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The English Language Communicative Course Project “Nature”. Group 3503 Guliants A.B. Guliants S.B. Contents. Savrasov A.K. “Rooks Back” Kate Dudnik N.Krymov “After a Spring’s Rain” Plastov A.A. “In Summer” Aivazovsky I.K. “The Calm Sea” Andrew Annaberg “The Garden of Eden”
The English Language Communicative CourseProject“Nature” Group 3503 Guliants A.B. Guliants S.B.
Contents • Savrasov A.K. “Rooks Back” • Kate Dudnik • N.Krymov “After a Spring’s Rain” • Plastov A.A. “In Summer” • Aivazovsky I.K. “The Calm Sea” • Andrew Annaberg “The Garden of Eden” • G. Arcimboldo “Autumn”
9 1. a cloud – облако 10 2. a church – церковь 3 3. a nest – гнездо 4. a tree – дерево 1 5. a rook – грач 2 6. snow– снег 7 7. a bush– куст 8. a river– река 8 4 9. the sky– небо 5 6 10. a bird– птица
3 Exercise 1.Here is a list of words. Look at the picture and name the objects using the list of words 8 4 1 10 snow, a rook , the sky, a cloud, a bird, a church, a nest, a tree, a river, a bush 5 2 9 6, 7
Exercise 2.True or false?Find false statements and correct them 1. There is not a church in the picture. 2. The season is autumn. 3. The trees are green. False spring False not False 4. There is snow in the picture. True
Exercise 3.Do you like this picture? Can you give it a name? Compare all the variants in your class then choose the best one
Exercise 4. An artist decided to make a copy of this picture. But look! He forgot to paint 5 rooks! Can you help him find 5 birds that are missing? This picture is not correct
Gametime The children should form a line. The first child in line takes the card with the active word and say it to his neighbour in a low voice. They do it one by one. The last pupil should write down the word on the blackboard
Rain– дождь Umbrella – зонтик Wet – мокрый, дождливый Grass – трава Bright (colour) – яркий (цвет) Flower – цветок Puddle– лужа
Exercise 1.You can see 7 wordsin Russian in the box. And can you find them in English in the crossword? Трава, лужа, мокрый, дождь, яркий, зонтик, цветок
Exercise 2.True or false?Find false statements and correct them. 1. The umbrella is blue. 3. There are puddles. 2. The hat is black. 4. There is a dog under the umbrella. True True False False red cat
Exercise 3.Do you like this picture? Can you give it a name? Compare all the variants in your class then choose the best one.
GametimeLetʼs play “Crocodile”! The teacher divides class in two teams. Children choose the leader in each team. The leaders from both teams come to the blackboard and take one card with the words from the picture. They should show this word without using words.
In the country– в деревне The dark sky– темное небо A rainbow – радуга White birds– белые птицы Spring – весна A forest – лес A bush– куст A lawn– лужайка To grow vegetables– выращивать овощи A path– тропинка
Exercise 2.True or false?Find false statements and correct them 1. The sky is dark. 2. The roof is blue and green. 3. There is a girl in the picture. 4. There are three windows. true true true two false
Exercise 1.Insert the missing words given in the box: white birds, rainbow, forest, spring, path, grow vegetables, bushes, lawn, dark, in the country There is a ___________above the trees. If we speak about a season, it is __________. The sky is not bright, it is ______. People can _______________ in the kitchen garden. There are not black birds, there are ___________. They are not in a city, they are ____________. There are__________ and trees in the _________. A _______ can lead you to the house. We can play on the ______ because there is a lot of space. rainbow spring dark grow vegetables white birds in the country bushes forest path lawn
Exercise 3.Do you like this picture? Can you give it a name? Compare all the variants in your class then choose the best one
This picture is correct Exercise 4.A painter decided to make a copy of the picture. But he mixed up (перепутал) some colours. Can you help him? 5 things in this picture have got a wrong colour. Correct the mistakes: Example: The road isn’t grey, it is yellow, red and white.
GametimeDraw a picture. The teacher divides all the pupils into pairs. Each pair has a task to draw one particular subject (active word). All pupils take part in drawing one picture.
