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Chapter 11 – Personal and Business Reorganization –Chapter 11 Bankruptcy -is used by individuals and businesses to reorganize their affairs while under the protection of the Bankruptcy Court. Chapter 11 may be more appropriate for some individuals as opposed to reorganization under Chapter 13.
Theodore N. Stapleton, PC Bankruptcy Attorney Atlanta (770)436-3334 Atlanta Business Bankruptcy Attorneys & Chapter 7 Lawyers, Creditor Representation -creditor’s interests in chapter 7, 11, & 13 cases, including preference and fraudulent transfer litigation.
Atlanta Business Bankruptcy Attorneys & Chapter 7 Lawyers At Theodore N. Stapleton, P.C., we have been helping businesses and individualsundergoing financial hardships since 1983. The Bankruptcy Code offers relief under Chapters11,7 and 13 for those businesses and individuals who qualify. Financial insolvency can cause agreat deal of uncertainty, in some cases making credit harder to obtain. In many cases, filing fordebt restructuring or liquidation can actually be a positive financial move. Call today toschedule a free consultation with Mr. Stapleton and get educated on the alternatives tobankruptcy, including non-judicial workout and repayment plans; and the requirements, processand ramifications of filing a Chapter 11 debt reorganization, a Chapter 7 debt liquidation or aChapter 13 individual debt restructuring case.
Practice Areas Chapter 11 – Personal and Business Reorganization –Chapter 11 Bankruptcy -is used byindividuals and businesses to reorganize their affairs while under the protection of theBankruptcy Court. Chapter 11 may be more appropriate for some individuals as opposedto reorganization under Chapter 13. Chapter 7 – Personal Bankruptcy – Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is used by individuals to dischargetheir credit card debt, personal loans, and other claims and to obtain a “fresh start.” Underchapter 7, a person retains their exempt property such as their homestead and certainpersonal property and retirement benefits. Chapter 13 – Personal Reorganization -Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is used by individuals toreorganize or discharge their debt. Chapter 13 is typically used to stop foreclosure andcatch home mortgages up-to-date and to discharge debt. In chapter 13 you may be able towipe out a second mortgage that is wholly “underwater.”
Creditor Representation Creditor Representation -creditor’s interests in chapter 7, 11, & 13 cases, including preference andfraudulent transfer litigation. Bankruptcy is a federal process in which a debtor – individual or business – is able to discharge or restructure debts theyare currently unable to pay to their lenders. What was once a process to which a negative stigma was attached by creditors seeking to reclaim what they were owed, bankruptcy has since become a very popular and common solution to many a debtor’s financial woes. Bankruptcy can reduce, if not completely eliminate a person’s debts, freeing them from their financial obligations and affording them a fresh start. However, there are several intricate processes involved in filing for bankruptcy protection and several chapters of the Bankruptcy Code which may afford protection. Without an experienced legal representative on your side, you may make a critical mistake that can lead you to incur even more debt or even criminal sanctions.Luckily, help is available to all individual and business debtors who have considered filing for bankruptcy protection. If you reside in the Atlanta, Georgia area, turn to bankruptcy attorney Theodore N. Stapleton, P.C. to ensure that your rights are protected and any bankruptcy proceedings are resolved favorably to you.
About Mission Statement: I give my clients personalized attention, unlike the large bankruptcy mills. Throughout the process, the client gets my full attention to their case. Law school: Emory University School of Law 1984 Atlanta, GA University/College: Rollins College Winter Park, FL Field of study: Political Science Other information: B.A., 1981
Contact Theodore N. Stapleton, PC 2802 Paces Ferry Road Suite 100-B Atlanta, Georgia, 30339 Ph- 770-436-3334 Fax- 770-436-5398 E-Mail- TStaple@TStaple.com