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The resume guidelines. Mrs. Melissa Franzosi Cherry Hill High School West Guidance Department Junior College Night 2013. Resumes in High School?. All Juniors should create a resume to highlight their involvement through-out high school.
The resume guidelines Mrs. Melissa Franzosi Cherry Hill High School West Guidance Department Junior College Night 2013
Resumes in High School? • All Juniors should create a resume to highlight their involvement through-out high school. • Resumes can be shared with Colleges/Universities during the application and/or interview process. • Students can distribute resumes to High School Administrators, Counselors, Teachers, Coaches, etc. for letters of recommendation. • Resume creation can be easy using Naviance!
Getting Started • Using Naviance, the Template will generate student name and mailing or email address first. • Objective, Education, Academic Achievement are listed next. • Students then will input Extracurricular Activities, Volunteer Service, Awards, Work Experience, E
Create Extracurricular Involvement by activity not chronology: • Varsity Baseball-9,10,11; Captain 12 ***NOT 9th grade- Band Baseball-Varsity 10th grade-Band Baseball-Varsity Spanish Club **State name of activity, length of time, and description.
USE A SHORT DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: For Example • Extra-Curricular Involvements: 2010-2013 Private Vocal Lessons 2011-2013 One Act Plays *Almost Maine (Hope) *Cut (Shannon) 2010-2013 Musical *Hairspray (Ensemble) *The Wedding Singer *Grease (Lead-Sandy) 2012-Present Chamber Singers 2012-Present Piano Lessons
DEPTH AND COMMITMENT TRUMP BREADTH AND VARIETY: • It is preferred that you choose activities that are meaningful and /or productive, stick to them and rise to positions of leadership within them.
Leadership & Commitment • Academic Awards/Honors: National Honor Society 11-12 Spanish National Honor Society 10-12 • Extracurricular Activities: Varsity Soccer 9-12, Captain 11-12 Chess Club, Varsity Board One 9-12 Martial Arts, 3rd Degree Black Belt 11-12 (compete K-12) • Career Oriented Programs: Rowan University’s Intro to Engineering (Rise) 2013 Drexel University’s Science/Engineering 2013
TIPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL COLLEGE VISIT Cherry Hill High School West Mrs. Cynthia Snowden Junior College Night 2013 Guidance Department
WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO VISIT: College visits are essential in researching potential schools. Before students and families commit several years and thousands of dollars to a college, they should be sure the student is choosing a place that is a good match to their personality and interests.
Mind the calendar: Try to schedule your visit while school is still in session. By visiting while students are still on campus, you will get a better feel for campus life.
Meet the experts: • Talk to the current students. Specific questions may yield interesting and helpful answers. • Take the campus tour which will allow you to see the full array of opportunities at the college. Most colleges have information sessions and tours several times a week. • Stop by the admissions office and introduce yourself. You can also collect contact information at that time. Colleges do keep track of which applicants have demonstrated genuine interest in the school, and this is a great way to demonstrate your interest!
Be a student for a day (or night): • Some schools sponsor overnight programs where you can stay with a current student. Schools will also invite admitted students to spend a weekend on campus. • Even if you do not stay over, most schools will allow you to sit in on a class if the request is made in advance.
DON’T RUSH TO JUDGEMENT: • As you compare schools, you will be able to determine which aspects you like and which aspects you don’t like. Keep track of details from each school and record your feelings during the visit. Remember, you want to end up at the school which feels like home. • Resources: • www.usnews.com/education • www.collegeapps.about.com
The college essay Cherry Hill High School West Mr. Nick Caputi Junior College Night 2013 Guidance Department
The college essay: • Connect to something personal to you, something you are passionate about…the college essay is really a personal essay. • Humanize the numbers; the who, not the what. • Use your voice, your perspective, and your uniqueness; perfection is not required. • Combine emotion and intellect (sophisticated essays could be void of emotion, thus they’ll be void of that personal essay feel). • Do not overdo the emotion!
The college Essay: • Try to avoid trite topics (if you cannot, then make your common experience an uncommon essay). • Never assume your reader (be careful with sensitive/controversial topics). • You are revealing a part of yourself to a school to elicit a reaction from the reader and to make them feel something.
The college essay: Tie into the Fit; remember, colleges are trying to put together a school community. Respect requested limits. Don’t let Bill Gates be your editor.