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New staff. F. Roncarolo fellowship extended by 6-months (until 31/12/2006) E. Benedetto fellowship from 1/7/2006 (mainly on LHC & high intensity beam issues in the SPS) G. Smirnov scientific associate from 1/3/2006 to 31/08/2006.
New staff • F. Roncarolo fellowship extended by 6-months (until 31/12/2006) • E. Benedetto fellowship from 1/7/2006 (mainly on LHC & high intensity beam issues in the SPS) • G. Smirnov scientific associate from 1/3/2006 to 31/08/2006. • Required 6-month extension of F. Lemuet as PhD student working on FFAG (H. Haseroth and F. Méot)
News from SLM • PS/SPS Days 18/19 January 2006 – Council Chamber – programme finalized, invitations will be sent-out soon • Chamonix meeting 23-27 January 2006 – Divonne • Session on I-LHC project an in particular on LEIR commissioning : what has been done and what did we learn from it for the LHC commissioning. • Next LTC (14/12/2005) dedicated to LHC Commissioning • EPAC06 – Deadline for submission of the abstracts 18/1/2006, in AB 09/01/2006 to S. Myers via GL a few days before to Oliver
News from SLM • AB review 11/11 and 14/11: • Detailed analysis of the work packages and of the manpower attributed to them: • APT is the new tool for personnel management and not all entries for ABP were up-to-date being corrected • Manpower shortage in 2006-2007 • How resources could be redistributed if we delay ion programme by 1-2 years? • presently trying to make some order in APT and trying to imagine the impact of a delay of the ion programme (or only of the nominal scheme)
News from SLM • From the SPSC (15/11/2005) • Presentation of possible means to increase the p.o.t. for the COMPASS experiment and in general to increase the efficiency (p/MW) of delivering protons at high energy. • Summary of the possibilities discussed at the APC sent to S. Myers, J.-P. Delahaye and physics coordinator. • Very well received by SPSC and by COMPASS (GA presentation at COMPASS collaboration meeting) • ICARUS will not take neutrino oscillation data. No money to complete the detector.
News from SLM • BNL will suspend RHIC operation from Dec’05 to Sept’06 for budgetary reasons.
Status of Pension Fund • Meeting with A. Naudi on 24/11/2005. • Two main worries: • Debt for LHC construction and Pension fund • Reduction of the personnel (below critical mass for new projects?) • Debt CERN vs. Pension Fund is the result of a series of additional benefits granted by Member States but not covered financially • Governing Board measures increase MS contributions by 7MCHF/y rejected by majority of MS
Status of Pension Fund • Management proposal aimed at establishing the principle that something must be done by the MS to solve the problem of the Pension Fund without further increasing the debt CERN-vs.-Pension Fund • Panel of experts (from governmental or private institutions?) is going to be charged to provide a comparison with other pension funds and propose measures by April 2006. • By the end of 2006 decisions on measures to attack the deficit of the Pension Fund • By the end of 2006 DG should also present a plan addressing personnel, R&D and plans for the reduction of the debt.
News from other meetings • ABIC: • During winter we will stay on EDF network (70 MW limit but 22 EJP) Impact on LEIR clarified: LEIR will not stop during EJP days in November/December (today is the 4th EJP day). Situation to be reviewed in January to decide policy in February and March