1. A field – поле; 2. A mushroom – гриб; 3. A domestic animal– домашнее животное; 4. A forest– лес; 5. Nature – природа; 6. A berry – ягода; 7. To rest– отдыхать; 8. A birch – берёза; 9. A bell-flower – колокольчик. 4 5 1 8 7 9 2 6 3
1. What are the woman and the dog doing? a) they are working b) they are resting c) they are going to the forest 2.What is the girl doing? a) She is picking berries b)She is picking mushrooms c) She is drinking 3. Where are they? a) They are in a supermarket b) They are in a large field near a forest c) They are at home 4) A dog is… a) a wild animal b) a domestic animal 5 What can you see in this picture? (2 variants) a)forest b)field c) mountains
Exercise 2.True or false?Find false statements and correct them 1. There are two baskets in the picture. 2. There is a cat. 3. The cup is red. 4. There is a basket with berries. 5. There is one birch in the picture. 6. The woman is resting. true dog false blue false mushrooms false are two birches false true
Exercise 3.Do you like this picture? Can you give it a name? Compare all the variants in your class then choose the best one
Exercise 4.There are 30 squares in the picture. Look at the squares below and say what number it has:Example: This is square 5. This is the fifth square. a) b) c) d)
GametimeThe children should form a line. The first child in line takes the card with the active word and say it to his neighbour in a low voice. They do it one by one. The last pupil should write down the word on the blackboard.
To sail– плыть (на корабле/лодке) The sunset – закат Mist – туман A mountain – гора To shine– светить, сиять A ship – корабль A wave– волна A shore – берег (моря, озера) Sea – море A boat– лодка
Exercise 1.Here is a list of words. Look at the picture and name the objects using the list of words (What does the sun do?) 8 6 mist (fog) shines 1 mountain 7 sunset 2 (How do we call the state when the sun sets?) ship 3 boat 4 sea 10 wave 9 (How do we call this person?) 5 sailor shore (It appears when the wind blows. It is very small here) sea, sailor, boat, ship, mountain, sunset, to shine, mist, shore, wave
Exercise 2.True or false?Find false statements and correct them bright 1. The sky is dark. 2. There is a horse in the picture. 3. There is a ship in the sea. 4. There is not a boat. 5.The weather is misty. false true true false true
Exercise 3.Do you like this picture? Can you give it a name? Compare all the variants in your class then choose the best one
GametimeThe children should form a line. The first child in line takes the card with the active word and say it to his neighbour in a low voice. They do it one by one. The last pupil should write down the word on the blackboard
The sun – солнце The stars – звезды; The sky – небо; The moon – луна Day – день Night – ночь A waterfall - водопад; A river – река A green hill– зеленый холм Birds - птицы; A wild animal– дикое животное Flowers - цветы A plant – растение; Grass - трава Summer – лето; A garden – сад; Wonderful – чудесный; Unusual – необыкновенный;
summer, lovely, stars, green hill, river, unusual, birds, wild, plants, garden, moon Exercise 1.Insert the missing wordsgiven in the box There are some ________ animals. Speaking about the season, it is __________. If we speak about landscape, it is a ______________. It is _________ weather. There is a wonderful ___________ in the picture with plants, animals and lots of trees. There are not only many animals, but there are also _______. It is an ___________ garden. The ______ and ________ are shining at night. You can see a fish in the _______. _______ are singing in summer. wild summer green hill lovely garden plants unusual moon stars river Birds
Exercise 2.True or false?Find false statements and correct them 1. We can see the moon is in the sky. 2. There is a red bird. 3. There are lots of animals. 4. There is a wolf. 5. There are no flowers and trees. true true true not false false
Exercise 3.Do you like this picture? Can you give it a name? Compare all the variants in your class then choose the best one
5 things are different in these pictures. Can you find the differences? Exercise 4. This picture is correct
GametimeDraw a picture. The teacher divides all the pupils into pairs. Each pair has a task to draw one particular subject (active word). All pupils take part in drawing one picture.
A leaf– листок (pl.leaves) A pumpkin – тыква Grapes– виноград; A mushroom– гриб Harvest –урожай An apple –яблоко Olives – оливы Vegetables and fruits– овощи и фрукты Autumn – осень A pear –груша A flower – цветок
Exercise 1.Let’s do a crossword puzzle! l a g r a p e u umn m Across: 1. урожай 2. виноград 6. фрукт 8. тыква h a r v e s t f r u i t shroo e getable Down: 3.овощ 4. осень 5. лист 7. гриб p u m p k i n
Exercise 2.True or false?Find false statements and correct them. 1. There are a lot of fruit. 2. There is a lemon. 3. There are grapes. 4. There are not vegetables. 5. The pumpkin is green. true true true false white false
Exercise 3.Do you like this picture? Can you give it a name? Compare all the variants in your class then choose the best one.
This picture is correct Exercise 4. 7 things are different in these pictures. Can you find the differences?
GametimeLetʼs play “Crocodile”! The teacher divides class in two teams. Children choose the leader in each team. The leaders from both teams come to the blackboard and take one card with the words from the picture. They should show this word without using words.