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964 Uploads
Contiguous Neighbour Exploration through Keywords
10 vues
Ranking and Fraud Review Detection for Mobile Apps using KNN Algorithm
21 vues
A Novel Algorithm for Reduction of Non Deterministic Finite Automata
21 vues
Energy Efficient Routing Protocols for Node Distribution in Wireless Sensor Networks
13 vues
Impact of Outsourced Housekeeping Services on Guest Satisfaction with Respect to Star Hotels
27 vues
A Review on Rasadhyaya It's Importance In Alchemy
78 vues
Work Profile of the Weavers in Handloom Industry
88 vues
Marketing Mix Strategies of Soft Drink Producers in Anambra State, Nigeria
15 vues
Mutagenic effects of Ethyl Methane Sulphonate on the pollen grains of Urginea indica Kunth cytotype I
7 vues
Emotion Classification and Detection
114 vues
Critical Examination of Failures of Power System Design and Its Importance
22 vues
Economic Impact of MGNREGA Workers in Thiruvananthapuram District
18 vues
Smart Blood Finder
0 vues
Lipopolysaccharide promotes the metastatic Potential of Lung Carcinoma Cells by Upregulating the Expression of Fibronect
14 vues
A Review on Detection of Plant Diseases using Image Processing Technique
40 vues
Radiation effects on MHD Boundary Layer Flow Over A Moving Vertical Porous Plate with Heat Generation in the Presence of
26 vues
Case Study of Flood Risk Evaluation in Surat City
41 vues
A Review on Real Time Ethernet Communication For Robotic Arm Application
17 vues
A Review on Motion Detection Techniques
41 vues
Solving Image Thresholding Problem Using Hybrid Algorithm
16 vues
Assessing the Knowledge towards implementing Practice of Kangaroo Mother Care in Postnatal Mothers
71 vues
Role of Panchayats in planning and implementation of Right to Work A study of MGNREGA in District Budgam in Jammu and Ka
10 vues
Calibration of Environmental Sensor Data Using a Linear Regression Technique
14 vues
A Review Study on Post Implementation of Goods and Service Tax GST on Aviation Sector in India
15 vues
Problems Faced by the Farmers while Availing the Loan Facilities from the Banks A Case Study of District Kulgam, Jammu a
8 vues
Modeling a Multivariable Process Control System using PID Optimization
10 vues
Enhancing the Channel Capacity of a Cellular Mobile System using Frequency Diversity
19 vues
Estimation of Bioactive Compound of Catharanthus Roseus Leaf Extract by Phytochemical Screening and GC MS Analysis
16 vues
Analyzing Titanic Disaster using Machine Learning Algorithms
141 vues
A Study on Housing Finance in India with Special Reference to LIC Housing Finance Limited
17 vues
Traffic light Controller for the Congested Urban Route using PLC and Ambulance Detection using RF Transmitter and Receiv
43 vues
Water Quality Requirements and Management Strategies for Fish Farming A Case Study of Ponds Around Gurgaon Canal NUH Pal
13 vues
GST a new Tax Regime -A Conceptual Study
19 vues
RAPD based Molecular Characterization of Lavatera cachemiriana Cambess
13 vues
Role of Learning Process in Capability Development and Business Performance of East Java Manufacturing Firms Resources a
15 vues
Simulation of 16 bit ALU using Verilog hdl
37 vues
A Study of Relationship between Personality and Learning Stress among Students
12 vues
A Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Work Life Balance Professionals A Conceptual Perspective
67 vues
A study on antioxidants vitamin c and e in cannabis user in diabetic and non diabetic subjects
12 vues
A Descriptive Study on Assessment of Knowledge Regarding Menstrual Hygiene among the Adolescent Girls in PUC, Dayananda
29 vues