 E-mail: info@iwt.be www.iwt.be

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