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Monday. Calescite !. Scribe in lingua Latina et in Anglice : 1)ubi est mea pecunia ? 2) i uvenis adest . 3) i udex est laetus . Conjugate “ ambulō , ambulāre ” (I walk, to walk) in the Present Tense. Stage 6 Model Sentences. pg. 88

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Monday

  2. Calescite! Scribe in lingua Latina et in Anglice: 1)ubi est mea pecunia? 2) iuvenisadest. 3) iudexestlaetus. Conjugate “ambulō, ambulāre” (I walk, to walk) in the Present Tense.

  3. Stage 6 Model Sentences • pg. 88 • Take out a sheet of paper, label it w/ this title • Write down the translations as we work on them together (WordDoc)

  4. Stage 6 MS Part II • Which verb tense have we learned so far? • The new tenses: IMPERFECT & PERFECT • How are each of these translated? *Together: make three lists, one for each tense. Write each verb from the sentences in the correct chart. (WordDoc)

  5. Tuesday

  6. Calescite! Conjugate “moneō, monēre, monuī” (I warn, to warn, I warned) in the Present Tense.

  7. Conjugate “moneō, monēre, monuī” (I warn, to warn, I warned) PRESENT TENSE

  8. Imperfect Tense How is it translated? I was _____ing We were _____ing You were ______ing Ya’ll were _____ing He/She/it was ______ing They were ____ing

  9. Imperfect Tense How is it formed? 2nd Principal Part moneo, monēre Drop –re monē 3) Add –ba– monēba 4) Add Personal Endings monēbam *Imperfect Sheep!!! BA!!!

  10. Practice Conjugate “moneō, monēre, monuī” (I warn, to warn, I warned) in the Imperfect Tense.

  11. Conjugate “moneō, monēre, monuī” (I warn, to warn, I warned) IMPERFECT TENSE

  12. Conjugate “amo, amāre, amāvī” (I love, to love, I loved) IMPERFECT TENSE

  13. Conjugate “amo, amāre, amāvī” (I love, to love, I loved) IMPERFECT TENSE

  14. Wednesday

  15. Calescite! Conjugate “videō, vidēre” (I see, to see) in the IMPERFECT Tense.

  16. Conjugate “videō, vidēre” (I see, to see) IMPERFECT TENSE

  17. “pugna” • pg. 90 • We will translate together • Write down the translation as we go

  18. “pugna”Part II • pg. 90 • Create two columns, Imperfect vs. Perfect • Write three sentences in Latin about the story as if you were telling it to someone in the PRESENT tense • Ex: Clemens in foroambulat. servi et ancillaevidet. Graecusagricolamvituperat.

  19. Thursday

  20. Calescite! Conjugate “laudō, laudāre” (I praise, to praise) in the IMPERFECT Tense.

  21. Conjugate “laudō, laudāre” (I praise, to praise) in the IMPERFECT Tense.

  22. “Fēlīx” – pg. 91 • Groups of three • Jobs: • Scriptor: One sheet of notebook paper with ENGLISH translation • Pictor: Three colored pictures on computer paper with three LATIN captions • Scrutator: Checking vocabulary

  23. “Fēlīx” – pg. 91 Lines 1-3 (multi – libertus) [5 min] Lines 4-6 (Clemens – sedebat) [5 min] Lines 6-9 (Caecilius – ridebat) [7 min] Lines 10-12 (tum – paravit) [5 min]

  24. Gallery • Tape pictures to the wall • Rotate groups looking at other pictures • Post – it – notes : +/Δ plus/delta good things/improvements

  25. Friday

  26. Calescite/Grammar Notes Conjugate “sum, esse” (I am, to be) in the Present Tense.

  27. Calescite/Grammar Notes Conjugate “sum, esse” (I am, to be) in the Present Tense

  28. Grammar Notes Conjugate “sum, esse” (I am, to be) in the Imperfect Tense

  29. Grammar Notes Conjugate “sum, esse” (I am, to be) in the Imperfect Tense

  30. NOTEBOOKS!Next Week!

  31. Practicing Pronunciation • Students who were absent last time should translate “Felix,” pg. 91 • Find a partner • Take turns reading stories • can be any stories from ANY stage • After one person reads, the other critiques • Next 20 minutes…nolitedicere in Anglice! :D


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