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Impact of E-Books on Academic Libraries: A Survey Study

Help us understand the acceptance and effects of e-books in academic libraries. Your feedback is anonymous and valuable. Contact Marybeth Moretti at mfm64@drexel.edu with any questions.

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Impact of E-Books on Academic Libraries: A Survey Study

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  1. INFO515 QUESTIONNAIRE Professor: Val Yonker Author: Marybeth Moretti Drexel University First Version Due 17 Feb 2011

  2. Print Books vs. Electronic Books in the Academic Library Environment Thank you for your time and assistance in completing this questionnaire. Our goal is to determine the effects that e-books are having in the academic library environment and whether they are being accepted. If you have any questions about this research, please contact Marybeth Moretti at mfm64@drexel.edu. This questionnaire should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. • Before you begin the questionnaire: • We will blind your responses. Your name will not be linked to any data. • In exchange for fully completing the survey, you will receive our complete survey findings. • After you submit your answers, we may contact you with any necessary follow-up questions. • By providing your answers, you are giving the research team permission to use the data for the intended research only. Your contact information will not be shared with any third parties. • This survey is intended for all those who utilize the Drexel UnivHagerty Library, located at 33rd and Market Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19104 or online at http://library.drexel.edu/.

  3. E-Book Definition • An electronic book (also e-book, ebook, digital book) is a text and image-based publication in digital form produced on, published by, and readable on computers or other digital devices. Sometimes the equivalent of a conventional printed book, e-books can also be born digital. The Oxford Dictionary of English defines the e-book as "an electronic version of a printed book,” but e-books can and do exist without any printed equivalent. E-books are usually read on dedicated hardware devices known as e-Readers or e-book devices. Personal computers and some cell phones can also be used to read e-books. (Source: Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-book)

  4. INFO515 QUESTIONNAIRE Contact Information Name Phone Email @drexel.edu * We may contact you with any necessary follow-up questions to ensure that we do not misrepresent your answers.

  5. Additional Information Sex Male Female Age 46-55 Under 21 22-25 56-64 26-35 64+ 36-45

  6. Additional Information (cont’d) INFO515 QUESTIONNAIRE School Name Drexel University Title Library Staff Undergraduate Student Faculty Graduate Student Other University Staff Former Student/Graduate What is your major area of concentration? Arts and Humanities Law Business Mathematics and Physical Sciences Life Sciences Engineering Other (specify) Are you currently enrolled in the iSchool? If no, have you ever taken an online course? Yes No Yes No

  7. Current e-Book Usage INFO515 QUESTIONNAIRE Do you currently use e-books? Q1 Yes No If you answered No, why not? Q2 If you answered Yes, answer the following: What is your preferred reading format? (Check all that apply) Q3 E-Reader Mobile Device Computer Screen Print and Read on Paper What is your method of obtaining e-books? (Check all that apply) Q4 From Librarian Library Collection Online From Library Web Site Online e-Book Store (Amazon, for example) Other (specify) 7

  8. Current e-Book Usage (cont’d) INFO515 QUESTIONNAIRE What type of e-book do you prefer to read? (Check all that apply) Q5 Fiction Textbook I do not prefer e-books Non-Fiction Research Material Reference Material Other (specify) What digital format do you prefer to read? (Check all that apply) Q6 PDF ePub HTML Don’t Know Other (specify) How often do you use e-books? Q7 Frequently Rarely Sometimes Never How often do you use printed material? Q8 Frequently Rarely Sometimes Never

  9. Advantages & Disadvantages of e-Books INFO515 QUESTIONNAIRE Would you use a pre-loaded eReading device? Q9 Yes No Provide your opinion regarding the following -book characteristics I do not like e-books because they are difficult to read on a screen Q10 Agree Disagree Using e-books are environmentally friendly Q11 Agree Disagree Using e-books are convenient Q12 Agree Disagree Electronic book usage will be more prevalent in two (2) years Q13 Agree Disagree Electronic books are not convenient for note taking Q14 Agree Disagree Would you purchase a textbook in electronic format if it was just 10% cheaper? Q15 Yes No If No, when would you purchase an electronic textbook? (Check all that apply) Q16 More than 10% discount Option to rent at greatly reduced price Never Other (specify)

  10. Your Library and e-Books INFO515 QUESTIONNAIRE Do you currently download e-books from Drexel’s Hagerty Library? Q17 Yes No If you answered No, why not? Q18 If you answered Yes, respond to the following: What percentage do you think your library currently houses in e-book content? Q19 1-10% Don’t Know 26-50% 11-25% Over 50% Rate your overall experience with Hagerty Library’s e-book selection. Q20 Excellent Good Neutral Fair Poor N/A Rate your overall experience with Hagerty Library’s use of technology. Q21 Excellent Good Neutral Fair Poor N/A

  11. Your Library and e-Book s (cont’d) INFO515 QUESTIONNAIRE Have you ever experienced technical difficulties downloading e-books from Drexel’s Hagerty Library? Q22 Yes No Rate your overall experience with the Library’s technical assistance. Q23 Excellent Good Neutral Fair Poor N/A Were you already aware that library staff and technical assistance could be accessed via phone, email, chat, and in person? Q24 Yes No How important do you think it is for your academic library to make e-books available? Q25 Essential Important Somewhat Important Not Important Irrelevant No Opinion The e-books offered are not always compatible with my device. Q26 Agree Disagree

  12. The Future of e-Books INFO515 QUESTIONNAIRE Do you currently use…? (Check all that apply) Q27 MP3 Player Tablet Other Gaming Device Digital Camera PC/laptop GPS Wii Smartphone Other (specify) What obstacles keep you from using e-books? Q28 If you have comments regarding the use of e-books in an academic library, please provide them here. Q29

  13. The Future of e-Books (cont’d) INFO515 QUESTIONNAIRE In the future, do you think eReaders will improve reading enough to make e-books more prevalent than printed material? Q30 Yes No What eReader functions would make you use the technology more? Q31

  14. THANK YOUfor completing this questionnaire! Your time is greatly appreciated. You will receive the results via email in 4-6 weeks. If the “Thank You” screen appeared, you have successfully completed the online version of the questionnaire. If completing the printed version, please return via email to Marybeth Moretti @ mfm64@drexel.edu.

  15. References Rowlands, I., Nicholas, D., Jamali, H. R. and Huntington, P. (10 Aug 2007). What do faculty and students really think about e-books? Aslib Proceedings New Information Perspectives, Vol 59, No. 6, 2007, pp. 489-511. (See file: Faculty_Student_Opinion_eBooks.pdf)

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