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IEC 61000-4-11 Voltage Dips, Short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests

IEC 61000-4-11 Voltage Dips, Short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests. 電壓瞬時跌落 , 短時中斷和電壓漸變的抗擾性試驗 Prepared by RICHTEC. 測試目的及應用場合.

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IEC 61000-4-11 Voltage Dips, Short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests

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  1. IEC 61000-4-11Voltage Dips, Short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests 電壓瞬時跌落,短時中斷和電壓漸變的抗擾性試驗 Prepared by RICHTEC

  2. 測試目的及應用場合 • 與低電壓電網連接之電氣電子設備會受到電網中電壓瞬時跌落,短時中斷和電壓漸變之影響,他們是由於供電電網,變電設備發生故障或負荷突然發生大的變動或是負荷連續變化所影起的,此IEC61000-4-11標準規定了電氣電子設備對此三種電網電壓變化的抗干擾試驗方法提供可供選擇之試驗等級

  3. 應用場合 • 該標準適用於 額定輸入電流每相不超過 16A 之電氣電子設備, -不適用: 由直流及400Hz 網絡供電之設備

  4. 術語 • 電壓瞬時跌落(Voltage Dips): 電氣系統某一點的電壓突然下降,經過半個週期到幾秒鐘之短暫持續期後又恢復正常 ˙短時中斷(Interruption): 供電電壓消失一段時間,一般不超過1分鐘,短時中斷可以認為是100%幅值電壓瞬時跌落 ˙電壓漸變 (Voltage variation): 供電電壓逐漸變高或低於額定電壓,變化之持續時間相對於周期來說,可長可短

  5. 試驗等級

  6. 電壓瞬時跌落(Voltage Dip) 代表電壓瞬時跌落 30%持續10個週期 230Vac 161Vac 代表再過0處跌變

  7. 電壓漸變 (Voltage Variation)短期供電電壓漸變之時間設定

  8. 電壓漸變 Voltage Variations 電壓縮小所需要之時間 電壓增加所需要之時間 2s 2s 1s 電壓縮小持續時間

  9. PQT 電源品質測試Voltage Variations 電壓漸變IEC 61000-4-11

  10. What is voltage variation?什麼是電壓變動 • Gradual up- or down-change of supply voltage 供電電壓逐漸 上昇或是滑落 (比原供電電壓高或低) • Duration can be long or short with regard to the period 電壓逐漸變動持續時間可長可短-相對於周期

  11. Sources of voltage variations 電壓變動的來源 • Rotating machines working as generators and feeding back energy into the mains • 馬達因旋轉關係形成產生器並回授能量進入供電端 V ~

  12. Voltage variations testing according to IEC 61000-4-11 • Reduction to 40% / 0% of Unom • Timing:t1=2s±20%t2=1s±20%t3=2s±20% • Steps of voltage change during t1 & t3 shall be </= 10% of Unom 0%

  13. Testing Setup 測試佈局 AC for EUT AC for Modula As short as possible 越短越好 Modula 6000 EUT EUT Out Step /Variable Transformer 昇/降壓變壓器 Isolation Transformer 隔離變壓器 EUT input Ground reference plane

  14. PQT Voltage dips and interruptions電壓瞬時跌落 與 短時中斷IEC 61000-4-11

  15. V ~ Sources of voltage dips and interruptions電壓瞬時跌落 與 短時中斷起因 • Sudden large change of load負载突然大的改變 • Short-circuits短路

  16. Voltage dips according to IEC 61000-4-11 Dips: Sudden reduction of voltage followed by voltage recovery after a short period of time 電壓突然瞬降經過一段時間後恢復正常.

  17. Short interruptions according to IEC 61000-4-11電壓短時中斷 Short Interruptions: The disappearance of the supply voltage for a period of time typically not exceeding 1 min. 電源短時中斷線壓(消失時間)不得超出1分鐘

  18. V Test system EUT Mains Immunity testing principle for voltage dips & interruptions電壓瞬降 及 短時中斷 抗擾性測試原理

  19. IEC 61000-4-11 application • Applied to equipment with rated input current < 16A per phase • Does not apply to 400Hz AC and DC lines.

  20. PQT terms • Angle 發生角度 • T-event • 事件持續時間 • T-Rep • 事件重覆之時間 • F-Sync Synchronous or Asynchronous (depends on manufacturer) 頻率同步或非同步 • Uin Nominal voltage 正常輸入電壓 • Uvar Variable voltage 變動之電壓 • Duration 3 counts

  21. PQTTesting levels in the latest published standardIEC 61000-4-11

  22. Voltage Dips (For 50 Hz mains)

  23. Short Interruptions

  24. Voltage Variations (Optional) (For 50 Hz mains)

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