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Learn effective revision techniques based on left brain vs. right brain preferences. Discover strategies for optimal recall and understanding. Explore various methods, such as spider diagrams, revision walls, podcasts, and more. Enhance your study habits for better exam preparation.
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Revision Technique Didn’t bother to revise ?
How do you revise? Read through your notes? What are the other Options for revision?
Revision Technique Left brain? No brain? Right brain?
Revision Technique – Left brain? Right brain? LEFT BRAINED PEOPLE PREFER: Working in a linear way – first point, then second point etc. Written information Working to deadlines Checking their work Structure Clear instructions to follow Reading & writing Being organised
Revision Technique – Left brain? Right brain? RIGHT BRAINED PEOPLE PREFER: Learning from a video, role play or watching a demonstration Open-ended tasks Self-selected tasks Setting their own deadlines Looking at the “big picture” -the whole task Hands-on experience Working from intuition & guesswork RIGHT BRAINED PEOPLE MAY APPEAR DISORGANISED
A typical Left-brained person’s revision area Revision Technique – Left brain? Right brain? If you’re mostly right brained : • you tend to live for the moment and not think too much about consequences. • you like to be creative and imaginative when tackling tasks. • you have good ideas about tackling tasks – but aren’t necessarily good at completing that task. • you don’t like deadlines and they may cause you stress. • you should incorporate videos, graphs, mind-maps, computers and colour into your studying.
A typical Right-brained person’s revision area Revision Technique – Left brain? Right brain? Left brained or Right brained?
How to Revise What kind of person are you ? Some students are early birds. They will definitely want to use the morning session. Late risers will avoid mornings like the plague ! Night owls will do their best revision in the evenings.
How should you revise? • Where should you revise? • Warm • Well lit (a reading lamp reduces eye-strain) • In a quiet room • Have a clock or watch nearby (time your revision sessions).
Study at the right time and in SHORT bursts (20 solid minutes followed by a break and then another 20 minutes is FAR better than an hour of staring at a book)
When we revise we remember: 20% of what we read 30% of what we hear 40% of what we see 50% of what we say 60% of what we do 90% of what we read, hear, see, say and do!
Shape Shape Shape Shape Size to show importance Use Spider Diagrams Easy to read Colour Size Size Size And for emphasis use…. Revision Technique – What can I do to help me remember? LB
It’s no co-incidence that the BBC revision website is called “Bitesize” ! Revision Technique – What can I do to help me remember? Break work down into small sections – they’re easier to handle Highlight keywords in your notes so they are easier to spot ! Highlight Colour code your notes to highlight different themes ! Colour code LB
Revision Technique – What can I do to help me remember? Get together with 3 or 4 friends Record yourself reading your notes out loud Each create a PowerPoint on a different topic Play it back whilst relaxing or doing other things Get together on MSN with 3 or 4 friends Swap Power Points Be Imaginative One asks questions on a topic – the others see who can answer first RB
Revision Technique – What can I do to help me remember? Build a REVISION WALL ! Be Imaginative RB
Example Every subject has a page like this one explaining what will be in the exam, what to revise and where to get extra help. LB
Why not make your own Revision Podcast(s)? More information: www.podcastrevision.co.uk/makeyourown.html 1. Download Audacity Software http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/ 2. Obtain a Microphone 3. Plan what you are going to do! 4. Start recording 5. Broadcast to the world! RB
Videos for GCSE Revision… http://video.google.com/ RB
Walk n’Talk You can also use different rooms in the house to represent different ideas toilet my bedroom main bedroom kitchen lounge To learn the ideas walk around the room or house, looking at the points you have written. Say them out loud; point to each piece as you speak. Use lots of arm movements RB
Book mark Glance at the bookmark each time you start and finish your leisure reading. Great Expectations - Dickens Make a bookmark with important information written on it and keep it in a magazine or book that you are reading for pleasure. PLOT Pip’s journey to maturity CHARACTER Pip - Joe-Magwitch - Estella - Miss H THEME Love-Growing up Ambition-Class STYLE Chain image-First person narrative-Time shifts RB
Time Line 1914 August 4 Britain declares war on Germany 1915 1916 1917 June Flanders Offensive 1918 November 11Armistice signed April-May 2nd Battle of Ypres July-NovBattle of the Somme September Battle of the Marne OctoberVictory at Passchendale 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 LB
Use a Flow Chart Food Digestion Nutrition Energy LB
EATING TO BEAT STRESS DO • Eat Breakfast • Keep hydrated (DRINK WATER while thinking) • EAT! Little and often can be easier for a stressed stomach • Eat brain food - Omega 3 Oils (found in fish) • Keep protein intake up • Eat five portions of fruit & veg a day
The importance of breakfast • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZhbNYDWa-Q